I Am the Swarm

Chapter 278 Detonation

Although the larva is a relatively basic existence among the space combat units of the swarm, it is also a space soldier, and its combat effectiveness crushes many ground troops.

For example, these Liken armed soldiers in front of them, the larvae are about ten meters in size, they are huge monsters to them. Coupled with the characteristics of the larvae themselves, their small-caliber energy weapons can cause extremely limited damage.

Especially inside the battleship, the individual heavy weapons of the Ricken tribe are a bit of a trick here, and there is no room for them to be used at all.

Not to mention that they are still in a state of chaos, the battle of civilizations has no mercy, and the larvae rush into the crowd. The force of their collision alone has caused unbelievable trauma to the Riken tribe.

In the passage, blue blood permeated the walls, stumps and broken bodies could be seen everywhere, and the sound of moans, cursing, and crying resounded all over the place.

The larvae who rushed through the channel did not turn around and kill them all. They separated in the channel and continued to move forward along different routes.

A total of 17 larvae entered the battleship. They ran amok in the passage, wanton destruction, and never stayed in the same place for a long time.

The commander of the battleship ordered urgently to block all hatches, trying to prevent the larvae from advancing. But the larvae are molluscs, and they seem to be huge, but the ventilation duct with a diameter of about half a meter is also passable for them.

Although in this way, their movement speed has been slowed down a lot, and their flexibility has been severely restricted, but the ventilation ducts are the defensive blind spots of the Rickens.

Moreover, there are many wires and pipes connected to the ventilation pipes, and the larvae don't care what their functions are, they just pull them out and break them all.

Lightning flickered, sparks danced wildly, and many lines carried high-voltage currents. If the raiders carried out this kind of destruction, it might be the same fate, but the larvae themselves are electromagnetically driven, and these currents only caused some burns to them, but they replenished a lot of energy.

The battleships of the Riken tribe are all assembly line products manufactured in a centralized manner due to the rush schedule. The insect swarm had long known their internal structure diagrams through Cross.

The seemingly messy destruction routes of the larvae are actually some confusing behaviors. If they go somewhere with a clear goal when they come up, it is easy to cause unnecessary suspicion afterwards.

Details determine success or failure. Every civilization has countless elite talents. Any clues may reveal a lot of information, so carelessness is unacceptable.

Among the 17 larvae, 15 were really advancing in disorder, and the remaining 2 were in the energy room of the battleship, which was barely there.

The Rickon tribe quickly discovered these two larvae. The energy room is the heart of the battleship, and it is the most important thing. There must be no mistakes.

A large number of armed soldiers gathered outside the energy source, and they were bound to wipe out the invading larvae.

The two larvae approaching the energy room were blocked one after another, and they made a silent neighing in the passageway, which was a kind of ultrasonic communication.

The previous space octopus did not have this function, and it was installed after a last resort.

The ultrasonic waves spread rapidly in the pipeline, and their companions quickly "received" the information, turned around and rushed towards their positions.

While it's all acting, the actors take it very seriously. In the battle of civilizations, some things can be analyzed through some signs exposed by the opponent.

For example, if the defense here is tight, there must be important people or facilities, so it is reasonable for the larva to call for support.

But if the swarm had never entered a Rickon warship, but understood its structure and its purpose, then this would not make sense.

The swarm can be smart, but not predictable.

However, the swarm can conceal this by planning a scene in the opposite direction with foresight, such as now.

Energy weapons are much less effective against space octopuses than kinetic energy weapons. In layman's terms, the space octopus has high magic resistance and low physical resistance.

At this time, outside the energy room, although a large number of soldiers from the Rickens gathered, but without the use of heavy weapons and light weapons, the combat effectiveness between them and the larvae was difficult to fill with the number of people .

The narrow passage is really suitable for the larvae to play.

The larvae lined up in the passage, like a high-speed train, rushing towards the Rickon's line of defense.

Even if the larvae in the front line had higher resistance, the firepower they were facing was too fierce, and their limbs were soon shattered, and most of their bodies were evaporated.

But this "train" has a full 17 sections, even if the first section is lost, it will have little effect.

After the "front" was knocked out, the second section of the "carriage" became the "front", leading the friends to continue rushing towards the defense line.

In a civilization where every intelligent individual is an independent consciousness, what can only be done by a fairly elite army is just a normal operation for the swarm army.

The "train" was very fast, and the new "fronts" were severely damaged, but before they lost their ability to move, they had already knocked over the Rickon's defense line and rushed into the energy room.

The next step is the destruction that we love to see, and the hatchlings frantically destroy everything they can. Facing the space octopuses scurrying around in the energy room, the follow-up Riken tribe didn't even dare to shoot, and could only watch all this in horror.

Destruction is far easier than construction, because a large number of facilities have been damaged, and the reactor in the center of the energy room has gradually become unstable. As the larvae continue to destroy, small explosions occur from time to time.

The captain of the battleship saw this scene through the monitoring device, and he had no choice but to give the order to abandon the ship. Including the soldiers who were still besieging the larvae just now, they also started an emergency retreat. As for whether they can board the escape pod, it depends on who runs fast.

As for the wounded, no one can take care of them now.

A firework lit up in space, and the battleship finally reached its limit. The entire battleship exploded from the position of the energy room, from the inside to the outside, becoming the second completely destroyed battleship on the battlefield.

The wreckage of the collapsed warship scattered in all directions, among which were also small ships such as escape pods, gunboats, and transport boats.

As long as these ships carrying the Riken tribe who fled in panic, almost all survived as long as they didn't take off at the last moment. Of course, it is impossible to be completely undamaged. Many ships have suffered more or less damage, and some unlucky ghosts even have their power systems destroyed. They can only fly outward with the shock waves from the explosion.

Fortunately, there were a large number of ships fleeing together, and the flying cables were shot to hold them back, but these ships were facing a very embarrassing situation at this time.

Just now, more than a dozen larvae sacrificed themselves in exchange for a battleship explosion, and from the number of larvae, it is not difficult for the Riken tribe to see that this is just a low-level cannon fodder.

These guys are unremarkable in space combat, but once they enter the interior of the battleship, it is difficult to target them with the current configuration of the Rickens.

And the scene of how these larvae entered the battleship just now is still vivid, so although there are many escape devices of the Riken tribe hovering outside, the surrounding battleships dare not open the hatches to receive them.

And just as they were hesitating, more than 500 Taikoo-class from the third wave of the swarm had already arrived on the battlefield.

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