I Am the Swarm

Chapter 342 Alarm

After all, the Riken tribe is an indigenous race in the Riken galaxy, and they have been operating here for a long time. Although they are now surrounded by swarms of insects, leaving only the sites of 3, 4, 5, and 6 planets, the observation devices that were once released , mostly still functioning normally.

It's not that the swarm doesn't want to clean them up, but most of these observation devices are relatively hidden, difficult to detect, and scattered in every corner of the galaxy.

The adults and larvae of the insect swarm do not have the ability to travel long distances because they do not have an atomic furnace. If they want to clean them up, they must take the Taikoo class out.

Although the swarm has a superior force, it has not yet reached the point of explosion, and even if tens of thousands of ancients are scattered, there will be no bubbles in the vast galaxy, and the active division of troops is likely to be concentrated by the Rikens Break them down one by one.

Therefore, these small things can only be left to be solved slowly in the future.

But it is the existence of these little things that allows the Rickon tribe to still have some understanding of the situation in the galaxy.

In a dark room, more than 10 screens are hung on one wall, and each screen is divided into 5X4 small screens, but at this time they are all black screens. On the wall opposite them, there are also some screens, with various lines extending on them, and the red and green lights flashing from time to time, without any knowledge reserve, I can't understand what it means.

In the middle of the two walls, a Riken soldier was leaning on the swivel chair boredly. This room is located in an underground fortress on Riven Star. This is a monitoring room with the characteristics of the Liken people. He is responsible for the daily recording and maintenance of more than 200 monitoring equipment terminals.

The external unit of this monitoring equipment looks like a 2X2 cube metal object. Its outer body is sprayed with a layer of stealth material, and its inner body integrates a variety of data collection instruments, optical recording instruments, transmission modules, and high-energy batteries. and engine mods.

Seemingly functional, but in reality, they are closer to disposable consumables. They are launched towards the target area by a special catapult. The built-in engine module is only half the size of the body, and it is known that it is impossible to make it too powerful with the level of technology of the Rickens.

The fact is indeed true, this engine module can only provide limited kinetic energy to the external unit by relying on the battery function, and the poor energy reserve is destined to not deliver this kinetic energy for too long.

Therefore, the role of the engine module is only to slow down and turn, and its forward power is provided by the catapult when it is launched. The design concept is very close to the original swarm meteorite.

After they are ejected and reach the designated location, they will slow down until they are captured by the gravity of nearby objects. A small external solar panel will store energy for high-energy batteries.

Usually they will remain silent to reduce unnecessary energy scattering, and data collection is passively captured by external collectors on the surface. When they find abnormal data, they will activate the optical recording system, and at the same time the engine module will start to work, adjust the angle, and point the hidden camera at the abnormal place to start recording.

When the recording starts, the built-in transmission module is activated, and it will transmit the images captured by the optical instruments back to the monitoring room of the Rickon tribe in real time. Ultra-long-distance information transmission will consume most of the energy in high-energy batteries, and will also produce severe energy fluctuations.

As long as you are not on a battlefield full of artillery fire, this kind of artificial energy fluctuation is still extremely eye-catching. It would be okay if the anomaly it found was a natural phenomenon, but if it was a hostile force, the other side would not mind solving it with this exposed observation device.

So, they are closer to disposable consumables.

Due to their working mechanism, more than 200 may seem like a lot, but in fact, as long as they do not call the police, the Riken soldiers responsible for recording them basically have nothing to do. And this kind of monitoring room, the Liken tribe said that there are at least a thousand.

The Riken soldier had just turned off the lights in the room and planned to take a rest. The black screen, even if they wanted to watch, they had nothing to look at. The boring daily life made them sleepy easily, and their semi-closed work Usually no one will come to the position.

Therefore, going to work and sleeping heavily has become the norm for their arms.

But just as he was leaning on the recliner and narrowing his eyes, the alarm suddenly sounded. The ear-piercing sound echoed in the small airtight room, shaking his brain to buzz. At the same time, the red warning light flickered frantically in the dim room along with the alarm.

Soldier Rickon resisted his discomfort, jumped up from the recliner, walked quickly to the corner and turned on the light switch. The room was lit up, and the red warning light was finally no longer so glaring. He breathed a sigh of relief, maybe he would spit out his lunch after being shaken for a while.

Although it was the first time he encountered such a situation since he started working, the training before taking up the job made him not too flustered. And in this case, he also heard his colleagues say a few times that it was either a meteorite passing by or a Zerg passing by.

Needless to say, meteorites, but just Zerg, now they are everywhere outside, and it is not a big deal to activate a few observers. He thinks that he should make a suggestion to the scientific research department to add something like automatic identification. To save yourself from being surprised all day long, this broken alarm should be changed, to something more soothing, and the lighting should also be changed...

The soldier complained, and casually came to the operating platform under the wall. On the screen hanging on the wall, one of the small squares had already lit up, indicating that the external unit of the monitor was working normally, and the picture had been transmitted back.

He touched it lightly with his finger, clicked to open it, and after a brief buffer, a picture that stunned him appeared.

I saw that what was recorded on the video was not a meteorite, nor an annoying Zerg, but a huge fleet. The icy hull and the dark red paint exuded a depressing bloody aura.

The picture lasted for about two minutes, and the video finally recorded a beam of light coming from the direction of the fleet, and then the picture went dark. The soldier knew that the external monitoring unit was destroyed half an hour ago. After all, in space, the speed of light is not instantaneous.

He checked the instrument repeatedly, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, or someone was playing a prank, he finally realized that something serious had happened.

The soldier took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, then pulled out the key hanging around his neck from his clothes, and used it to open a protective cover on the operating table.

The shield opened, revealing a large red button. This alarm button, if you press it blindly, you will have to go to a military court, but at this time the soldier did not hesitate, and pressed it heavily with both hands, with his toes on his toes, and his entire body weight on it.

When the button was pressed, not only did there not be any sound and light effects, but even the original alarm sound and warning lights in the room stopped. The soldier breathed a sigh of relief, his work had been completed, and the rest would be handed over to the higher-level department .

Thank you for the reward of 600 starting coins for Pili Zhutian, thank you for the reward of 429 starting coins for Schrödinger's quantum state, thank you for the reward of 300 starting coins for shame and unknown people, thank you for the reward of 150 starting coins for the order of Yuan, thank you for the reward of 100 starting coins for the East of Syracuse Coin reward.

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