Although Chu Xiaoyue is usually "silent", according to Xu Zhi's observation, she is not the kind of person who is very taciturn or withdrawn by nature. To put it bluntly, she seems to have entered "energy-saving mode".

After leaving the energy-saving mode, although Chu Xiaoyue still didn't talk much, he would not cut corners on what he should say and do.

As the only person who had experience entering the Lost Lands, she also explained their strange state to her teammates.

"The Lost Land has a certain natural temptation for extraordinary people. Did you feel light and light just now and wanted to fly?"

"That is one of the temptations, and it is only the mildest one. The longer you stay in the Lost Land, the deeper this feeling will be. When it is serious, you will feel like you want to break away from the heavy body and enjoy the feeling of only having a light soul. Once you really get into that feeling and decide to do that, you’re dead.”

Chu Xiaoyue reminded: "I can't always find out that your state is wrong every time. Remember how you felt just now. If it happens again, you need to wake up on your own."

"There are many ways. The simplest is to slap yourself, or create some other pain. The pain will make you fall to the ground. If you find that you have reached the point where you don't feel the pain at all, speak up in time."

"We must call the teacher to send you out immediately."

A few people nodded cautiously. They were still students. Either they had reached the end of their lifespan and could advance or die. There was no need to forcefully save ground for advancement. They would naturally know how to advance and retreat.

"Let's go."

Chu Xiaoyue led the team and the seven people walked towards the Lost Land.

At this moment, Xu Zhi secretly used his extraordinary ability [spiritual body] to record this location.

She was not in a hurry to use [Spiritual Body]. The lost land was full of dangers and she couldn't spread her power. Besides, she had to concentrate highly and she didn't have the time to do two things at once.

The little alien being held in his hand seemed to have become slightly more "active" after entering the Lost Land.

Normally, it could hardly absorb the required [Cup] attribute energy in the air. In the Lost Land, Xu Zhi could feel that it was "breathing" to absorb the [Cup] in the Lost Land.

However, its aura is too subtle and too weak. Even if it is absorbing the extraordinary energy in the air, no one can detect it.

After all, other students themselves are also frantically absorbing the extraordinary energy around them.

As the footsteps gradually moved deeper into the mist, there was no longer only desolate land around, but some rocks and withered trees gradually appeared.

At first, there were only a few rocks and dry trees, but as we moved forward, there were more and more dead trees like this, and they became taller.

After walking for about an hour, the extraordinary energy around them seemed to be a little thicker, and it had even reached the point where they did not need to actively absorb it, as if they would involuntarily inhale the extraordinary energy with every breath. At this moment, they finally saw that they were entering the state of despair. The first "living creature" since the earth.

It was a black crow perched on the top of a dead tree. It stood quietly on the slender branches. Its red pupils reflected the students walking into the Lost Land. It was neither alert nor interested, as if it was just listening. I looked over casually when I saw the movement.

When Chu Xiaoyue saw someone looking wary, she reminded him, "Don't provoke it."

This kind of crow is not powerful, and can even be called weak. It is easy to kill it, but...

As the group of people moved forward, more and more crows appeared in their field of vision.

From two or three at the beginning, to groups of densely packed dead branches, they stayed motionless on the branches like sculptures. They would only move their eyes and heads when they saw people, but there was also something in their eyes. Didn't show any aggression.

Even so, the sight of hundreds of black crows watching you silently can be chilling.

The teacher said that this kind of crow will not attack anyone if it does not take the initiative to attack. However, as long as any crow is injured or dies, the entire group will be alarmed, make a loud noise instantly, and continue to hover. The top of the murderer's head seemed to be pointing the way to some dangerous existence in the Lost Lands.

In short, this thing is like an alarm. If you don't touch it, it will be fine. If you touch it, you will get into big trouble.

There are many lost creatures that look harmless and weak, but are actually in big trouble. They are all summed up by the lessons of blood and tears of the predecessors.

"Fortunately, they don't seem to be able to poop." Tongzhou muttered quietly.

Ji Muge didn't stop and grinned. Xu Zhi also looked at his teammates' bizarre brain circuits.

He seemed to feel that other people were looking at him as if they were looking at something weird, so he whispered in dissatisfaction: "Doesn't what I said make sense?"

"These crows are swarming above our heads, and we will definitely be wet with shit!"

You don’t have to say thank you if you don’t know idioms.

But then I thought about it, and what he said made sense!

Su Ran, who had a slight mysophobia, couldn't help but get goosebumps aroused by the fantasies in his mind, and quickly drove away the strange fantasies in his mind.

The seven people walked forward for about an hour. Finally, there were fewer crows. The fog did not become thicker as they went deeper. Although there was fog covering it, the visible range was not narrow. Soon, they saw it again. New changes.

New shoots began to grow on some dead trees, and traces of green grass gradually appeared on the ground.

As these traces of "life" gradually emerged, Xu Zhi could feel that the extraordinary energy in the air seemed to be more abundant and "active".

This place is so rich.

Could it be that in the deepest part of the lost land, the extraordinary energy is so rich that it can be drank as water?

As their footsteps continued deeper, the surrounding environment was finally no longer dry, desolate and depressing. As the green color representing life appeared, more and more vegetation gradually appeared in the field of vision.

Xu Zhi discovered that the wasteland was like the boundary between the real Lost Land and the real world, dividing the two sides with desolation.

As she walked into the meadow, it seemed as if the true place of loss was revealed before her.

Creatures began to appear frequently, including grasslands, shrubs, and jungles, and seemingly ordinary, but actually extraordinary, lives wandering among them.

According to the teacher, there are no ordinary creatures in the Lost Land. Even the most common seemingly ordinary butterflies are extraordinary creatures, and their bodies contain more extraordinary energy than ordinary people in the outside world.

This is a treasure land that extraordinary people never want to leave once they enter. If you hunt a few prey and take them out, you can get a huge reward.

But this is also the most dangerous place. For example, at this moment, Xu Zhi noticed that the vines hanging on various trees nearby seemed to squirm slightly as they walked by.

It seemed quiet and harmless, but she remembered clearly that Director Xi reminded them.

In the Lost Lands, nothing is entirely harmless.

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