They didn't come here to hunt for money, it was just incidental. The Harvest Academy in the Lost Land will not take it away, and they can directly exchange points with the academy at market prices.

After all, experience naturally requires fighting, and the loot after winning the battle will always have some value, but some creatures that are not challenging or too dangerous are not their targets.

I just don’t know if these subtle vines have targeted them?

Xu Zhi came in not empty-handed. During the few days of training, she pretended to learn knife skills from Ji Muge, and was noticed by Xi Min, who helped her apply for a horizontal knife with tough characteristics, although it was not as good as her own. But it's barely usable.

At this moment, Xu Zhi wrapped the little alien's flower pot with a strap, slung it across his waist, and took out the horizontal knife from the bracelet engraved with a spatial circuit given by the college.

Of course, the bracelets had to be returned and were only lent to them for use. However, there were a few seniors who had their own extraordinary space items and did not borrow the ones from the school. A "poor man" like Xu Zhi naturally accepted them without mercy.

She didn't stuff the little alien in, because living things couldn't be stored in the space, and she was afraid of any accidents.

Even if the small alien species is not even a "living creature" strictly speaking now.

Should it be called half-dead?

Naturally, it was impossible for seven people to stay abreast when walking together. Chu Xiaoyue was responsible for paving the way in front, Xu Zhi, Ji Muge, and [Heart] attribute senior Su Ran were walking in the middle, and Shu Yushan, Qiuhou, and Tongzhou were behind.

When she noticed Xu Zhi's action of drawing the knife, one of her companions gave her a questioning look, not asking her why she drew the knife, but asking her if she had noticed any danger.

Xu Zhi cast his gaze on the vines next to him. Several people understood this and were on guard.

After entering the jungle, the neighborhood became no longer silent. From time to time there was the sound of insects and birds chirping, but other than that, it was pretty quiet most of the time.

Even though they noticed that the vines seemed a little unusual, they did not act rashly. They had just entered here and were still groping, so it was not suitable to initiate a battle.

These vines seemed to have grown all over this section of the road, and even if a few people walked forward for a few minutes, they could not get out of the area where the vines were.

In addition to being wary of the vines, Xu Zhi seemed to feel a strange sense of comfort.

As the extraordinary energy in her body "boils" as if massaging her body, the comfortable feeling keeps coming. She needs to keep telling herself that this is an illusion, a temptation from a place of loss, and it cannot be done.

But even if I keep warning myself, as long as my thoughts are free for a moment, I seem to fall into the mood of "so comfortable, I really want to feel more".

However, Xu Zhi could always detect when her thoughts were wandering and pull herself back, but what made her feel subtle was...

As she resisted "temptation" more and more often, and even gradually became accustomed to this kind of temptation, she no longer needed to warn herself frequently and could ignore the temptation to maintain a stable mentality. Her palms suddenly began to itch.

This is simply something worse than "temptation", because the itchy spot is exactly the mark left by "Midnight".

How could it happen suddenly?

When this idea appeared in Xu Zhi's mind, she had an idea and directly tried to check the location of other Familia through the extraordinary circuit of [Lamp].

At the moment when some of the circuits belonging to the [Familiar Clan] lit up, Xu Zhi felt a sudden stinging pain in her palms, and she decisively stopped checking.

But in a brief moment, she had confirmed that the other families were in the Lost Land!

Sure enough, there is a connection between Midnight and the Lost Lands.

What a terrible but welcome news.

What was gratifying was that she knew exactly where the other Familia were, in this lost land shrouded in thick fog. What was bad was that Midnight was probably here too, and was preventing her from contacting the Familia.

She dug a grave buried in midnight and violated the rules of midnight. She doesn't know what kind of backlash she will suffer. She is not strong enough at the moment, so it is best not to irritate the other party too much.

Xu Zhi did not try to contact other members of the clan, but prayed that Midnight's location would not be in the shallows of the Lost Land so that she could safely pass the experience before the league. She did not want to face something too dangerous now.

However, after knowing the news that [Midnight] might exist in the Lost Land, the danger of the Lost Land further materialized in Xu Zhi's mind. She had only heard about it before, but now there is a place that she has been to before. It is true that It was an extremely dangerous place. Only then did she have a real sense of how dangerous this place was.

While Xu Zhi was thinking, she suddenly noticed a cyan figure coming towards her. The speed was very fast, but it was enough for her to react. Just when Xu Zhi was about to draw a knife to kill this little thing, she saw in her peripheral vision He caught a glimpse of his teammates' movements, so he simply held back.


A cold light flashed, and it was Shu Yushan's spear that pierced through, cutting off the little green snake that was heading towards Xu Zhi, and the remaining power exploded its body. However, with the tip of the spear, the green snake was dead. Nothing left.

"Primary school girl, be careful and don't get distracted." Shu Yushan's tone was not frivolous, but rather polite and caring.

Xu Zhi didn't say that she could solve it by herself. She had to give her teammates a chance and face to perform. This seemed to be conducive to the unity of the team and to sneaking in the fish herself.

However, how could a very weak snake, probably only around level three mastery, dare to attack him directly?

Just when this question flashed through Xu Zhi's mind, the vines that had only occasionally moved suddenly rushed straight towards Shu Yushan who had just fired the gun!

When Shu Yushan saw this, he curled up the corner of his mouth and did not panic. He suddenly pulled back the hand holding the tail, and then made a sweep, cutting off the raging vines coming from the side. After the sweep, he did not stop, but followed The force involved changes direction and continues the attack.

His movement of swinging the gun was not clumsy, it could even be called dexterous. The large number of vines coming from the left, right and above were unable to reach him for a moment. The moment Shu Yushan was hit, other teammates also reacted immediately. Come forward to support.

Among the seven, only Chu Xiaoyue and Xu Zhi stood still. Chu Xiaoyue just observed the surroundings and did not come forward to help, while Xu Zhi had already activated the [Peeping Eyes] to look for the "real body" of the vine.

These vines have always been there along the way. If they don't find the main body directly, cutting down these tentacles is just a useless consumption, not to mention more and more vines are attacking towards the few people, which is quite dangerous. The situation was overwhelming, and Xu Zhi didn't want to cause more trouble by making too much noise.

However, the moment she turned on the [Peeping Eye], dozens of times more information than the outside world rushed into her mind. Fortunately, after training in the federal world, she had already learned how to process this complicated information accurately. Ignoring some information that was not needed at the moment, Xu Zhi found the sneak attacker hiding in the jungle.

"Northeast 30, three hundred and forty meters."

She gave precise information, and her teammates, who had already had a tacit understanding with each other during training, immediately understood what Xu Zhi meant and immediately rushed towards the direction she gave.

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