Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Su Jili was not surprised by Bian Zhuang’s arrival.

This cheap senior brother has a wide range of friends, mixes well in the Heavenly Court, has people in almost every department, and is very well-informed.

Get the news of his return, with his gluttonous personality, will definitely come over immediately.

Over thousands of years, Sugili has long been accustomed to it.

Moreover, he had something to ask, and Bian Zhuang came at the right time, perhaps he had learned the news he wanted from this senior brother.

Because of this, Sujili warmly received Bian Zhuang, and cooked it with his own hands, making a table of sumptuous dishes, and the refreshing aroma of vegetables made Bian Zhuang swallow saliva and his index fingers moved.

When the last plate of delicacies was served, the wine was opened, and Sujili was seated, Bian Zhuang immediately tasted it with great interest, he buried his head in the rice, chopsticks like flying, and the speed was so fast that only an afterimage was left.

Such an exaggerated scene, Su Jili has long been accustomed to it, his expression is calm, without the slightest surprise and stunned, after drinking and eating, looking at Bian Zhuang who is picking teeth, he finally spoke.

“Senior Brother, do you know what happened in Momoyama hundreds of years ago?”

Bian Zhuang glanced at Su Jili, his expression suddenly became solemn, and after solemnly bowing his head, he replied.

“The poor road naturally knows.”

“Although this matter was committed by three generations of disciples, it made a disturbance on the surface, causing the two sects and the Heavenly Emperor to completely tear their faces, so there was a lot of trouble in the three sects.”

“In order to avoid the continued conflict between the division gate and the Heavenly Court, Yang Jiao and Yang Jian were willing to reincarnate the Yuan God for ten lifetimes, go through all the sufferings of the world, in order to atone for their sins, and Yang Chan will sit in Xiyue Huashan from now on to benefit the living beings.”

“And if the three brothers and sisters of the Yang family want the Heavenly Court to release the Yunhua Fairy, they must each accumulate a million merits.”

“This is already the Heavenly Emperor’s extrajudicial grace in the face of the saint.”

Bian Zhuang sighed in a tone of embarrassment.

When the words fell, he said mysteriously.

“After the incident in Taoyama, the Heavenly Emperor went directly to Chaos, it is estimated that he went to the Daozu Master to complain, and he has never returned to the Heavenly Court, relying on the queen mother to support affairs and stabilize the overall situation.”


He turned his voice and said worriedly.

“The Heavenly Emperor is personally designated by the Dao Ancestor, and the Heavenly Court is even more orthodox on the bright side of the Flood Barrens, if the contradiction between the Saint Sect and the Heavenly Court is not placed on the bright side, the Dao Ancestor old man is estimated to turn a blind eye, so he is confused, but since the Heavenly Emperor asks for the door, the Dao Ancestor is estimated to be supported by the Heavenly Emperor, at that time, the saint will be fine, and the unlucky ones will only be the second generation of the master and us, the third generation of disciples.”

When the words fell, Bian Zhuang’s gaze towards Su Jili was full of worry and sympathy.

“There are few people who teach and interpret people, even if there is any trouble, the saints can also protect it, but they can intercept the teaching…”

Although Bian Zhuang’s words are not finished, as long as he is not a fool, he can understand the meaning, and Su Jili is no exception.

Tell the truth!

Bian Zhuang was able to speculate that the three sects would be in big trouble through the fact that the Heavenly Emperor had not returned, and even guessed the end of the sect, this wisdom made Su Jili impressed him, and also showed the demeanor of the first disciple of the three generations of human teaching.

Although Sugili was surprised, he felt reasonable.

After all, to be valued by the Grand Master of Xuandu, Bian Zhuang naturally has two brushes, and he is wise and foolish.

Of course!

Su Jili also thanked Bian Zhuang for kindly reminding him, knowing that the latter was to let him prepare early, so as not to be defenseless and be calculated.

After sending Bian Zhuang away, Su Jili sat in the main hall and bowed his head in thought.

He was never a man of fate.

The great trend of the Heavenly Dao cannot be changed, but the small trend can be reversed.

Sealing God is a catastrophe for intercepting the sect, but there is no absolute, and from another perspective, it is not a chance to intercept the sect.

The Sect Intercept is mixed with fish and dragons, good and bad, just take advantage of the Feng Shen, clean up the Intercept Sect and wipe out the people with profound karma, so that the Feng Shen is an opportunity to break the Intercept Sect and then stand.

In this process, we must find a way to preserve the vitality of the Intercept Sect, that is, to guarantee the bottom, so that even if the final plan fails, the Intercept Sect will not be completely destroyed as before, and it can still continue to inherit.

How to do it specifically, Sujili has not thought about it for the time being.

But for Zhao Gongming, he already had an idea.

Thinking of this, he waved his sleeve and sent out a transmission towards Mount Emei, and the content of the transmission was similar to what Bian Zhuang had just said.

Bian Zhuang can see the situation clearly, as a Da Luo Golden Immortal who has lived for endless years, Zhao Gongming must know better that the current situation is not conducive to the Intercept Sect, he is an immortal with a big picture and a heavy sense of responsibility, and he will definitely not ignore the crisis of the Intercept Sect, and now, Su Jili proposed a stop-loss method for him, I believe that this master will definitely be moved.

Since in the future battle of the gods, out of a sense of responsibility for the Sect, he still chose to help Wen Zhong knowing that the great calamity was dangerous, then he would also accept Su Jili’s proposal to make him join the Heavenly Court to atone for his apprentice’s sins because of his sense of responsibility.

Of course!

Atonement is just a pretense.

Su Jili’s real intention is to let Zhao Gongming go to heaven in advance and become a god in the flesh.

As for how to save Zhao Gongming from the Great Tribulation of the Gods, I can only think about it later, and take it one step at the moment. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Outside the Vesta Heavenly Palace, Bian Zhuang turned his head to look in the direction where Su Jili was and sighed.

“Don’t blame the brother for not being righteous.”

“For the sake of eating your food for many years, everything that should be reminded is reminded.”

“Whether you can retreat in the whirlpool or not depends on your creation.”

Subsequently, Bian Zhuang flew directly towards the South Heavenly Gate.

He wanted to look back at the Yangshan Bajing Palace.

At this time, it is more secure to stay next to the master and the master.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

After notifying Zhao Gongming, Su Jili did not make any other moves for the time being, and stayed next to the Shatang orange tree, accumulating mana, waiting for this innate spiritual root to ripen.

At the same time, chaos.

After many years, Sanqing, Nuwa and the two saints of the West gathered together again (well) in the Zixiao Palace, sitting cross-legged on the futon to which they belonged, and after they greeted each other, they all had a trace of remembrance on their faces.

The last time they gathered in the Zixiao Palace, it was just after the Lich Tribulation, in order to establish the Xuanmen Heavenly Court and discuss the affairs of the Heavenly Emperor, they were summoned by the Dao Ancestor.

Thinking that the reason for this gathering was also related to the Heavenly Emperor, the eyes of the six saints fell on Hao Tian, and there was exploration, curiosity, and helplessness in their eyes.

Above the gimbal, a generation of figures appeared silently, white eyebrows and white hair, simple Taoist robes, looking like an ordinary old man, plain, without the slightest peculiarity, even in the perception of the six saints.

But whether it was the Six Saints or Hao Tian, they all looked solemn, did not dare to slack, and immediately bowed and saluted.

“Meet the master (master), may the master have a smooth path, and prove Wuji early.”

All because this ordinary old man is the Master of the Six Saints and the Lord of the Flood Wilderness Hongjun Dao Ancestor.

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