
With a loud noise that shook the earth and the earth, under this axe, Momoyama was split, the majestic mountain body split to the left and right sides, the earth veins were broken, and a large amount of spiritual energy gushed out wildly.

The rift stretched from the top of the mountain all the way to the bottom of the mountain, and soon split the cave, revealing a silhouette that haunted the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family.

She is dressed in white, her complexion is beautiful, and her temperament is gorgeous, even if she is in prison and locked on the water lotus platform, she is still magnificent, and she is the former eldest princess of the Heavenly Court and the sister of the Heavenly Emperor: Yunhua Fairy!


The three brothers and sisters of the Yang family cried with joy, immediately ran their mana, and rushed over, Yunhua fairy also showed true feelings, the mood was agitated, pear blossoms brought rain, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared closely at the three children.

Although it has not been seen for thousands of years, the children have grown up and changed their appearance, but blood is thicker than water, Yunhua fairy still “nine six three” can distinguish Yang Jian and Yang Jiao at a glance, as for Yang Chan, as the only girl, naturally will not be mistaken.

But after the excitement, Yunhua Fairy immediately sobered up, knowing that the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family had broken into a catastrophe, causing them to flee immediately, otherwise, as soon as the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General arrived, everything would be too late.

When I finally saw my mother, thousands of years of longing suddenly broke out, how could the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family leave easily?

Yang Jian even held an open axe and slashed down towards the chain.

Unfortunately, the chain was transformed by the heavenly strip, with a trace of heavenly power, and Yang Jian could not split it, and his proud blow did not leave the slightest trace on the chain.

Just when Yang Jian wanted to continue chopping, a figure suddenly appeared above the firmament, a million miles of auspicious clouds, the light reflected, a god man sitting in the nine skies, wearing a crown on his head, wearing an imperial robe, divine majesty, supreme and noble, exuding infinite might, it was the Heavenly Emperor.

He had arrived a long time ago, but had been hiding in the shadows.

Haotian was particularly pleased that Yunhua could wake up.

As for the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family, he had complicated feelings.

Looking at the three cheap nephews (women) below, the Heavenly Emperor scolded in a deep voice.

“Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, Yang Chan, you and others blatantly violated the Heavenly Rule and split the mountain to save the mother, can you be convicted?”

When the enemy meets, his eyes are red.

After the Heavenly Emperor appeared, the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family turned red.

The vendetta of killing the father and the prisoner of the mother do not share the heavens.

In their eyes, the Heavenly Emperor was the culprit that caused their family to break up and die, and Yang Jian was just reckless, directly holding the mountain axe and killing towards the Heavenly Emperor.

As a result, the Heavenly Emperor just snorted coldly, and without seeing any movement, Yang Jian sprayed blood from his mouth, suffered heavy injuries, and together with Yang Jiao and Yang Chan, he was suppressed on the ground and could not move.

Yunhua Fairy cried and begged, however, the Heavenly Emperor turned a deaf ear this time, it is good for the young man to have arrogance, but he can’t be brainless, let alone offend Tianwei, he decided to teach these three cheap nephews (women) a profound lesson.

Thinking of this, the coercion released by the Heavenly Emperor was even greater, as terrifying as Mount Tai’s crushing peak, causing the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family to crawl on the ground, and all their internal organs seemed to be shattered.

At the critical moment, Zhao Gongming and Yuding Zhenren, who were hiding on the side, finally couldn’t stand it, took the initiative to appear, and tacitly joined forces to resist this coercion.

And the Heavenly Emperor’s goal has been achieved, and he took the initiative to accept the coercion, and his eyes were particularly cold.

“Two real people, don’t mistake themselves!”

“Great Tianzun, Yang Jiao has committed the Heavenly Rule, although he is guilty, but he is a disciple of the third generation of the Sect, even if he is wrong, he should be handed over to the Sage Sect Master for disposal.”

“Yang Jian is deeply valued by my master Yuan Shi Tianzun, he has committed the Heavenly Rule the most, but there is a reason for it, and the act of splitting the mountain to save the mother is even more filial piety touching the heavens, his feelings are compassionate, and he hopes that the Great Tianzun will raise his noble hand.

If the Great Tianzun insists on going his own way, I am afraid that it will be difficult to explain to my master Yuan Shi Tianzun in the future. ”

The Heavenly Emperor’s face was dark and furious. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

He thought that the saint disciples would intervene in this matter, and he was also ready to spare the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family, but Zhao Gongming and Yuding Zhenren directly pressed him with the sage, especially Yuding Zhenren was almost a blatant threat.

Seeing that the situation was awkward and the atmosphere was dignified, Yang Jiao stood up.

He was carefully taught by Zhao Gongming, his personality was also free, he dared to be bold, and after knowing that the matter of saving his mother was in vain, in order not to implicate his mother, but also to make his brother and sister less punished, he directly resisted the guilt.

“Heavenly Emperor Rong Yu, the so-called eldest brother is the father, it is Yang Jiao who wants to save his mother, Yang Jian and Yang Chan are persecuted by me, one person does things and one person should be, Yang Jiao’s criminal Tiantiao, willing to be punished by everything.”


Qingyang Mountain……….

The sound of the Dao is loud and mysterious.

At this time, this sacred place of cooking is full of Dao rhyme, and a large number of heavenly materials and earth treasures have broken through the ground, and the spiritual energy and vitality are particularly full.

Sugili’s 100-year sermon has finally come to an end.

When he finished preaching, he spoke in a deep voice and proclaimed heaven and earth.

“The way of heaven is above, humanity is above, I am the third generation of disciples of the Sect, the Nine Heavens of the Heavenly Court Taiyi Yuan Emperor Miaoxiang for the chef Tianzun Sujili, now there is a feeling that the avenue is insufficient, the heavenly and human are deficient, specially set up the cooking way, pass on the method of spiritual cooking, from now on, I am the master of the culinary way, looking at the heavenly way to learn from it, humane witness!”


The moment the words fell, the way of heaven has a feeling, humanity has a spirit, each responded, although the kitchen road was born a long time ago, but it has been fragmented before, it is difficult to leave a mark on the heaven and earth, and it has never really sublimated into the Tao, until Sujili appeared, the kitchen way began to really develop, from a fan chef to a spirit kitchen, step by step to today, and now it has finally become a system.

Even if it is only a small road, after all, the level is different, the kitchen road is imprinted in the heaven and earth, and Sujili has successfully become the master of the kitchen road and the ancestor of the family.

The next moment, Heavenly Dao felt merit.

This is the merit of the Tao, the merit of perfecting heaven and earth, the merit is naturally not cheap, and because the kitchen is special, it starts from humanity, and it is regarded as the link between heaven and man, so humanity also lowers merit.

Under the two merits stacked 4.7, even the Da Luo Golden Immortal was side-eyed, even if the ancient powers such as Zhen Yuanzi and the Queen Mother of the West all cast their eyes, seeing Su Jili get merit again, they sighed in their hearts and remembered this three generations of disciples of the Truncated Sect even more.

After all, not everyone can get merit one after another in just 10,000 years, not to mention that this time there is also merit in the Dao, looking at ancient and modern times, out of their innate sacred, there are very few creatures who can achieve this step.

The six Heavenly Dao Saints also cast their gazes.

Nuwa’s eyes flickered, not knowing what she was thinking.

The face of the receiver became more distressed, and the eyes of the junti were shining.

The Taiqing sage smiled slightly, and the Yuqing sage first looked at Taoshan and then at Qingyang Mountain, and sighed helplessly.

The Shangqing sage laughed loudly, and the entire Jinao Island was full of wind and sunshine, and the purple qi was violent.

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