I Am the President of the University

Chapter 169 International Students and One Belt One Road

"I am the president of the university ()"

(It's embarrassing, it's chapter 179... handicapped, I'll ask the editor to revise it tomorrow)

Huaxia University of Political Science and Law, referred to as Law University for short, was established in 1952.

In China, the top 1 of politics and law has nothing to say.

This incident is an article published by a graduate student of the University of Law on Weibo. The cause of the incident is that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of the new Building 1 of the Graduate School of Huaxia University of Political Science and Law are the residence of international students and students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and are equipped with a 24-hour single bathroom. . Mainland students use the public bathhouse on the basement level.

However, in order to facilitate the students who return late from the internship, the school has opened the bathrooms on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors for mainland students at night.

The two female students in this incident accidentally left their eyes in the bathroom while taking a shower in the single room on the second floor.

And weird things start here.

When the female classmate went back to get the glasses, unexpectedly, the glasses were warned in person by the students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan behind.

The result is even more bizarre. When the two went to the housing management department, the female administrative teacher spoke "our international students" one by one. After rejecting them, she asked the two classmates to think in a different position, so as to understand more about the students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

This administrative teacher's remarks directly detonated netizens.

Even if it is treated differently, the attitude is still so bad and aggressive.

And if this happened in a secondary school, even if it was a primary school, netizens could at least accept it.

This is Huaxia University of Political Science and Law!

It has a national prefix, and it is also the number one school in politics and law. When this kind of thing happened, it shocked the attention of netizens!

Top universities that supply talents to the political and legal system have such a distinction in treatment. How can students be assured that they will enter the political and legal system after graduation?

Chen Hao got angry when he saw it.

Some people really can't stand up after kneeling for a long time!

Especially in the past two years, the problem of international students has become more and more serious.

And colleges not only reduce the enrollment of international students, but expand the enrollment!

why is that?

Because in the assessment of domestic universities, international exchange of education is an important indicator.

Anyway, the cost of recruiting international students is subsidized by the Ministry of Education, and colleges and universities are willing to spend money to invite some students to come to Huaxia to read.

Not only are tuition fees and accommodation fees waived, but also a lot of subsidies will be issued every year.

Many people from the backward regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America come to China to study, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is to make money.

Chen Hao's understanding was also the same. It was not until he found Zheng Qiang and heard what Zheng Qiang said that he realized that his thoughts were a bit simple.

Zheng Qiang asked: "What is the essential difference between the international students recruited by our country and those recruited in Europe and America?"

"What's the difference?" Chen Hao pondered for a while, but he really didn't understand the way, so he asked directly.

"European and American colleges and universities recruit international students to screen elites, and they will stay in their own countries after training, which is a talent harvester. Therefore, the standards will be set very high, and then the qualified ones will be kept and the unqualified will be driven out.

Our country is not.

Huaxia never imagined that it could harvest foreign talents at this stage, and we didn't even plan to seriously cultivate foreign talents. "

After Zheng Qiang said this, he asked again quietly, "Do you think top talents from countries other than Europe and the United States will come to study in China?"

"No!" Chen Hao smiled bitterly.

After listening to Zheng Qiang's words, he finally understood.

International students from top schools like Harvard University, Cambridge University, and MIT in Europe and the United States can be said to be at the level of academic gods in their own countries, and ordinary academic bullies cannot get in.

And what about Chinese students?

Basically just pass a simple filter to pass...

Like many scholars in the country, especially the students of Tsinghua University and Peking University, they will apply to famous schools in Europe and America. Because the forefront of knowledge is there, these schools cannot be avoided for better academic progress.

Then, among the students studying in Europe and the United States, talents do not need to apply, and the United States will take the initiative to give them green cards and retain them with high treatment. As for ordinary...emmm, the capitalist countries are not so kind, and naturally they rush back to China.

Zheng Qiang shrugged and said helplessly, "That's right, talents from Asia, Africa and Latin America have all gone to prestigious universities in Europe and the United States, and those who can only come to our country to study are also of ordinary qualifications. Occasionally, some people with good qualifications are left behind. Yes, this kind of talent belongs to pro-China."

