I Am the Swarm

Chapter 277 Mixed In

Before the second round of bombardment, the Rickens had already learned lessons and made minor adjustments to the detection devices. The more than one hundred Taikoo-level space octopuses at the end of the second wave of attacking teams were focused on.

So when they gathered energy, the entire fleet received evasive orders.

However, in the first round of shelling, several warships that were severely damaged either lost or were damaged in their ability to move, and moved very slowly.

There is no mercy in war between civilizations.

It is better to cut off one finger than to injure his ten fingers. Lord Master has said this truth to the blades more than once.

Therefore, these warships received intensive care during the second round of bombardment.

A battleship that was already severely damaged was directly destroyed, the energy furnace inside exploded, and the entire hull was blown to pieces. The debris splashed around and hit the surrounding warships, and some ships that were doing rescue work were also implicated, and those Rikens floating in space were even more dead or alive.

The scene was a bit tragic for a while.

More small ships were sent out to participate in the rescue work, but before they flew out of their respective warships, the third round of shelling had arrived...

The somewhat bewildered Rikens had already reacted, and the muzzle of the main gun was turned around, aiming at the more than 100 Taikoo octopuses in the distance. The position of these guys is too far away, only the main gun has such a long range.

However, the loss of the fire suppression of the main cannon made it easier for the rest of the Taikoo octopuses to pass through the firepower net. Their huge size allowed them to resist several or even dozens of secondary cannon attacks.

The third firepower network, space torpedoes, is also much sparser than before, because they are not like energy weapons. They fired too much in the attack just now, and now many launchers need to be reloaded.

And the fourth line of fighter defense is still entangled with the first wave of space octopuses.

When four hundred ancient-level space octopuses passed through the fourth line of defense, there were still dozens of them able to move, hundreds of adults, and even more juveniles, more than 5,000.

Many of the attacking bodies of the second wave were equipped with electromagnetic cannons. After closing the distance, they moved and aimed their muzzles at the main and auxiliary cannons to attack.

However, the larvae didn't have long-range attack methods, and while continuing to rush towards the fleet, they also played the role of interfering with sight.

The fire control system of the Rickens uses most of its firepower to snipe the larger Taikoo and adults. These larvae are assigned very little firepower, and their body length is generally only about 10 meters. The targets in space are too small, and they move quickly and flexibly, making it extremely difficult to lock.

Under such circumstances, they rushed around the Riken fleet with almost no effort.

This is real close combat.

At this time, the fifth defense system of the Liken tribe was also officially activated.

Many multi-barreled close-in defense guns have been raised on the outside of the battleship just now. They use a special excitation method, and the rate of fire can reach tens of thousands of rounds per minute.

But the disadvantage is that the attack distance is relatively short and the attack power is weak, but it is just right for dealing with larvae.

After being activated, the close-in defense guns formed a light curtain in the starry sky, and for the first time since the swarm entered the war, there were killed units.

Some larvae were swept by the light curtain because they couldn't dodge in time, and were directly torn into meat sauce. They are small in size, and there are not many bacterial strains inside, so there is no possibility of repairing them now.

However, their broken limbs can still be absorbed as energy by other space octopuses to accelerate growth or recovery.

The attack method of the close-in defense gun is to calculate the target flight trajectory through the shipboard mainframe, and then pull out a barrage in front of it. This method is good for dealing with mechanical units that are not very flexible.

After the larvae lost some, they immediately discovered this characteristic of the near-defense guns. They dispersed and slammed left and right when flying, and they were no longer predictable.

Flexible, fast-moving larvae, after changing their combat strategy, the casualties dropped instantly.

Although the near-defense artillery net has not stopped for a moment, but at this time there are very few victories.

The larvae searched for the blind spot of the artillery fire, and after several rounds of turnover, they finally managed to break through the firepower net and landed on the battleship.

However, the simple weapons on them are not enough to break through the thick battleship armor. But this does not mean that they have lost their function. After a little observation, some of the larvae rushed to the various turrets exposed outside the battleship.

Small turrets like the attack array are directly destroyed by brute force, while the main and auxiliary guns are large-caliber and heavily defensive attack units, and the larvae choose to drill directly through the barrel.

They are soft-bodied creatures, and basic operations such as drilling a hole are easy to do.

Because the barrel was blocked, the energy exploded in the barrel. Although the larvae that blocked the barrel were unlikely to survive, the insect swarm would definitely not suffer.

The Rickens immediately discovered this situation, and General Massai urgently ordered that all close-in defense guns give priority to defending various types of forts. The armor of the main and secondary guns is basically immune to close-in defense gun attacks, so they are not worried about accidental injury.

But in this way, the firepower network formed by the near-anti-aircraft guns is easier to break through.

Moreover, although the safety of the main and auxiliary guns has been improved, the defense of the close-in defense guns is even more worrying. Their outer armor cannot be immune to similar attacks, and the weaker armor allows larger larvae to use brute force. damage it.

There is no need to tear them apart, these sophisticated mechanical creations, sometimes only need to destroy a few parts, they will lose their function.

The hatchlings find it easiest to destroy their spinners.

They only need to pull the anti-aircraft gun body and apply force against the rotating base. After a few rounds of wrestling, the precise mechanical gears will fail.

The close-in anti-aircraft guns that cannot adjust the shooting angle, although the shooting function is intact, have lost their threat.

Meanwhile, some larvae are more direct. They rushed directly into the wreckage of the destroyed battleship, mixed in the rescue ships, trying to mix into the interior of the battleship through them.

Although the Rickens discovered their intentions, they urgently closed the hangar hatch. But before the hatch closed, it was still rushed in by some space octopus larvae. These larvae are considered little guys in space, but once they enter the interior of the battleship, they become giants.

These guys can forcibly break the existence of close-in defense guns. With this kind of power, facing the flesh and blood of the Liken tribe, it can only be said that there is no enemy.

Most of the hangars are crew members holding various maintenance tools. They didn't expect that it was originally a logistics place, but it became the front line of the battlefield in an instant.

After being smashed to death by several companions, these Rickens finally came to their senses, and ran away from the hangar screaming in horror, but happened to collide with the armed soldiers who came to support them.

The scene was very chaotic for a while.

Thank you Shuke good brother and Eternal Worm Mother for rewarding 100 starting coins.

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