I Am the Swarm

Chapter 367 Receiving

Again, to the surprise of the Rickens, the swarm had no other requirements except for these two points. Measures like disarmament, maintaining parliament, restricting technology, etc. are all absent...

The Liken family said that if they had known this before, then why would they be so aggressive, they would have made peace with each other long ago...

And Luo Wen said that for the "production base", the treatment of the swarm has always been very generous. And after only a few reincarnations, the Liken tribe will become the second Ratman civilization, and all middle and high-level people will be replaced by intelligence bodies. Ordinary Liken people will only see the happy relationship between the two tribes.

Since the Swarm's request was very, very, very brief and "reasonable," the ensuing meeting became a celebration of the beginning of a friendship between the two races. This is also the reason why the three of Khamis can hide and tease with peace of mind. The burden on them is removed, so naturally they should be happy and happy.

The "celebration" of the meeting lasted for several hours. The general direction has been formulated, and the subsequent details are naturally accepted by professionals. Then the Riken tribe handed over the prisoners of war, and these Doki tribe ran to the double-star defense line of the Riken tribe by themselves, which made the Riken tribe very upset.

The Zerg can't be provoked, and the Doki is also not a good enemy, and they are all existences that the Riken can't provoke. So for these Duoqi people, when the previous battle was not over, the Riken tribe also entertained them with delicious food and drink.

Although due to the difference in the environment of the two planets, the Doki people did not eat these food and drink, but the Riken tribe's least face-saving project was done in place, and even if the Doki tribe won the war later, they would definitely not be able to find any faults. This is also the reason why Diallo was relieved to let the crew transfer to the Riken tribe.

But the final result was that the Doki tribe was beaten away, so these "prisoners of war" would naturally return to their original owners. The Liken tribe didn't make a good deal of it, and it wasn't even a condition. They hoped that the Zerg Swarm would quickly take away all these uncles who couldn't be beaten or scolded.

Of course, when "detaining" these Doki people, the Rikens also tried to understand the origins of these "uncles" by insinuating. However, the language problem became a hurdle, and the Riken tribe did not know the language of the Doki tribe.

Fortunately, the Doki tribe also wanted to release some information to deter the Riken tribe, so some Doki people who were proficient in the Riken language revealed some news intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, how powerful their civilization is, the territory covers three star systems, and they belong to a certain alliance. There are countless bosses in the alliance, and their strength is even more terrifying.

Regarding the previous news, the Rickens didn't care too much. Now that they are surrounded by Zerg, they are not too worried about the Doki. But the following news was a bit shocking. There was a huge force behind the Doki tribe, which changed some policies of the Liken tribe.

It just so happens that the conditions on the Zerg side are very lenient, and the Riken tribe has set the tone of future diplomacy to not overly curry favor with the Zerg, maintain independence, and deal with possible crises in the future.

To put it simply, it is to be a fool on the fence and leave a way out for themselves. In case the swarm loses to the alliance, they can have an explanation.

However, when handing over Doki's prisoners of war, the Riken tribe still shared the information they had obtained with the swarm. In fact, even if they concealed it, it was useless. If they concealed it, not many strange people would conceal it, and maybe they would use it to drive a wedge between the two clans.

Luo Wen was well aware of the various tricks of the Liken tribe, but he didn't say much. He has always been very generous with the "production base".

As for these Duoqi prisoners of war, Rowan had already arranged everything for them.

In a satellite of Izumo, a large number of rooms were dug out, and Doki prisoners of war were brought into it.

For the swarm, Doki has mixed feelings. One is the sense of superiority of looking down on the natives in the countryside, the other is the sense of shame of being beaten up by the natives, and the other is the shock and incomprehension of the combat power of the swarm. But in terms of external performance, they are very conscientious, and the attitude of the uncle on the side of the Liken tribe has also restrained a lot.

Several Doki yelled loudly in the Riken language, repeating the set of words to the Riken tribe, hoping to achieve the purpose of deterring the insect swarm. They don't know the Zerg's language and can only use Ricken, but they know that the Zerg can understand it.

But no Zerg intelligent unit came out to take care of them, only those small octopus monsters and some unseen multi-legged insects escorted them to the underground passage.

Purple-gray fleshy tissue emerged from the surrounding passages. As the team marched, the Doki who walked at the end kept disappearing. Fear began to spread, and all kinds of obscene language composed of strange languages ​​filled the passage, but let alone incomprehensible, even if they did not understand, these meaningless things could not disturb the bugs, even a little bit of mentality.

Because they only have absolute obedience to Rowan, everything else is irrelevant.

"Master Master, the Doki tribe can ignore it, but how should we deal with the forces behind it?" Sarah asked.

Luo Wen shook his head and said, "It's too early to say anything. We need more information. Let's just look at what these guys can provide."

"But I don't know how long it will take? After all, it is a new race." Sarah was a little worried.

"With the previous experience of the Riken tribe, it shouldn't take too long, at most two years, and it can be done." In this regard, Luo Wen has the most say, because this matter can only be done by Luo Wen Experiment with the operation yourself. Moreover, the longevity species made him gradually insensitive to time, and two years was only a short time in his definition.

"Is that too late? Will we be attacked by that alliance?"

"Don't worry, the guy who ran away is very unwilling and is still trying to find a chance to make a comeback. As long as he is not completely desperate, he will not seek help."

That's right, after escaping, Diallo looked at his fleet with more than a thousand battleships left, and felt that he was doing well again, and was planning to give the swarm a ruthless attack. However, his whereabouts have always been under the surveillance of the swarm.

When they first entered the Rickon galaxy, the bug swarm did not know how many surveillance eye worms were placed here. They were either disguised as meteorites, or directly embedded in the meteorites.

With more than a thousand warships and such a large target, there is no possibility of losing it. Although they have stealth coatings on the surface of their hulls, they are aimed at radio radar, and it doesn't work for the swarm with very advanced optical technology.

"But I don't know if those monitors will call the police." Sarah was still a little worried, and Rowan fell silent.

This is indeed a problem. The monitors found near the battlefield are obviously not the technology of Doqi civilization. This is a huge variable.

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