I Am the President of the University

Tell me about the latest update

"I am the president of the university ()"

The latest update is not good, and there is only one chapter today.

Mainly Carvin + procrastination, lazy cancer attack.

Sometimes I write a chapter for 2 hours, and I stay in a daze for 4 hours...

Thinking about spending time in a wasteland every day and day is really inappropriate, staying up late at night to code words is also tossing my body, my body is not very good...

Author fungus intends to start cheering today! ! !

From the 4th, each chapter has been changed to more than 3,000 words, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, which is equivalent to three chapters of 2,000 words in the past.

Then 2 chapters are guaranteed, and try to write another chapter at night, there is no guarantee that there will be every night.

Also, on the 3rd of today, the author Jun plans to write five chapters plus 40 words!

It must be done this time, and it cannot be delayed any more, otherwise it will be a life-long death in the street!

Did not write out live women's clothing! ! ! ! ! ! !

Never break your word! You can take screenshots!

The fish sauce should also be diligent, and want to rely on novels to make a living!

Just dried butterflies!

——Fujie, the author of the street, in Fuzhou in the early morning of January 3, 2021.

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