Half an hour later, the black cloud overwhelmed the city.

The sky above the Spirit Fire Palace was pitch black, like a deep night.

With a roaring sound, the last three thunderbolts fell at the same time, and finally fused together, turning into a hideous and terrifying thunder dragon, rushing into the sea of fire and fighting with several fire dragons.

For a time, it was evenly matched.

But soon, the thunder dragon gained the upper hand, several fire dragons were torn apart, and seeing the thunder dragon rushing towards him, Sujili was unhurried and poured his whole body mana into the fire cover.

A fiery red hood completely covers it and is airtight.

Endless fire burns, deducing many mysterious changes, each of which is a defense, layered and dense.

Seeing that the thunder dragon was incompetent and furious, and all kinds of changes were constantly wearing, and it was difficult to break through the defense, Su Jili smiled.

Although the fire shield integrates attack and defense, it focuses more on defense.

Seeing that the power of the Thunder Dragon was constantly weakened, he understood that this time Cheng Immortal was stable.

A moment later, the thunder dragon roared, completely exhausted, Su Jili put away the fire cover, at the same time, the dark clouds dispersed, the sky was bright, and a large amount of ganlin and creation immortal light descended from the Heavenly Dao.

Not only did the Spirit Root Immortal Grass that had been affected in the Spirit Fire Palace recover quickly, but it also showed its vitality, and Sujili, who was bathed in the creation center, benefited a lot.

Not only is the fire spirit body more powerful and pure, but it is more in line with the Avenue of Fire, truly transforming from a mortal body to a fairy bone Dao body, greatly extending the life yuan, and the vitality is as vigorous as fire, and the mana, divine power, yuan god, and flesh body have greatly increased, as if washing away the lead and transforming and sublimating.

Su Jili has handsome facial features, angular and angular, sword eyebrows and stars, after becoming an immortal, he is more handsome and dusty, unique temperament, red robe fluttering, fairy wind Dao bone, extraordinary.

When Gan Lin dispersed and the Creation Immortal Light disappeared, Su Jili floated to the ground, and after respectfully saluting in the direction of the Divine Fire Palace, he turned around and returned to the Spirit Fire Palace to continue the retreat.

The distance between immortals and mortals is like a heavenly graben, with the difference between clouds and mud.

This time to become an immortal, he has a better understanding and comprehension of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, especially the Avenue of Fire, and many puzzles in the past have been solved, in addition to pushing the old and new, he has also given birth to many insights, and he needs to digest it well, in order to seek a further step in the Dao, worthy of the body of an immortal.

Coupled with the fact that he needed to apply the power and means of immortals as soon as possible, the opportunity was fleeting, and it was necessary to retreat in time.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace, looking at Su Jili, who had just been reborn, Luo Xuan laughed.

“My Fire Dragon Island is prosperous!”

A hundred years of immortals and a solid foundation, without any operation to help pull out seedlings!

This kind of talent is enough to be compared with the first disciple of the three generations of the Sect, the Fire Spirit, even if there is a slight gap, it is very small.

He was quite satisfied with Sugili’s performance.


Luo Xuan’s excitement, Su Jili could not feel it for the time being.

He digested the results without distraction, immersed himself in the avenue physically and mentally, comprehending the truth of the avenue, and was mesmerized, a Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit was formed unconsciously, the Dao and mana matched, and the Yuan God and the flesh sympathized.

Decades later, the gate of the Spirit Fire Palace opened.

A young Taoist stepped out, dressed in red, slender figure, Zhilan Yushu, Feng Shen handsome, it was Su Jili.

Looking at the rising sun in the sky, he was in a good mood and radiant, and today, he has finally become a true immortal, without worrying about life, and has taken an important step on the road of seeking the Dao.

After teasing the little scourge for a while, Sujili set up the light and went to the Divine Fire Palace.

After some salute, on the high platform, looking at the beloved disciple who radiated the light of the Qing Immortal Dynasty, Luo Xuan gently bowed his head and spoke.

“It is very gratifying for you to become an immortal.”

“The road to immortals is long, the heavenly immortals are just the beginning, I hope you can guard against arrogance and irritability, clear your Dao heart, continue to maintain the previous rhythm, and go further on the road of seeking the Dao.”

