I am the Lord of the Gods in a world of mist

Chapter 304 323 The remaining blood stains

Xu Zhi and Chu Xiaoyue followed the team without making any moves. Chu Xiaoyue was not lacking in practical experience, so it would be better to let her teammates practice sparring. Xu Zhi was just lazy, and she was not lacking in this, and She is only in the first grade, what happened to the party?

According to the observation of [Peeping Eyes], the level of this vine is not low, probably around the second stage of immortality. According to the teaching director, the outermost periphery is mostly composed of extraordinary creatures of the proficiency level, and there are also creatures of the immortality level. But they are basically local snakes who "dominate" a small territory in the periphery.

I think this vine is the "local snake" here.

Usually, when you kill this kind of "local snake", you will get a lot of gold coins, which are the cores left over from the extraordinary creatures it killed. It can't digest them even if they are not of the same attribute, but after all, it is energy and it will be collected.

Their target was not this kind of local snake originally. After all, even the second stage of immortality was not an opponent that was difficult to deal with under the siege of justice.

The original plan was to go further inside to give myself a more difficult position, but now that I have encountered it, I naturally can't let it go.

Without Chu Xiaoyue, the main attacker of the team naturally fell to Shu Yushan. As a substitute, Ji Muge's double swords, which he was very good at, could play a more important role at this time. Of course, they were used to clean up these annoying vines. .

As the five people approached the core of the vine, more and more attacks came towards them. Obviously, the vine was also surprised why these prey that did not exude a very powerful aura could directly see through its disguise. , walking towards its body.

Originally, one of its home field advantages was that it was far away from the battlefield, and it was well camouflaged and difficult to detect, otherwise it would not suddenly attack its prey. I didn't expect that these prey with weak aura could find its body so quickly and accurately. location.

Once its true identity is found, its attrition tactics will no longer work, and it can only be forced to engage in head-on combat with the team, and try to escape from the siege and hide again many times, but unfortunately, because of the existence of Xu Zhi, Every time it tried to sneak up or slip away, it was caught red-handed.

In terms of the ability to fight head-on, vines are tough and powerful and come with paralysis poison. Once you are accidentally slapped hard, it will not only cause physical damage, but also cause the movement to become sluggish due to paralysis.

Once the toxicity accumulates to a certain level, even the operation of extraordinary energy will begin to become difficult. Therefore, after realizing that the vine's attack was poisonous, Su Ran immediately asked his teammates to deal with it quickly without delay.

In the absence of Chu Xiaoyue, she can temporarily assume the responsibility of command. Although they have only trained together for about a week, they already have a certain tacit understanding and understanding between them. Encircling and suppressing a vine that has lost its hiding place is not a big deal. It was a difficult thing, and without even making much noise, Shu Yushan had successfully obtained the "first kill" after entering the Lost Land.

When the tip of his spear pierced the main body of the vine, the exploding green plasma accidentally splashed all over Qiu Houman's body. The fox-eyed young man twitched his eyes and said in a subtle tone: "You are not retaliating. I didn't want to be vine just now." Did Teng Dou avoid the incident that caused you to be slapped?"

Shu Yushan raised his hand to withdraw the spear that had been thrust out. When he turned his head, there was a very obvious red mark on the side of his face, as if he had been whipped by a whip. He looked at Qiu Hou with a smile on his face and said, "What do you think?"

Xu Zhi and Chu Xiaoyue walked over slowly at this moment. Xu Zhi let out a wow when he saw Qiu Hou's embarrassed appearance. However, the special school uniforms they wore had their own cleaning circuits. The only thing that needed to be cleaned was the green Hair and face soaked with blood.

"What does it smell like? It's a bit disgusting." Qiu Hou wiped the blood with a broken face. The scars on Shu Yushan's face had disappeared after simple treatment. Others had more or less flesh wounds, or were paralyzed by toxins. It feels like it, but it’s not difficult to solve. As long as you have the [mind] and rest for about ten minutes, it will be fine.

Xu Zhi's [Eye of Peeping Secrets] has not been turned off yet. After all, he is in an unfamiliar territory. Even if he has just killed an enemy, he cannot take it lightly.

Thanks to her caution, Xu Zhi quickly discovered something unusual.

To the naked eye, the green blood stains of the vines that were stained on everyone's bodies seemed to have been cleaned away, but under the influence of the [Peeping Eyes], Xu Zhi saw the little bits and pieces of blood that were still left on their bodies. The extraordinary energy of the vine.

What is this stuff?

Xu Zhi informed her teammates of her findings and chose not to use her own brain, but to let her teammates use their brains.

After hearing Xu Zhi's words, several people looked thoughtful. Chu Xiaoyue seemed to have thought of something: "The Lost Land has its own biological chain. Some extraordinary creatures will choose to cooperate with each other. Perhaps, this vine is also in this way?"

"What about its partners?"

When asked like this, Chu Xiaoyue still looked a little indifferent, as if she was not very emotional. She looked at the person who asked the question seriously and replied: "How do I know?"

"Well, that's true."

Chu Xiaoyue's temperament in dealing with people always gives people the illusion that "she knows everything", causing people around her to occasionally rely too much on her reliable temperament to ask some brain-dead questions, but Chu Xiaoyue often uses it very straightforwardly. Look at the fool and reply "How do I know?" Of course, this is only in private.

If it's a public place or there are outsiders, she will rely on her emotionless face and reliable temperament to become the Riddler. Even if she doesn't understand, she will always look like "I understand, I know, but I can't say." "Looks like.

Compared with Xu Zhi's character of doing whatever he wants depending on his mood, Chu Xiaoyue obviously has more of a "spokesperson" temperament, but for some reason, in the short week since Xu Zhi joined, the team members have become somewhat accustomed to fighting. They subconsciously obeyed Xu Zhi's request. They subconsciously attributed this to the fact that Xu Zhi's ability was very suitable for command.

"When you've packed up, get ready to move on, be careful."

Although they don't know what the purpose of these indelible blood residues is, they can't just stay here.

The seven people took a brief rest and then continued to go deeper into the Lost Land.

As the pace slowly advanced, several people encountered several attacks, but they were successfully counterattacked. Chu Xiaoyue and Xu Zhi never took action, and Xu Zhi did not clearly inform his teammates of the enemy every time. At the end of the day, except for the two of them, the other five teammates seemed a little embarrassed.

Even if the extraordinary people have abundant physical strength, the high tension throughout the day and the occasional fighting will inevitably make a few people show some fatigue.

"Let's rest here tonight." Chu Xiaoyue looked at the getting taller trees nearby and made a decision.

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