I Am the Swarm

Chapter 366 Conditions

When the Zerg Swarm ruled the double-star defense line, because they had never had any contact with the Zerg Swarm, the Rickens broadcast indiscriminately to the Zerg Swarm troops, using a very euphemistic rhetoric.

The general idea is for the friendship between the neighbors of the two races, and they don’t want to cause more killings, so they voluntarily made concessions and so on. Barbara, a lot, but the central idea is to surrender, and of course the language is also used in Rikan.

After receiving such information, the two sides entered a period of silence, and the swarm troops did not attack or respond in any other way, which made the native Rickens very disturbed.

After a few days like this, the new speaker of the Ricken tribe, His Excellency Milton, also rushed to the front line from his home planet and made a more formal broadcast.

So, at a hidden small meeting, the Rickens finally met the legendary "Zerg people" for the first time.

"I knew that those octopus monsters are not their real bodies! Now they look much more pleasing to the eye." Arser looked at the female Zerg not far away who was talking with the speaker, and whispered. The slender figure, the bone armor on the important parts, and the horn spines on the joints, are ferocious and beautiful, which is very in line with the aesthetics of tough guys in the military.

The commanders of the three major fleets of Rickon, with high positions and real power, are naturally qualified to enter this meeting. In addition, the three of them fought together in the past, and they have accumulated a considerable degree of friendship, so it is natural to get together at this time.

"Shut up, Arser, we are the defeated side now, so keep a low profile." Khamis scolded.

"What are you afraid of? I didn't say anything. Besides, the distance is so far, even if I said it, she wouldn't be able to hear it." But just as he finished speaking, the female Zerg suddenly turned her head and smiled at him. Raise your cup. After noticing that the other party turned his head back, he exchanged a glance with the other two, and the three retreated to the corner of the room tacitly.

"Alser, you need to get rid of your hilarity." Novaru complained in a low voice.

"XX, how do I know they can hear that far."

"I don't think I may have heard it."

"What did you find?"

"I didn't find anything, I just feel that no matter who they are, they will be aware of it when they are watched by the two searchlight-like eyes." After finishing speaking, Khamis and Novalu clapped their hands and laughed.

Arser was a little annoyed, but he was afraid that the commotion would be too loud, so he changed the subject and said, "I feel that they are too cautious. We have been fighting with them for so long, count it for decades, and it is only now Seeing the real face. But apart from the appearance, we still don't know anything else. Hey, who do you think they are guarding against?"

"It's definitely not defending against us! After watching the previous battles, I realized how ridiculous our current strength is. If the Zerg's firepower is fully fired, it is estimated that we will have to finish a charge."

"I don't think they are necessarily defending against specific targets. They are powerful and have the ability to hide something. This will appear mysterious and unpredictable, so as to deter potential enemies."

Several people nodded, it was indeed such a talk, at least the Doki tribe would have to weigh it if they wanted to make a move.

"However, the other party's conditions are more relaxed than expected, which I did not expect."

"Yes, think about it differently. If I were the victor, it would definitely not be just that."

As a loser in the battle of civilization and race, even if they were all slaughtered by the victor, it is not too incomprehensible.

In the current situation where people are fighting for swords and I am fish and meat, no matter what harsh demands the Zerg tribe puts forward, as long as the Zerg tribe does not exterminate the tribe, the Riken tribe will grit their teeth and agree to it. They have already realized this.

But the conditions of the swarm surprised them. First of all, they should maintain the current spheres of influence of both sides. The outer circle of the galaxy is bounded by the double star defense line, and the inner circle of the galaxy is bounded by the third planet. Within the scope, it is under the jurisdiction of the Liken tribe. Outside the scope, if the Liken tribe wants to pass or develop it, they can negotiate again.

When they first heard this, all the Rikens present were stunned.

Before surrendering, they held several internal meetings to finalize certain so-called "bottom lines". For example, in terms of borders, they thought that the swarm would confiscate their warships, defense lines, and colonies, and drive them all back to their home planet. But on this basis, they will try their best to fight for the development rights of all satellites on the parent star.

But unexpectedly, the conditions proposed by the swarm were more generous than the conditions they wanted to fight for. This is like negotiating the price when buying something. The price in my heart is 100, but it is better to be able to talk to 80. In the end, I didn’t expect that before I opened my mouth, the merchant directly said 20 to take away.

This gap in their hearts made the Rikens feel happy, but at the same time, there was an inexplicable sense of loss...

Making progress is something any intelligent creature possesses, and several Rickens who thought the swarms were easy to talk to wanted to bargain again on this basis. But the Zerg female who is in charge of the negotiations is quite strong. It is said that her name is Marlene, and she is also a general in the Zerg. In fact, she didn't need to make much introduction, being able to negotiate with a civilization as a representative of the Zerg could also indirectly show her noble status.

Indeed, when Sarah was the queen of the Ratmen, there were more than a dozen senior generals under her command, and Marlene was the only female among them. If she wants to achieve this position, she is still a military general. She needs to work harder and at the same time prove her extraordinary ability.

After her death, she was lucky enough to be selected and became an intelligent body, and has been working under the blade system ever since. When the master ordered Sarah to form a civilization system, as an old man at the same time, she was recruited by Sarah.

Marlene, who has been in the top position for a long time, is naturally full of aura. Facing the bargaining of the Rikens, she just glanced at the Rikens with murderous eyes.

After the finalization of the site, the next step is the issue of the "treasure" spacecraft.

Faced with the temptation of the remnants of advanced civilization, the swarm only asked to be stationed in a scientific research team, and to obtain the leadership of the Riken scientific research team and share the previous research results.

The Rickon tribe originally thought that the swarm would definitely drag the spaceship away, but they didn't expect that they would not only keep the spaceship behind, but even participate in the research. Even if the scientific research team is under the leadership of the swarm, it is nothing, after all, the results can be shared.

Hearing this condition, without waiting for other Liken to express their opinions, the leader of Liken scientific research who participated in the negotiation nodded frantically, and at the same time stared at other colleagues, as if saying that whoever dares to have more BBs will fight like him .

Perhaps because of their threats, or because of Marlene's murderous eyes, the Riken tribe fell silent and did not bargain any more.

Marlene looked at the Rikens in front of her and was very satisfied. She knew that everything here was seen by the respected Master Juggernaut, and she couldn't let him down.

Happy Holidays to everyone.

Thank you Aoni, who loves to play roller coasters, and Shuke Haogege, for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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