I Am the Swarm

Chapter 404 Inspection

"Have you ever considered exchanging this technology to the Ji clan? It will definitely sell for a good price. Oh, I was wrong, we all belong to the Ji clan now, should you consider donating this technology to the clan?" The iron tower muscle monster raised his head and asked. Although he looks honest and honest, he is very cunning inside and out. He not only wants to prostitute for free, but also wants to provoke relationships.

Although what he said is true to a certain extent.

The Zerg member shook his head: "This set of parasitic armor is issued by the Zerg, and its technology is strictly kept secret." After finishing speaking, he swiped his hand in a big circle: "We, all the Zerg here, don't know about this technical details."

"Cut!" The iron tower muscle monster curled his lips: "Okay, then it's beyond my authority, let's leave this matter to the higher-ups." He muttered, and vaguely heard him say to himself: "Okay Now, reporting this information itself can earn a lot of benefits, so it’s not in vain.”

Afterwards, he said unwillingly: "Everyone will be our own people in the future. If there are any good things that can be exchanged for points in advance." Before the Zerg staff asked what the points are for, he asked himself and answered: "What's the use of points? That's a good thing. With points, you can not only make your life more comfortable, but also get more resources, apply for more advanced laboratories, and browse more advanced knowledge. In short, the more points the better. "

It's a pity that he has been advocating for a long time, but no one responds to the Zerg now. He is a little embarrassed, but fortunately, his skin is dark and he can't blush. It turned out that these inspectors were not only responsible for transporting foreign scientific research personnel, but also responsible for obtaining technology. Commonly known as the "Fat and Water Don't Flow Outsider Field Project".

For example, if the foreign scientific researcher they accept has some technology that the Ji family does not have, if this technology can be exchanged for 5 points, then the reception staff and the scientific researcher who provided the technology will get half of the points, and then the two will compare each other. half point. In this way, when the mother family of the scientific researcher wants to exchange points with this technology, it will be displayed that the technology has been reserved and cannot be exchanged.

In this way, it curbs the acquisition of points by foreign races, and provokes the relationship between scientific researchers and their mother clans. However, as the number of foreign races increases, and they are more or less influenced by the Ji clan's technological path, the homogenization is serious, and there are fewer and fewer unique technologies that can be exchanged.

But the swarm is one of the few civilizations in the Star Sea Alliance that mainly takes the route of biotechnology. It must have many unique technologies. This fat difference is something that the "iron tower muscle monster" and "blue-haired monkey" managed to win over. No, they found good things at the beginning, but now they feel like they have entered the treasure mountain and returned empty-handed, which makes them very uncomfortable.

In addition to the room for personnel inspection, the salutes and belongings of all boarding personnel are in another room, and they also need to go through layers of inspections before they can be taken onto the spacecraft. The Ji clan is quite humane about the members who are about to join them. Each scientific researcher who passes the assessment can carry 50 kilograms of inanimate objects on board.

However, the inspection here is more stringent. Compared with the personnel inspection that has almost never had any accidents, the personal belongings are the hardest hit area for accidents.

Who are the people on board? Those are scientific researchers of various categories, and what they bring most are various electronic storage devices and paper books. Then there are some clothes and souvenirs, and the third is their favorite experimental materials.

These things are all kinds of strange things. It is normal operation to have a little radiation. Explosive items in an unstable state are also common, and some even carry various bacteria, toxins and other things.

Although these things were clearly prohibited in the instruction manual issued before boarding the ship, they were still repeatedly prohibited. After all, what bad intentions could those scientific researchers have? They just want to bring some experimental material.

"What is this?" A Ji clan inspector asked his companion.

What he held in his hand was a pendant found in the luggage of a Riken researcher. The pendant looks relatively ordinary, it seems to be amber made of some kind of plant secretion, and it is strung together by a very ordinary braided rope.

What is rather strange is that there is a golden bug wrapped in the light blue transparent amber. The bug is not as big as a fingernail, but it is very well preserved. Not to mention the limbs, even the tentacles are not damaged. It is golden and very beautiful.

"It looks like a small bug, but I haven't seen the specific species. Maybe it's a special product of those indigenous people." The companion turned his head and glanced at it, then lost interest.

"Hey, don't do this, maybe this thing is very dangerous." The inspector exclaimed exaggeratedly. Although his words and deeds are indeed exaggerated, they are not without reason. In the history of the Ji clan, there was one time when a foreigner who had just boarded a ship brought a specimen of an indigenous creature.

Although the Ji family who was in charge of the inspection found the specimen, they didn't care about it, and just regarded it as an ordinary souvenir. But after the spaceship took off, more than 20 Ji clans died one after another, and the reason could not be found out.

This caused panic on the spaceship, and they finally found out the reason after more than a hundred dead members of the Season Clan. It turned out that the culprit was this specimen, which could emit a weak neurotoxin, which was not in the Ji clan's knowledge base, so no alarm was reported during the test.

The toxin has a slight refreshing effect on the indigenous people, so it is often made into a decoration, but for many races, it is a chronic poison, which causes breathing difficulties and eventually leads to suffocation.

After this incident, the staff of the Ji clan who were in charge of picking up the foreigners became concerned about the strange biological specimens in the luggage of the foreigners. Although there is no explicit prohibition, it is strictly guarded against this aspect.

"Okay, let's find out what this little thing is." The companion took out a stick, scanned the amber several times, and soon uploaded the data to the computer, and started the search.

The information was quickly found.

"According to the information, it comes from a common bug in the Zangar Forest near the equator of Ricken's home planet. It's called... well, this word is their indigenous language, and I don't know it. The locals often use blue fir The sap of the tree wraps it and solidifies it, wears it, and wears it in detail to bring good luck..."

Seeing that the companion wanted to make a long speech and continued to read all the materials, the inspector quickly interrupted and said: "Stop, stop, our work is very heavy, you know what I want to know, don't waste time."

"Well, the remarks given by our information department are safe species and can be carried."

Hearing what the companion said, the inspector shrugged his shoulders, said nothing more, just threw the pendant back into the suitcase and let it go.

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