Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

When the master asked the Tongtian Sect Leader, Sujili woke up in time, and he knew that Luo Xuan would introduce himself to the Shangqing Saint.

Sure enough!

After Luo Xuan finished asking the doubts of cultivation, he changed his voice and spoke.

“Master Qiyu, the disciple once put a person into the door wall and carefully taught, six hundred years ago, he successfully crossed the calamity and became an immortal, this time I specially brought it to pay homage to the master.”

The words fell.

Luo Xuan turned his head and drank.

“Immortal barrier, don’t hurry up to meet the master.”

Su Jili had been waiting for a long time, and with Luo Xuan’s order, he immediately got up, walked to his side, bowed and bowed, and his attitude was respectful.

“Apprentice Sujili meets Shizu.”

Above the gimbal, looking at the good-looking Sujili, the Tongtian Sect Lord bowed his head slightly.

The immortals of the Jijiao sect are uneven, with different appearances, and there are few immortals of the human race, let alone people with excellent appearance.

Sugili’s image is superior in interpreting teaching.

Of course!

The Tongtian Sect Lord is not so superficial, he has no class, he does not have high requirements for image, and he values Sujili’s inner appearance more than his external appearance.

As the lord of Jinao Island, as early as when this cheap apprentice entered and set foot on Immortal Island, the Shangqing sage noticed this junior.

Although he glanced at it in a hurry, he already knew the ins and outs of this apprentice and the state of his cultivation.

Since the development of the sect, three generations of disciples have entered one after another, it seems that there are not many of them, but this is compared to tens of thousands of second-generation disciples, in fact, there are thousands of third-generation disciples, however, there are only a few who can enter his eyes, and Sujilicha is one of them.

“It only takes a hundred years to become an immortal.”

“It can be compared with the little fire spirit under Duobaomen.”

“Luo Xuan, you have accepted a good apprentice!”

As soon as these words came out, Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice were overjoyed.

You know, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect is a saint.

There are only a handful of disciples of the entire three generations of the Sect who can be recognized and appreciated by him, and so far, only the Fire Spirit.

Entering the eyes of his old man’s law, it means that Su Jili’s position in the Intercept Sect is stable, even the second generation of the Truncated Sect disciples have to give the latter a face, if one day, Su Jili asks to come to the door, as long as the request is not excessive, they will try to provide help.

More importantly, from now on, Su Jili, like the Fire Spirit, will have a pivotal position among the three generations of disciples of the Truncated Sect.


Inside the Biyou Palace, above the gimbal.

Looking at the elated Luo Xuan master and apprentice, the Tongtian Sect Lord’s heart moved, and a stream of light fell into Su Jili’s hand with a wave of his sleeve.

When the light dissipated, a pot-shaped spirit treasure came into view.

“This is the cauldron of heaven and earth, which I obtained in my early years.”

“Although it is a congenital spirit treasure of inferiority, it integrates attack and defense, and contains creation, which is quite mysterious.

This spiritual treasure is related to you, I hope you make good use of it, protect yourself, practice hard, do not miss your own path and fall into the prestige of the sect. ”

Master Luo Xuan was shocked.

Su Jili did not expect that the Sect Lord Saint would give the innate spirit treasure.

After all, although Master Luo Xuan was an elite disciple of the outer sect, he was completely incomparable to his master brother Duobao Daoist, and the gap between the two was huge.

Because of this, although Su Jili was also a century-old immortal, he was clear in his mind and knew that his status was temporarily difficult to compare with the fire spirit.

Being able to get the praise and recognition of the Tongtian Sect Lord himself was already a great gain for Su Jili.

As for the innate Lingbao, he didn’t think about it.

The Tongtian Sect Lord did not owe him, but the Sect was as kind to him as a mountain, and no matter what the result was, he should be grateful.

However, the Tongtian Sect Lord actually gave him such a big surprise.

“Apprentice Sujili, thank you Master!”

“In the future, I will devote myself to cultivation and promote my prestige.”

Sugili bowed sincerely.

As for the reason why the Tongtian Sect Lord gave him the Innate Spirit Treasure, he could guess a thing or two.