Chen Hao asked speechlessly: "Then why do you say that you don't plan to train foreign talents seriously? Why do you still recruit so many foreigners if you don't plan to recruit so many foreigners? Especially Huadu and Jiangcheng, I heard that black people are in trouble..."

"You can't train your own talents in China. A mentor leads more than a dozen graduate students. Who has the energy to manage international students?" Zheng Qiang whitened Chen Hao a little, took a sip of tea, and said slowly:

"As for the expansion of international student enrollment, it's actually a national policy. Under the guidance of the Ministry of Education in recent years, many three colleges and junior colleges have begun to recruit foreign students. The reason is related to the Belt and Road Initiative."

"One Belt, One Road??" Chen Hao frowned, his head did not turn around.

He knows that the Belt and Road Initiative is the only way for China to get rid of the constraints of Europe and the United States and move towards a great renaissance.

Make more friends and expand international cooperation, so as to get rid of the excessive dependence on the market of developed countries and establish a new international order led by China.

But how does this relate to international students?

Seeing Chen Hao's question, Zheng Qiang smiled and said with emotion: "With the advancement of the Belt and Road, international students from the vast number of Asian, African and Latin American countries are needed as bridges and links. Wherever you go!"

"We don't need their high academic achievements and professional skills, we just need to let them see the development speed and institutional advantages of Huaxia, feel the friendliness of the Huaxia government and the people to them, and make them feel that as long as they learn from Huaxia and cooperate with Huaxia, It is enough that our own country can develop rapidly like this.”

"As for these graduate students, only a very small number of elites will stay in Huaxia, and most of the others will return to their own countries. The domestic investment and trade department.”

Having said that, Chen Hao understood.

Isn't this cultivating leading parties in the third world like Asia, Africa and Latin America!

"This is a pain in the ass, does that mean that there will be more and more international students in the future?" Chen Hao had a constipated expression on his face, thinking that there would be a bunch of black people on Ludao in the future, he felt unnatural.

"This will definitely happen." Zheng Qiang nodded.

As a senior person in the education industry, I understand that this policy is beneficial to the future, but problems arise when it is implemented in lower-level colleges and universities.

"Actually, the way is right, that is, the leaders of some schools are too chasing indicators, resulting in a serious decline in the quality of international students. Didn't the student partner of a certain university make news a while ago?"

Speaking of this, Zheng Qiang couldn't help but scold, "Those school leaders are sick in their heads, and their schoolmates can do it, but how can they use the opposite sex? They should use the same sex, those are all 18 or 19-year-old girls, and they will be deceived at that time. Cannonballs, miscarriage, AIDS... what will destroy a girl's life at that time!"

"Indeed, this national policy does not lack one of our Guanghua University, so let other universities do it. Our Guanghua University wants to recruit foreign students only recruit foreign talents, and those foreign garbage will be avoided." Regarding Zheng Qiang's words and Sanguan Chen Hao Still recognized.

As expected of the talent he recruited.

As for international students, Guanghua University is going to become the world's No. 1 university in the future, and it must be done.

And you can harvest foreign talents, why not?

Those who have been cultivated by Cambridge University and Harvard University for more than ten years have no mercy.

If you just recruit international students, you must not be the same as other universities. To recruit, you must be elite, and ordinary people will go to other schools.

After leaving Zheng Qiang's office, Chen Hao went back to the office and met Deng Hui.

"Deng Hui, I will summarize the situation of the international students in our school and report it to me later."

Because I learned about the international students from Zheng Qiang today, Chen Hao intends to understand the situation of the international students in our school.

Guanghua University absolutely does not exist and special treatment, no matter which country you come from!

Just Deng Hui's answer made Chen Hao embarrassed.

"Principal, this international student..."

Deng Hui looked up at Chen Hao and said a little embarrassedly:

"There are currently no international students in our school..."


ps: Ask for a recommended ticket and ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Today's first update, there are four more!

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