I Am the Swarm

Chapter 208 Meteorite Rain

Root knew that his old friend wasn't afraid of the mighty beast that might exist, he just had a cognitive shock. However, seeing that his mood gradually calmed down, Root continued: "This is our opportunity. Compared with a low-level civilization, maybe this monster will help us more. It can help us push the biotechnology system to a higher level." By a large margin, it can even increase the life limit of our race again."

Hearing this, not only Captain Reggie became short of breath, but even Colonel Kamais, who had been serving as the background before, had a biological reaction.

If the facts are really as Dr. Root said, then they are the heroes of the entire Riken people. Not only will they be engraved in history, but they will surely enjoy glory and wealth when they go back. Whether they are in business, politics or the army, they will be useful. Complete capital and experience.

"So, do you have any suggestions for the next action?" Captain Reggie asked.

"The equipment we bring is not enough to support the investigation of all ocean areas. So, if we don't do something, then there is a high probability that we will have to wait until the next time the monster appears by itself. And how long it will take, think about how long we have detected The time interval between two fusion reactions is decades, which is something we don't want to see."

"Then is there any way to quickly verify your conjecture?" Colonel Kamis said suddenly. It seems that what Dr. Root said just now touched him very much. But this is not surprising, normal people will not participate in this mission that has lasted for more than a hundred years for no reason.

"Not yet. I need time to think about it. What you need to do now is to find more information. First check the land, and then survey to see if there are any underground caves. If there are monsters hidden underground, then It couldn't be better. If not, then let's see how to find the monster from the sea." Dr. Root said.

Captain Reggie and Colonel Kamais looked at each other, and they nodded.

"Colonel Kamais, I will have to work hard for you next." Captain Reggie said.

"It's a matter of duty!" Colonel Kamais gave a military salute, turned and left.

Root shrugged his shoulders at Reggie, made a strange expression, and left the captain's cabin.

After the swarm established a hidden base on the Proxima A5 planet, which was renamed the Ursa Major, they were a little worried about how to enter the Great Venus. The alien's spacecraft stayed in the orbit of Daqixing, and there were still a large number of satellites arranged in orbit. It is difficult for the swarm to enter the Great Venus without alarming them.

"Master Juggernaut, they only have one spaceship, and their technological level is limited, so they should not be able to closely monitor the situation in the entire Proxima Galaxy. Maybe we can create a meteor shower to take the opportunity to enter the Great Venus."

The status of Ursa Major in the neighboring galaxy is equivalent to the A7 gaseous planet in the original galaxy. Although Ursa Major is not a gaseous planet, its mass is the largest among all the planets in the Proxima Centauri galaxy.

Therefore, a large number of asteroids and meteorites from outside the neighboring galaxy are captured by its gravity. Except for some that crashed directly on the surface of the planet, the rest were fixed in their orbits, and over time, a circle of meteorite belts eventually formed in their outer orbits.

This intelligent body's proposal is very feasible, but these meteorites in the orbit of Ursa Major will not go out of orbit for no reason. How to do it exactly needs to be carefully considered.

Half a year later, a swarm meteorite that came from outside the Proxima Galaxy directly crashed into Ursa Major at a speed close to one percent of the speed of light.

The extremely fast speed brought a super mass impact, although at the moment of contact, the swarm meteorite was gasified into fly ash. However, the impact still caused great damage to Ursa Major.

A huge crater with a range of hundreds of kilometers appeared on the surface of Ursa Major, and the shock wave generated by the impact set off a huge wave of dust.

The impact caused a temporary gravitational disturbance in Ursa Major's geology, and the complex gravitational traction relationship between it and its more than a dozen moons and countless meteorite belts was also disturbed.

In the meteorite belt, more than 300 meteorites of different sizes were thrown out of their original orbit by centrifugal force due to gravitational disturbance, and flew towards the position of the Great Venus.


A flashing red light accompanied by a piercing siren suddenly sounded inside the cat-eared spaceship, and the resting crew returned to their jobs urgently.

"Selia, what's the situation? Major Kamais and the others found that monster?" Captain Reggie ran out of the lounge while putting on the captain's uniform.

"Reporting to the captain, just now planet T855 was hit by a meteorite, and 312 pieces of the meteorite were de-orbited. It is estimated that they will arrive at planet T853 in 1472 hours." The mechanical female voice sounded.

When Captain Reggie heard that he had discovered the monster, his nervous and fiery mood immediately calmed down. After a simple conversion, he roared: "There are still more than two months for the fuck, you are an emergency alarm."

"According to the "Federal Aerospace Safety Memorandum", in this case, I am obliged to sound the alarm to remind all the crew members on board." The mechanical female voice did not care about Captain Reggie's words at all, and still explained meticulously.

"Let Dr. Root's scientific research team issue a response report to me, and also, turn off this crushing voice!"

"Permission verification passed, following your instructions."

As soon as the voice fell, the red light and siren stopped. Captain Reggie took a few deep breaths, took off his captain's uniform, and returned to the lounge.

A few hours later, the captain's room of the cat-ear spaceship.

"Root, what's the situation? I read Celia's data report that although the meteorite impact on T855 would cause disorder in the planet's gravitational system, the time was too short to form a meteorite rain?" Captain Reggie asked.

"Don't be impatient, Reggie, isn't this normal? We don't know the specific mass of T855, nor its geological structure, so we can't simulate it accurately and get results. Maybe the meteorite hit the geological cavity, causing The impact is much greater than we imagined." Dr. Root shrugged and said indifferently while looking at the data report.

"Then have you done a response report?"

"There is too much data, and our shipboard host still has a lot of work to do, so we can't allocate so much computing power to simulate all meteorite trajectories." Looking at the captain who was about to explode again, he quickly added: " Don't worry, when the meteorite rain comes, we can hide the spacecraft on the back of the planet in advance. At most, we will lose some insignificant small satellites."

"But we are far away from the parent star, and the loss of satellites cannot be replenished." Reggie also knew that the spacecraft would be fine, with a huge shield in front of him, and there were still two months of preparation time. If it is damaged, then as the captain, he can really jump off the bridge.

What he wanted to preserve was only those satellites. Although there were still some reserves, those satellites were not replenished, and they were lost in the meteorite rain, so there was basically no possibility of repairing them.

Dr. Root also understood what his old friend was thinking. He thought about it carefully and said, "Don't say that the shipboard computer can't separate out the computing power. There are too many uncertain factors in it. Our previous energy was focused on the interior of the planet, and we don’t know much about the gravitational conditions between the planets and satellites outside the planet, and the data is seriously missing.”

"So, if you want to keep those satellites, you can only use the transport boat in advance to recover them temporarily. I calculated that although part of the satellite monitoring vision will be lost, the communication will not be affected. It's just that, Kamai Their workload will increase again."

"Those soldiers are full of energy. I believe they will like to go out for a ride. It's just that they don't need to monitor this meteorite rain?" Captain Reggie asked.

"I'd love to collect some data, if you'd spare those satellites."

"Oh, forget it, you shouldn't waste your energy on this kind of place."

Thank you Shuke good brother for rewarding 100 starting coins.

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