On the one hand, it may be that this master looks at him more pleasantly, the saint moves with his heart, will not deliberately suppress his own preferences, and returns to the basics between speech and behavior, more like ordinary mortals, especially his own master has a free personality, is not informal, indulgent, and is the best among the saints.

Since it is pleasing to the eye, it is natural to give the innate spirit treasure as a gift.

Just like Bixiao in the Three Xiaos, her qualifications and cultivation were not much different from Master Luo Xuan, just because she was more liked by the Tongtian Sect Lord, she got the Golden Jiao Scissors, the most precious treasure, the combat power increased greatly, and she got the Sect Interception Resources tilt, which gradually took the lead, and became a Daluo Golden Immortal.

Su Jili once heard Luo Xuan mention this, and his words were full of envy and regret.

On the other hand, Su Jili chose to take the Stove Avenue, which is unique in the Jijiao, the pot is a kitchenware, and the Stove Avenue is also closely related, in the final analysis, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect is willing to give the innate spirit treasure, and this innate spirit treasure is indeed related to him.

After Luo Xuan was shocked, he was overjoyed.

He had never been given an innate spirit treasure by the sect leader, and now, the apprentice appeared, Luo Xuan naturally raised his eyebrows and was happy.

The other second-generation disciples reacted differently, some were happy, some envious, some jealous, and some unwilling.

But no matter what, they didn’t dare to despise Su Jili, let alone find an opportunity to snatch the spirit treasure.

Not only because they are the same family, Su Jili is still a junior, but also because whether it is the golden crown or the heaven and earth pot, it is personally given by the sect master saint in front of the ten thousand immortals of the sect, not to mention that the sect immortals dare not take the treasure at will, after the news spreads, even other saint disciples and the power of the Hong Wilderness will not bully the small for the sake of the spirit treasure, and easily make a move against Su Jili, otherwise, it is very likely to face the angry Ten Thousand Immortals and Shangqing saints.

This is also the reason why Sujili is a true immortal, and the Tongtian Sect Lord dares to give treasures.

Of course!

If the three generations of disciples of other Sage Sects fought with the three generations of disciples of the Intercept Sect, clashed with their peers, or if there were living beings who completely tore their faces apart from the Intercept Sect, the matter would be a different matter.

But this situation is rare, and at present, no one dares to do this.


A thousand years after Sugili went to the island, the sermon finally ended.

He did not stay much on Jinao Island, and soon left with Luo Xuan, as did the other Sect Immortals.

Listening to the Tao for a thousand years, they each have their own gains, they all need to retreat and digest as soon as possible, as for reminiscence, come to Japan for a long time, there are opportunities in the future, compared to the path, the rest are not in a hurry.

On the mountain of Jinao Island, watching Su Jili’s departing back, the beautiful eyes of a red-clothed fairy flickered.

She is the three generations of great disciples of the Truncated Sect: the Fire Spirit.

She was particularly curious about people who could be looked at differently by the Sect Leader Saint and personally praised to be able to compete with her.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to get acquainted for the time being.

Fortunately, they are all three generations of disciples.

In the future, if this Sujili can really catch up with her steps, they will know each other, become familiar with each other, fight within the church, and join hands outside the church.

Seeing that the disciple was not confused by Su Jili’s appearance, but had a good attitude and wanted healthy competition, the people of Duo Bao Dao were very gratified.

As the first disciple of the three generations of the Truncated Sect, the pattern must be large.

The fire spirit lived up to his careful teaching.

There are many second-generation disciples of the Jiao Sect, and there are always disciples of the same sect who can receive a few good talents and beautiful jade.

For Su Jili, not only was he not disgusted, but he was also happy to see more disciples of the three generations of the Jijiao Sect excelling.

It can not only put pressure on the fire spirit, so that she does not dare to slack off her practice, but also allow the sect to continue to inherit and grow.

The mind of the master and apprentice of Duobao Dao, Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice are temporarily unknown.

A few years later, Fire Dragon Island.

As soon as they returned, they went into retreat.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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