I Am the Swarm

Chapter 341 Change

Rowan saw the ancient spaceship called "treasure" by the Rickon tribe through Claire's perspective. Although its captain is only more than 500 meters long, the technological level inside has reached another level. The most basic thing is that the main engine of that spaceship is a warp speed engine based on gravity. The engine technology cracked by the Rickon tribe is only the engine of the fighter plane it carries.

At this time, the third party who is coming here from outside the system, but from the perspective of engine technology, they cannot be the manufacturers of ancient spaceships. If they are warp speed engines, their speed should have exceeded the speed of light, and Euglena even Can't find them.

Not only that, but they are like brothers from the same school as the Riken tribe.

If you think about it that way, it's not impossible. If according to Rowan's guess, the chess spectators really put a spaceship in the native galaxy of each intelligent race. This new force is likely to be an earlier civilization than the Rikens. Correspondingly, they obtained the chess-watcher spaceship earlier, had a higher resolution of the spaceship, and gained more.

The more I think about it, the more likely it is that this is the truth, and Rowan also speculates about the reason why the starship of the chess spectator was not found in the galaxy of origin.

It takes an unknown number of billions of years for a single-celled organism to evolve into a high-level animal, and the time it takes for a high-level animal to evolve from a beast to a civilized race ranges from millions of years to hundreds of millions of years.

The Ratmen on the Origin Planet evolved from the lowest food, fat tail rats, to the current level, and it will take at least millions of years to rely on natural evolution.

But with Rowan interfering, it only took them hundreds of years to complete this journey.

According to relevant tests, the chess-watcher spaceship discovered by the Riken tribe has been buried there for tens of thousands of years. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Riken tribe had evolved to the point where they formed a tribe by drilling wood for fire.

If the chess spectators launched the spaceship after the native race had evolved to such a degree, then the Ratman would have stood out before the origin star had time to launch it. Maybe they are still confused by Monk Zhanger now.

In this way, Luo Wen has to be more careful, because the evolution speed of the Ratman is too abnormal. If the chess spectators have been monitoring this star field, the current situation here is likely to arouse their interest and receive a lot of attention. .

It is not a good thing to be focused on by a force that far exceeds its own technological level.

However, Luo Wen went back to think about it again, and felt that some guesses were still slightly flawed.

The reason why he confirmed the existence of chess spectators before was because he discovered a third-party monitor hidden near the battlefield. But now he doesn't know how advanced the newcomers are in observation technology. So he can't rule out that the monitor belongs to this new force.

If this is the case, it is unknown whether the chess spectators exist or not, and all previous speculations have become a battle of wits with the air.

But in any case, the importance of the Rickon galaxy is not high to the swarm, even if all the troops here are lost, it doesn't matter. Therefore, he can advance, attack and retreat, and defend, and his autonomy is very high.

The bug swarm is just waiting to see how it changes, and the new third party is bound to bring more information. Should be able to help him analyze more things.

The infiltration operations of the Liken tribe have also temporarily stopped, and even if Antonio has died of old age in the position of speaker, it will only last for more than a hundred years at most.

This can only be regarded as slightly affecting his plan, but since the swarm network was upgraded again, Luo Wen, whose survivability has been improved again, has gradually changed his original concept of time. Seizing the day and night is meaningless for the longevity species. .

Half a year later, to my surprise, even if the swarm didn't take the initiative to promote it, the internal situation of the Rickon tribe had already reached a rather rotten level due to natural fermentation.

During one of Antonio's public speeches, a large number of angry ordinary people attacked the speech team, and even clashed with Antonio's security team and security forces.

On the way of evacuating Antonio, the airship he was on was hit by a weapon of an unknown force, and he died after the crash. Things are always so dramatic that Rowan swears he really didn't do it. Although there are many intelligences lurking in the opposition, after detecting that a third party is about to enter, Rowan has ordered to stop all radical actions.

But it doesn't matter, the impact of Antonio's death is less than imagined. The speaker, who has been in power for more than fifty years and broke the tradition of Rikken, just disappeared into the long river of history without a trace, which fully proves that The world will go on as usual without anyone.

The new speaker was elected at the speed of light. He was Lord Milton, who had participated in the high-level closed-door meeting. He was originally one of the MPs who were most likely to succeed Antonio, and Rickon was not surprised to be in the position now.

Milton is currently still a natural Rickon, not a swarm intelligence in disguise.

In fact, Rowan can still do it if he forcefully pushes a high-ranking intellectual, but considering the upcoming third-party contact, out of multiple considerations, it is better to choose a natural liken. As for the future, it can be seen It depends.

Anyway, this Lord Milton belongs to the faction of Grandpa Cross, and it is also possible to forcibly transform him into a smart body at a critical moment. A clone of him already lies beneath his mansion, and will wield some of his powers in his stead during the seven days he disappears.

As for the user of the clone, Rowan already has a good candidate, that is the former Lord Antonio. As the second batch of Rickon injected with life-extending potions, his body had already been transformed over the years. When he died, his mental body was forcibly pulled into the swarm network by Rowan to harvest.

I believe that there is no problem in pretending to be his old friends and opponents who have inherited Antonio's memory. After all, as the saying goes, the person who knows you best is your enemy.

With the new speaker coming to power, and the fact that the swarm has not acted aggressively, even the daily actions to show off their force at Riken's home planet have stopped. In addition, the mood of the Riken people has gradually stabilized and conflicts have decreased.

However, many non-intelligent Riken generals were very confused about the behavior of the swarm. They couldn't figure out what changed the "schedule" of the swarm.

From their point of view, the only major event recently was the change of power within Rickon. Rickon connected the two events, and came up with a creepy guess that the swarm promoted this change.

Even His Excellency Speaker Antonio may have been killed by the swarm. If you are more daring, even the new speaker, His Excellency Milton, is a spy of the Swarm.

With such convincing words, even the opponents who did it themselves almost believed this statement.

However, the reality immediately overturned these speculations, and all Rickens knew the reason why the swarm stopped.

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