I Am the Swarm

Chapter 209 Arrival

The swarm didn't know how the cat-eared spacecraft would respond. If Rowan and the intelligences knew that the satellite would be temporarily contained when the Big Venus greeted the side of the cat-eared spacecraft, their actions would definitely be much bolder.

The on-board computer analysis of the cat-ear spacecraft was correct. A simple meteorite impact would not cause this meteorite rain. But the opponent's data is missing, and they don't know that someone is targeting them, so they will definitely not be able to detect the abnormality. These are all expected by the swarm.

A certain space was dug out of those meteorites, and there were biological spaceships of swarms hidden inside. Although due to time constraints, they are still some of the smallest flying mosquitoes, but apart from being unable to carry electromagnetic gun components, other functions are Complete.

At the moment when Ursa Major's gravitational tides were disturbed, they were inside the meteorite, launching their plasma thrusters at full power. Although they are only 5-10 meters in size, they do not generate much thrust.

However, sometimes because of this extra force, many things can be changed, so more than 300 meteorites deviated from their original orbits and flew towards the Great Qixing.

As for this kind of meteorite, the swarm prepared more than a thousand meteorites, but only succeeded in more than 300 meteorites.

Inside these meteorites, there are not only biological spaceships, but also two Rowan bodies and dozens of queen eggs. As long as they land on the Great Venus, it won't take long for the insect swarm to develop an unimaginable force.

Until then, Rowan's role-playing game will officially begin.

At the same time, Ursa Major will still try its best to produce the eggs of the biological spaceship. Even if Rowan's plan fails, there will be remedies.

two months later.

"My lord, the meteorite group is about to touch the Great Venus. In order to avoid attracting the attention of the alien spaceship, the meteorites cannot change their course. Therefore, 306 of the 312 meteorites that came into contact with this time will fall on the surface of the Great Venus, and 6 will hit it. Planet One." An intelligent body reported to Luo Wen.

Luo Wen nodded, there was no other way, everything had to be disguised as a natural phenomenon. If the alien spacecraft collects and calculates the trajectory information of these meteorites, if any meteorite is found to have changed its position inexplicably, it will be bad.

"Master Master, there are no traces of artificial satellites found on the planet's orbit facing the direction of the meteorite rain."

Rowan remembered that a few hours ago, the intelligent bodies reported that the alien spaceship dispatched ten transport boats, which were busy in orbit for a while, and then returned to the spaceship. But the alien spacecraft changed its orbit and hid behind the big Venus.

However, at that time, because the observation environment on the ground was not very good, I didn't know what those transport boats did. Previously, the intelligences guessed whether some equipment had been arranged, but they didn't expect them to take the satellite back.

"Is there such a good thing? Is it so economical?" Luo Wen couldn't help but reflect on himself, whether he was too extravagant at ordinary times, and the unsuitable or outdated Zerg units were directly recycled. But recycling doesn't seem to waste much? Moreover, no matter whether the swarm is an intelligent body or a product of the brood, there is no need to send wages or the like. Now many combat units have changed to a radiation energy supply system, and they basically don't even need to eat...

"Hey, maybe only racial civilizations like the swarm have the potential to develop to an extremely high level. At least the utilization efficiency of this kind of resources can beat most civilizations by 80,000 streets." Luo Wen sighed silently, And gave the swarm a thumbs up.

But since the other party has withdrawn the satellite, that would be the best. Originally, Rowan was worried that many meteorites would pass by the satellite at close range, and the other party would find something, but now he no longer has to worry about it.

Hundreds of huge fireballs fell from the sky, dragging their tail flames. Most of the fireballs fell towards the sea, and a small part flew towards the two continents facing the meteor shower.

Originally, in order to prevent the alien spacecraft from going to check after the meteorite landed, Rowan also prepared a thorough ground response team. But now that the other party has withdrawn all the satellites, don't blame Luo Wen for being a little unscrupulous.

The insect swarm spaceships hidden on the meteorite that was about to fall to the mainland escaped from the meteorite one after another under the cover of the fire, either alone or with queen eggs.

They have an optical stealth system, and it is difficult to be found without energy fluctuations.

They do not use electromagnetic drive, but rely on their extremely low-mass bodies to fall freely. After landing on the ground, they didn't move, and after a while, the invisible Fengshen came to grab them and left the place.

Although the versions of these wind gods are old, they use wings to fly without any energy fluctuations, and coupled with optical stealth, they are extremely concealable.

Originally, they had no chance to play, but who made the satellites that had been hanging in the sky contained, so they were also urgently awakened a batch, and came to do the supporting mission.

After all, transferring from the ground will leave some traces more or less.

"Dr. Root, we have collected most of the remains of meteorites that fell to the ground. Their materials are not special, but it is a little strange that most of them have hollows inside." An assistant reported to work.

"Perhaps they were thrown out by T855 because of their special structure." Since he didn't know that there were other forces hidden in the dark, Dr. Root didn't care about the strange structure of the meteorite. After these things were waited, the Rikens occupied the place, and some experts went to study these strange things.

Finding the guessed monster is his top priority right now. Whether he will eat sweets and spicy food or eat bran and watery food for the rest of his life depends entirely on it.

"The sensors I asked you to deploy in advance, have you collected any useful data?" The search work on land is about to be completed, and the next step is to explore the underground and the ocean. In the underground, at least the target must be found first.

The original plan was to drop shock bombs on the land to find out whether there are large hollow structures underground based on the vibration. But the size of the spaceship is limited, so naturally it can't carry too many shock bombs. He was worried about this before, and even tried to find materials to make some simple bombs on the Big Venus.

When he learned that there was a meteorite rain coming, Dr. Root ordered his assistants to follow Kamais' search team and set up many observation instruments on land.

Then the impact of the meteor shower, to see if there is a large underground cavity, even if not found, at least narrowed the scope of the future search, in short, no loss.

"I was just about to report to you. We have indeed discovered something. Our instruments on the second and third continents have found some abnormalities. It is suspected of a large underground cavity structure. I will send you the coordinates now." Assistant Hui reported.

Dr. Root nodded, checked his personal terminal, and then walked towards the captain's room.

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