Chaos, Zixiao Palace.

The saints took it for granted that the karmic immortals were on the list.

Heaven’s way is clear, the cycle of cause and effect, retribution is not happy.

These sect immortals are riddled with karma, usually with the luck of the great sect and the protection of saints, they can be safe and sound, but once the great calamity comes, they are the earliest existences eroded by the robbery qi, it is difficult to get out, and the end is miserable.

Since this part of the Sect Intercept Immortals is destined to fall, it is better to occupy the vicious and vicious divine position first, waste and use it, so that the villains will not re-enter the cycle of reincarnation, and live forever, and it can be regarded as the complete relationship with their final master and apprentice.

After being canonized, they were no longer disciples of the Sect.

Even Yuan Shi Tianzun glanced at the Tongtian Sect Lord appreciatively, perhaps the Sect Intercept could take this opportunity to remove some carrion, break and stand up, and look new.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi Tianzun’s heart moved, if he can’t get through the world in the future, he will help him, and he can also follow the trend to fill the list of gods, and at the same time help the disciples of the Interpretation Sect to survive the calamity without risk, so why not?

As for whether it will collapse with the Tongtian Sect Lord because of this matter, Yuan Shi Tianzun never thought that after all, they are brothers of countless years, with the same root and origin, deep feelings, even if there are some conflicts or dissatisfaction in their hearts, they will eventually be watched ~ open.

For Su Jili and other intercept sect elites on the list, other saints are not surprised, they have long defected to the Heavenly Court, the foundation is solid, now it is just a formality, to their surprise, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect actually crossed Luo Xuan, the second-generation disciple who achieved the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and in the name of the Heavenly Dao Saint, he named Su Jili as the Second Grade Spirit Stove Incense Kitchen Dongming Emperor.

You know, the third-grade divine position is already to be held by the Da Luo Golden Immortal, and the second-grade divine position must be at least the strong of the Da Luo Golden Immortal to sit firmly, and Su Jili is just – a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

It seemed that his expectations for this apprentice were far beyond some second-generation elite disciples.

Speaking from the heart, Su Jili is indeed excellent, a majestic merit even some Da Luo Golden Immortals can not compare, with his virtue can ignore the restrictions of cultivation, barely sit on the third-grade god position, but the second-grade god position is indeed a little too much.

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi Tianzun opened his mouth and persuaded.

“Third brother, if you want to wear a crown, you will bear its weight, and if you are not worthy of the throne, you will have calamity.”

“Sujili’s merit is profound, the future is immeasurable, the future will surely rise step by step, the third-grade divine position is already the limit, why rush for a while.”

“For him, the second-grade divine position is a curse rather than a blessing.”

“Now that the catastrophe is about to arise, if he is not careful, he may be affected by this matter, climb high and fall, get involved in the robbery, and it is in danger.”

The Tongtian Sect Lord smiled freely.

“Second brother, how can poor Dao not understand these truths?”

“It’s just that I intercept the sect and cultivate a line of life, and the great calamity is destruction and calamity for the intercept sect immortal, as well as creation and chance.”

“Su Jili cultivated the Taiyi Golden Immortal in less than 10,000 years, and opened up another way to create the spiritual kitchen cultivation method, and promoted my Xuanmen Daoist system, and the poor Dao believes that he will be able to seize the opportunity, turn the crisis into safety, and achieve something at the end of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the Five Qi Dynasty, and the Taiyi Perfection, if he fights for qi more, he may be able to achieve the Daluo Golden Immortal.”

“Moreover, although there were calamities along his way, most of them were heaven and earth calamities when he broke the realm, and there were fewer other calamities, and it was good to have a smooth wind, but without calamities polishing, it was difficult to become a great vessel after all.”

“Especially when Su Jili attacked the Da Luo Golden Immortal, because he usually did not encounter calamities and did not have enough experience, the calamity of Da Luo would become particularly terrifying, and the gains would outweigh the losses.”

“Instead of this, it is better to let him enter the robbery experience and practice, maybe he can wash away the lead hua, be reborn, make the Dao heart more firm, and improve the grasp of achieving the Great Luo Golden Immortal a little.”

At this point, the Tongtian Sect Leader’s voice changed, and he suddenly leaked domineeringly.

“Even at the end of the consecration, Su Jili is only a five-qi dynasty, with his understanding, perseverance, luck and merit, Da Luo is in sight, and he can barely bear the responsibility of the second-grade divine office.”

“It’s not nice to say, even if he encounters a life and death crisis in the God Sealing Tribulation, there are poor ways to watch, if the peers are fighting, he dies and disappears, and the Yuan God is on the list, that is the fate, and the god position is according to the rules; But if someone dares to bully the small with the big and calculate secretly, the immortal sword of the poor road is not a decoration. ”

Hearing this, the other saints looked grim, understanding that the Tongtian Sect Lord’s words were expressing their position, and they were warning them not to bully the small with the big in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, especially against Su Jili, otherwise, don’t blame him for turning his face.

0 ask for flowers

While surprised by Sujili’s high status in Tongtian’s heart, the other five saints decided to go back and warned the disciples not to conflict with Sujili.

Even the Zhun Ti saint who originally had some ideas about Su Jili was hesitant in his heart, afraid that after turning people to the West, the Tongtian Sect Lord would block the door and lose face, everything was for the West, anyway, he had the most notorious reputation among the six saints of the Flood Barrens, and the Zhun Ti Saint was afraid that he could not even keep the inside, and Su Jili was robbed before he covered the heat in his hands, then it was really a big loss.

Hao Tian’s mind was also complicated, although he was particularly dissatisfied with the two sects because of the tearing of his face with the three sects, he was not carried away by anger, and he did not anger Su Jili, Luo Xuan and other intercept immortals who had already entered the heavens because of the interception of the sect.

This Heavenly Court Lord originally admired Su Jili, and after seeing the attitude of the Tongtian Sect Leader, he paid more attention to Su Jili in his heart.

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In the Zixiao Palace, the Tongtian Sect Lord put the God Sealing List back in its original place, obviously not intending to continue to sign, and the thousand Sect Interception Immortals were already the bottom line in his heart.

Despite the disappointment, this result was expected by all saints.

Saints also have seven emotions and six desires, and are bound by obsessions, otherwise the six saints would not only behead the two corpses of good and evil, and rely on immeasurable merit to successfully preach the Tao.

Even if the Ten Thousand Immortals of the Sect Intercept came to the Dynasty, the Tongtian Sect Lord would not be ruthless enough to send most of his disciples to the list, moreover, the Sect Intercept would have cultivated a glimmer of life.

Above the cloud, Hongjun Daozu woke up in time, his expression was still indifferent, and he spoke.

“There are many vacancies in the God Sealing List, and since they can’t make a decision, they will be discussed after a thousand years.”

The words fell.

Hongjun Daozu was about to let the saints leave temporarily, but Haotian, who had been silently watching, finally spoke.

“Master Qiyu, Haotian has something important to tell you.”

Not only the Six Saints were surprised, but even Hongjun Daozu’s eyes flashed with surprise.

You know, because Hao Tian entered the Purple Xiao Palace to cry, it led to the Xuanmen God Sealing Tribulation, and this was the matter of the Six Saints signing the God Sealing List.

At the moment, he actually had something, and it was an important matter that had to be personally inquired about by the Dao Ancestor, and for a while, all the saints were interested.

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