The blue sea is turbulent, and the clouds are light and the wind is light.

Both Dragon Island and Jinao Island are located on the East China Sea, not far apart.

Su Jili followed Master Luo Xuan for only a few years to enter the realm of Jinao Island and fell to the periphery of the Holy Field.

Along the way, they encountered many immortals who rushed to the road, and thousands of various lights flew towards Jinao Island, the scene was magnificent and magnificent, which made Su Jili have a preliminary impression of the trend of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect.

“Thousands of years have not been seen, Senior Brother Luo Xuan’s demeanor is better than in the past, it seems that he has gained from cultivation and gains, which really makes Senior Brother admire.”

“Senior Brother Luo Xuan, long time no see.”

“Senior Brother Luo Xuan, who is this?”

Because the distance was relatively close, Su Jili and Master set off late, and by the time they arrived, tens of thousands of immortals had already gathered on the outskirts of Jinao Island.

Many immortals greeted Luo Xuan, and after greeting each other, their eyes fell on Su Jili.

Faced with the inquiries of many fellow doors, Luo Xuan generously introduced.

“This is a small disciple, not a climate, and it takes a hundred years to become an immortal.”

“This time the sect leader preached, and the poor road specially brought him to see it, appreciate the style of my holy place, and by the way, meet the sect leader and listen to the saint’s sermon.”

Hearing this, many immortals looked sideways.

It is not only Sujili’s outstanding talent, but also Luo Xuan’s alternative show-off.

100 years to become an immortal!

Among the three generations of disciples of the Sect, only the first disciple of Master Duobao’s disciple Fire Spirit could be compared.

Is that enough?

Bah me!

After saying hello, many second-generation immortals of the Sect turned around and left, not wanting to see Luo Xuan’s proud face, and many immortals sincerely congratulated.

“Congratulations to Senior Brother (Senior Brother) for receiving a good apprentice!”

People are close and far, and so are immortals.

These remaining Jiao Immortals have a good relationship with Luo Xuan, and the Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island, the God of Pestilence, Lu Yue, Liu Huan, etc. are prominently listed.

Su Jili also curried over the cleverness and behaved, and continued to salute under the introduction of Master Luo Xuan, with thorough etiquette, giving these uncles and uncles enough face.

Although many second-generation disciples do not care so much about etiquette, it is for themselves, and if outsiders or juniors do not pay attention to their etiquette, they will also be dissatisfied.

Su Jili’s understanding of etiquette and proper behavior made these Jiao Jiao Immortals feel very good, and they were also generous when they gave the meeting gift, and they were thousands of years of heaven and earth treasures when they made a move.

This is also related to the fact that their cultivation is high, the Intercept Sect is prosperous and the flood desolation has not yet been broken, and these Intercept Sect immortals do not lack spiritual medicine treasures, and they are relatively generous.

Because of this, Sujili’s mouth is sweeter, his attitude is not humble or arrogant, he is well versed in language arts, and his words not only make the immortals feel respected, but also appear that he is not flattering.

Luo Xuan was also very satisfied with his apprentice’s actions, both because he knew the etiquette and was interested, and because he was benefited.


Months later.

When the disciples and Zhao Gongming and other Sect Intercept Sect Da Luo Golden Immortals arrived one after another, the Water and Fire Boy appeared, announcing that the sermon was about to begin, and invited the Intercept Sect Immortals to enter.

Under the leadership of the people of Duo Bao Dao, the immortal fish of the Intercept Sect rushed in.

As a personal disciple, the Duo Bao Daoist, the Wudang Virgin, the Turtle Spirit Virgin and the Golden Spirit Virgin naturally occupied the best positions, and they walked into the Biyou Palace, and the futon under the seat was the front.

In this process, Sujili saw the first disciple of the three generations of the Truncated Sect: the Fire Spirit.

At this time, she had not yet broken into the name of the Holy Mother, she was just a Xuan Immortal, but her status was higher, and she stepped into the inner hall with the people of Duo Bao Dao.

