“I see the ancestor, I wish the ancestor a smooth road, and the immortal blessing will enjoy forever.”

As Su Jili led the gods to descend into the Barilla Palace, the sound of saluting like a tsunami sounded up and down Qingyang Mountain, watching the kitchen road becoming more and more vigorous and talented, Su Jili was relieved, not only did not talk nonsense, in anticipation, sat cross-legged on a huge gimbal, spat out the voice, and began to preach.

Taiyi Qingyun appeared, and the golden wheel of merit was like bathing Qingyang Mountain in a great sun, releasing immeasurable golden light of merit, shining on the entire mountain range, so that all living beings couldn’t help but be pure in their hearts and listen attentively.

The mysterious sound of the Dao is like the sound of the yellow bell Da Lu in the ears, deafening, thought-provoking, and performing endless visions in the air, turning into a cluster of flame lotuses, blooming with light, each lotus flower is transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, refining one flower can save life for days of hard practice.

Today, Sujili is already a golden immortal, and his preaching will trigger some visions of heaven and earth, which is a good thing, indicating that his comprehension of the Dao has reached a height that even heaven and earth recognize.

Golden Immortal Dao, Taiyi Li Dao, Da Luo Chengdao!

Each stage of seeking the path has a different emphasis and requirements.

Su Jili has achieved the Golden Immortal of Taiyi, and he condenses the five qi with his original spiritual kitchen method, and the way he created is unique, which can be regarded as a new road under the Three Thousand Avenue and another path under the Avenue of Fire.

Because of this, he is ready to use this sermon to formally establish the Kitchen Dao, the Kitchen God Dao vein set up by the Golden Immortal before, but the Dao vein is not one, and because of the particularity and pioneering nature of the Kitchen Dao, Sujili may be able to gain some merit this time.

Even if not, the Kitchen Dao officially became a new road under the Three Thousand Avenues, which was enough to leave a mark on heaven and earth, greatly increase his luck, and be recognized and accepted by more living beings, which would also be of infinite benefit to him.

Therefore, Sugili’s preaching this time is preaching, and it is also combing.

He started from the most basic of the four realms, the so-called high place, now Su Jili stands at different heights, and his understanding of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth is more in-depth and comprehensive, even if the basic truth is still penetrated by him, it is thought-provoking, and some immortals have gained a lot.

With the passage of time, the Dao sound on Qingyang Mountain became more and more grand and mysterious, the vision became more and more terrifying, the Dao rhyme gradually became richer, and the entire mountain range quietly transformed in the Dao Rhyme invasion.

Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Xuan Immortal, Golden Immortal…

Su Jili’s way became more and more mysterious and difficult, at first the kitchen immortals were indeed happy, but gradually they couldn’t keep up, first the heavenly immortals, then the real immortals, and later, only Yi Yin, who was already a true immortal, barely understood the two Xuan Immortal principles, and when he reached the Golden Immortals, he couldn’t understand it at all.

However, Yi Yin was a smart person, and instead of forcing it, he began to refine the Spiritual Qi Fire Lotus with his heart, and other immortals also took advantage of this special environment to cultivate magical powers and accumulate mana.

Su Jili knew the situation of the sentient beings in the audience, but he had no intention of stopping, if the way before Xuan Immortal was to talk to a group of living beings, then the way after Xuan Immortal was to talk to heaven and earth.

This is the process of leaving a culinary imprint between heaven and earth.

In the end, Sujili even talked about the way of taiyi and the unique five qi methods of the way of cooking.


The flowers bloom in two, one each.

Just as Su Jili was preaching Qingyang Mountain, Yang Jiao, Yang Jian and Yang Chan’s three brothers and sisters were also ready and joined forces to come to Momoyama to split the mountain to save their mother.

Yang Jiao and Yang Jian both have Xuanmen Guardian Xuan Gong, and they are both golden immortals, holding heavy treasures, powerful combat power, not ordinary golden immortals can compare, although Yang Chan is worse, only Xuan Immortal peak cultivation, but she has a fate with Nuwa Niangniang, was given the top-grade innate spirit baby lotus lamp, and the combat power is also not to be underestimated.

The three brothers and sisters worked together, and the general who guarded the mountain was naturally not an opponent, and was easily defeated, seeing that success was in sight, the three brothers and sisters couldn’t help but show their true feelings, knelt on the ground, cried to Momoyama, and called Yunhua fairy.

“Mother, the son has come to the night, let you suffer under this peach mountain for so many years.”

“Mother, don’t worry, Erlang will split Momoyama, save you out, and reunite with our family.”

“Mother, I’m Chan’er!”

Deep in Momoyama, in a water cave that did not see the light of day, Yunhua Fairy was connected by blood with the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family, and soon sensed their existence, at first, she thought it was an illusion again, and then she was convinced that her son and daughter were really coming.

“Da Lang, Erlang, Chan’er, are you guys?”

“Mother, it’s us! We’re here to save you! [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ] )

Hearing the long-lost voice, whether it was Yunhua Fairy or the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family, they were all excited, but when they heard that the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family were about to split the Taoshan Mountain, the Yunhua Fairy was anxious at once.

“Don’t do it indiscriminately.”

“In the past, it was my mother who was wrong, and I couldn’t help but match your father and violate the heavenly rule.”

“My mother is the princess of the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Emperor has just promulgated the Heavenly Rule, I knowingly committed it, although I do not regret falling in love with your father, let alone giving birth to the three of you, but some of the bottom is not able to hold the Heavenly Emperor, and the rules are broken.”

“Today’s end, I am to blame, it is my own fault, it is right, and I can’t blame others.”

“Now, seeing that your three brothers and sisters are safe and have achieved something, my mother has been relieved.”

“Moreover, I am a brother and sister with the Heavenly Emperor after all, and although I am imprisoned under Momoyama and cannot be free, he did not treat me harshly.”

“Heavenly power must not be violated, the Heavenly Destiny cannot be violated, the Heavenly Court is not the enemy of the three of you, don’t do stupid things, I can see you again, my mother is already content, take advantage of the fact that the Heavenly Court has not yet reacted, and leave quickly.”

Yunhua’s sentences come from the heart.

There is a motherly heart, and I really realize that I am wrong.

Although she was pressed under the peach mountain, the Heavenly Emperor did not embarrass her, the cave she was in was rich in spiritual energy, and there was no shortage of various resources, and Yunhua Fairy also calmed down in these thousands of years, reflected on the past, and felt that he was ridiculously wrong.

If she really thought about Yang Tianyou, she should not match a mortal in private, but help him become an immortal first.

Unfortunately, saving the mother has long become the obsession of the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family, they did not listen to the advice at all, but felt that their mother had suffered a lot, and now they are just comforting them, and they don’t want them to take risks, because of this, the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family feel even more guilty in their hearts, and Yang Jian is holding a giant axe, mobilizing the mana of his whole body, and slashing towards Taoyama.


The giant axe is extraordinary, it is the mountain axe forged by Dayu when he was controlling water in the past, and the mountain chiseled stone is infinitely powerful.

This axe was later left in the Yellow River, and now it has fallen into Yang Jian’s hands in Shangchuan.

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