I Am the Swarm

Chapter 403

Ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the spaceship of the Ji clan arrived on time. It is said that they set off from another garrison point of the Ji clan, but it is unknown how far it is from the Rickon galaxy.

This is a very small fleet in the style of "treasure spaceship", consisting of two large transport ships over 6,000 meters long and twenty 3,000-meter-class frigates.

The spaceships of the Ji clan have gone through equipment refinement, miniaturization, and added some space technology, and then developed to such a size again. The same 3,000-meter-class warships cannot be compared with the Trojan civilization.

The fact that the fleet docked at the airport of the Riken twin-star base may be due to psychological effects. From a distance, the momentum of dozens of warships is actually stronger than that of the thousand-ship Riken fleet beside it.

Because all the procedures have been planned in advance, and this handover is also the first time that Riken Civilization has shown its face in the alliance, it has received the attention of Riken's senior management, and a special team has been prepared to take charge of this matter.

So it didn't take long, and the relevant personnel who had already practiced many times ordered the scientific research personnel to board the transport ship of the Ji clan in an orderly manner.

The transport ship docked at the star port has an unprecedented length of 6,000 meters. Against the background of the Riken fleet, which is only about 2,000 meters away, it looks even larger. This is the largest ship that Luo Wen has seen so far. It is said that the Ji Clan also has super large transport ships over 10,000 meters. However, Luo Wen only saw a novelty. Compared with the giant structure of the swarm, these ships are simply scum. Apart from running faster, they are really just younger brothers.

Of course, the gap in running speed is also very huge. It seems inappropriate to compare snails and rockets.

Although those warships of the Ji clan are tightly guarded, it is difficult for outsiders to approach, and it is impossible to understand the specific structure inside. But the transport ship does not have this problem. From the perspective of the intelligent body, Luo Wen experienced the whole boarding procedure of the Ji clan.

Because these scientific researchers have passed the Ji family test before, there is no re-examination link this time. After landing on the transport ship, under the guidance of some Ji clans and machines, the scientific researchers lined up and entered each room.

The room is large and simple, except for some testing instruments, there is nothing superfluous. Researchers need to conduct a series of tests here.

The first thing is to test the various functions of the body. The researchers of the Ji family must be healthy, young and strong, and have no hidden diseases. Afterwards, the whole body must be disinfected to avoid carrying any bacteria and viruses, and at the same time, check whether any weapons are carried in the body.

In addition, body structure scans, external feature scans, gene backups, etc. all need to be completed one by one. After completing these, researchers will obtain new identities and be assigned their own personal terminals. They will then enter the dormant cabin one by one. After all, it is not a short distance from the Riken galaxy to the territory of the Ji clan. Even with the speed of the Ji clan spaceship, it cannot be completed in a short time. Naturally, we cannot waste time during this period.

Rowan watched all of this, and the next thing he was about to face was the implementation of future plans. He even felt a little nervous, an emotion he hadn't seen in a long time.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly, there was no alarm sound, no abnormality, and those intelligent bodies disguised as Rickon passed the test smoothly. Except for their ideology, they are exactly the same as their prototypes, and the technology of the Ji clan obviously cannot touch the soul level.

Luo Wen breathed a sigh of relief, and the next swarm researchers will be fine. They don't even have prototypes, or they themselves are prototypes. Even if they are abnormal, they will only be taken for granted.

Since only the most basic clothing is required for the examination, an appropriate environment must be created. So the swarm scientists are not auditioning with the Rickens, they are on the other side. And they also revealed their "noumenon" in front of the world for the first time.

Since they are not combatants, although their armors also have ram spikes, they are more decorative than practical, and they are not too ferocious. In front of the Ji clan inspectors, this layer of armor slowly faded, shrank, and finally condensed into a hard lump that shrank to the chest.

"Wow, cool!" a member of the Ji clan exclaimed. He has blue hair and is 1.6 meters tall. He looks like a monkey, and he doesn't know what civilization his mother clan is.

"What is this?" Another member of the Ji clan also widened his eyes and asked the exposed Zerg member. The skin of this Ji clan is dark black, he is more than two meters tall, and his muscles are bulging all over. Unlike the 300-jin Troo clan, his muscles are not like the sharp-edged lumps of the Trot clan, but a little softer, with a body shape Very well-proportioned. However, against the background of the short "blue-haired monkey" next to him, he is as tall as an iron tower.

The Zerg, who took off the armor, looked a little thin, about 1.8 meters tall, with two eyes and one mouth, which looked more popular.

"This is our parasitic armor and our protective clothing. Sorry, it is already a symbiotic relationship with my blood. I can only put it away temporarily, but I can't take it away." The Zerg staff explained calmly.

"It's amazing! I have to record this and report it to the higher authorities!" After the "Iron Tower Muscle Monster" who had spoken just now finished speaking, he bowed his head and began to operate the instrument.

"Wow, this is much better than our armor. It's unbelievable that such a good thing can appear in such a rural place." The blue-haired monkey couldn't help but continue to marvel. Since the conditions in this room are suitable for Zerg, but not his race, he wears a simple protective suit to help him resist the uncomfortable gravity of the room. And also wears a mask to help him filter harmful gases.

This set of equipment is standard equipment for members of the Ji clan. After all, the Xinji clan is an immigrant race, a hodgepodge. There are as many "races" as there are foreigners.

There are so many different types of members, their body structures are different, and their suitable ecological environments are also different. Perhaps the breathing gas of one race is deadly poison to another race.

In this context, the technology of the Ji clan's protective clothing has advanced by leaps and bounds, and has gradually evolved into its current form. The current Ji clan protective clothing, not the outer space version, only the standard version, which is suitable for wearing on an ecological planet with an atmosphere.

It can offset or increase gravity within a certain range, and the mask can automatically filter out elements that threaten the wearer's race according to the composition of the atmosphere. However, although the Ji clan's protective clothing is light enough and beautiful, it still needs to be cumbersome to wear. Compared with Zerg's biological armor, which can be automatically dressed, is easy to wear, and can even function as an exoskeleton, Not comparable at all.

Thank you for the order of the abyss and the eternal worm mother for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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