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao Fairy, as the leading immortals of the outer gate, were naturally also qualified to enter the inner hall of Biyou Palace and occupy a place.

Wuyunxian, Dingguangxian, Qiushou Immortal and others also entered the inner hall with the seven immortals.

As for the other Sect Intercept Immortals, they could only stay in the outer hall of Biyou Palace, extending outward according to the level of cultivation.

Fortunately, Biyou Palace is a small world with a vast interior space, more than enough to accommodate tens of thousands of immortals.

Luo Xuan was one of the elite disciples of the outer sect of the Intercept Sect, although he could not enter the inner hall, but he was in the front position in the outer hall of Biyou Palace, and Su Jili, as his disciple, naturally rose and got a good position.

Although it could not be compared with the elite disciples of the outer sect of the Intercept Sect, it could be ranked with the Xuan Immortal Realm Intercept Sect Immortal, and Su Jili was already very satisfied with this.

He is just a junior, ranking last in terms of cultivation and qualifications, and the immortals have taken good care of him for the sake of the master’s face, and if Sujili is not satisfied, he will be too aggressive.

This kind of stupid thing, he will not do.


“The sermon begins!”

After the words of the Water and Fire Boy fell, the entire Biyou Palace instantly became quiet.

Above the gimbal, a figure suddenly appeared.

His whole body is shrouded in mysterious Dao rhyme, which is unreal, but with his appearance, the entire Biyou Palace is in chaos, auspicious clouds are shrouded, and the Dao rhyme rises sharply, as if the avenue has descended, and visions are frequent.

This Taoist is none other than the Truncated Saint; Tongtian Sect Lord.

“See the sect master (master, teacher)!”

After some salute, the Tongtian Sect Lord did not say much, but simply and neatly, and immediately preached.

The sage’s sermon is naturally extraordinary, the Dao rhyme and the innate spiritual energy are fused, turning into endless lotus flowers falling, the Dao sound turns into dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other beasts, roaring and galloping, sprinkling endless holy light, and a mighty avenue and long river emerges behind the Tongtian Sect Lord, rushing endlessly, and every drop of water is a wisp of law.

Inside the Biyou Palace, the immortals of the Sect were mesmerized when they heard it, and they were all immersed in it.

This was the first time Sugili had listened to a sage’s sermon, and he was fascinated by the feeling of opening his arms to him, while his body instinctively absorbed and refined the surrounding spiritual energy lotus.

He had never felt that he was so close to the avenue, and all kinds of mysterious truths seemed to have taken off the veil of mystery and were clearly seen, many feelings surged into his heart like a tide, the Dao and mana were soaring, the Yuan God became transparent, and the flesh and blood soared.

There are no years of practice.

Five hundred years later, the saint stopped preaching.

Decades later, Su Jili woke up slowly, his eyes opened and closed, his aura increased by hundreds of times, and the breath was even more terrifying.

The next moment, the corners of his mouth rose, and a bright smile bloomed on his face, and he was pleasantly surprised.

Sujili knew that the saint’s sermon was a great opportunity and was mentally prepared, but he did not expect that after a sermon, he would gain so much.

Not only has he made significant progress in magical powers, formations, swordsmanship, dan dao, etc., but he has also broken through several realms, cultivated to promote to the True Immortal Realm, and even reached the peak of the early stage of True Immortal, saving him thousands of years of hard work.

Next, the Tongtian Sect Master began to answer questions and point out the confusion for the second-generation disciples of the Truncated Sect, and it was still the eldest disciple Duo Bao Daoist who took the lead.

These questions and answers are somewhat profound for Sugili, not only difficult to understand, but also easily counterproductive and harmful.

He decisively shifted his attention and concentrated on absorbing the holy charm and spiritual energy lotus in the Biyou Palace to accumulate the heritage.

A hundred years later, it was finally Luo Xuan’s turn.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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