Sugili bowed and said sincerely.

“Disciple, thank you Master for teaching.”

“The road is long, and I will seek it up and down.”

“The disciple will not forget his original intention, practice hard, and not fall into the prestige of my Fire Dragon Island.”

That’s what it says.

After finally crossing once, he naturally wanted to go high enough and far enough on the road of the avenue.

Only with strong strength can we have more self-preservation power in the future God Sealing Tribulation.

Only strong strength can live comfortably in the flood and famine full of dangers.

Of course!

To the master who cared about him, Sujili was also truly grateful.

Luo Xuan was not a wordy person, and after solemnly admonishing a few words, he was no longer verbose, but spoke for Sujili.

Immortal path practice is very different from metamorphosis practice.

Since the apprentice had become an immortal, Luo Xuan naturally had to patiently explain it to him, so that he knew the direction of progress and took fewer detours, so as not to half-understand, make a mistake, and miss his own path.

Sugili also held his breath, calmed his mind, and listened carefully.

In the matter of cultivation, he is just a fledgling stunned young man, and his eyes are even darker and confused about the practice of the immortal path, and the master is willing to lead the way, and he can’t ask for it.

This is the benefit of having a Master.

Many roads do not need to be explored by yourself, and when the time comes, you will be shown the way.

A large number of living beings in the flood and famine are eager to learn from teachers and join the saint sect, not only because they have the support of saints and can pull the banner of tiger skin, but also because the predecessors planted trees and the later people took advantage of the cool, if there are questions about practice, you only need to consult the saints to get answers, and the practice will be smoother.

In Luo Xuan’s narration, Su Jili had some understanding of the practice of immortal path.

Heavenly immortals are the way of knowledge, and true immortals are the way of understanding.

Xuan Immortal is the enlightened way, and the golden immortal is the standing way.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal is the Dao, and the Da Luo Golden Immortal is the enlightened Dao.

Each realm requires a different one.

For example, Su Jili must at least achieve the Golden Immortal, establish the Stove Avenue, completely sit on the position of the Stove King, and really make small achievements on the road of seeking the Dao.

In order to prevent the apprentice from being too ambitious, Luo Xuan brushed off the practice after the Golden Immortal, focusing on the practice and principles before the Golden Immortal, and passing on some magical powers by the way.

Sujili listened to it very attentively and was intoxicated.

For practitioners, time always flies quickly, thirty years in a flash.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace, Luo Xuan stopped talking.

A few days later, Sugili woke up and bowed to the high platform.

“Disciple, thank you Master for your guidance.”

He originally thought that after the sermon was over, the matter would end here for the time being, and he should return to the Spirit Fire Palace to continue his practice, but he couldn’t think of the next moment, Luo Xuan spoke.

“In a few years, the sect leader will open a lecture on Jinao Island.”

“Since you have become an immortal, you are qualified to go to Jinao Island, and this time you will enter my Holy Land with your teacher.”

“Remember to follow the rules, don’t lose my face in front of the elders of the division.”

Sugili immediately echoed.

“The disciple remembers the command.”

Unexpectedly, he would encounter such a good thing.

Jinao Island is the base camp of the Truncated Sect, a veritable saint field, whether it is resources or aura, it is the top level of the flood and wilderness, because the rhyme of sainthood is pervasive all year round, one year of internal cultivation can be worth several years outside, whether it is enlightenment, or refining the law, it is twice as effective with half the effort.

Su Jili had heard Luo Xuan mention it several times, and each time he was fascinated.

Not to mention, this time it was to listen to the saints!

For him, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime creation and opportunity.

Maybe after hearing the sermon, he will be able to break through the realm and be promoted to a true immortal.

Looking at Su Jili, who was full of heart, Luo Xuan’s eyebrows rose and his eyes smiled.

What this apprentice was thinking, he could guess somewhat.

In fact, this time he decided to bring Sugili to Jinao Island, and there were also considerations in this regard.

He is only a disciple of the outer sect, and the help he can provide to his apprentices is limited, far from being comparable to Senior Brother Duobao, and this kind of opportunity is naturally something that can be rubbed.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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