I Am the Swarm

Chapter 644 Search

The normal version of Z-R-2 is equipped with special energy rifles, special high-explosive grenades, powerful dynamic visual capture system, and information support from Z-1-16, which is enough for them to fight all enemies in the cabin environment.

The improved version of Z-R-2 adds more weapon options. First of all, two Z-R-2s were modified, and a giant shield with a length of 3.5 meters, a width of 2 meters, a thickness of up to half a meter, and a bracket was added.

The material of the shield is the same as that of the reactive armor on the outside of the battleship. In the narrow cabin environment and when large-caliber weapons cannot be used, it can block almost all frontal attacks. Two shields are enough to cover an area of ​​nearly 30 square meters, which can provide a strong protection capability for the team.

In addition, one of the Z-R-2s was equipped with a highly concentrated oxidant flamethrower, which can spray high-heat energy flames. Although the range is relatively short, it is a powerful existence of face-to-face killing.

This kind of weapon did not exist before, but was later developed based on the characteristics of the Zerg. According to the data provided by the Ji Clan, the biological armor of the Zerg has the strongest resistance to pure energy attacks and ray attacks. At a certain intensity, they cannot be harmed.

But in this environment inside the cabin, facing small Zerg combat units, high-heat flames have become the most effective means of killing. Although their resistance to flames is very high, once it reaches a certain level, the protection will collapse across the board.

This point is somewhat similar to their physical resistance. Physical attacks reaching this point also pose a strong threat to warships. In comparison, flame attacks are much safer.

And the last Z-R-2 modification was equipped with a huge four-meter-long Gauss rifle, which has powerful penetrating physical lethality. It is usually divided into two sections and carried behind the robot. Their buckle design allows them to be assembled quickly when needed.

This Gauss rifle was originally used outdoors. It has powerful attack power and can even penetrate some types of warship reactive armor. In theory, it is forbidden to use it in the cabin, because once it is fired, it will open a hole in the battleship and cause damage to the battleship.

But it is still deployed, just in case. In case of a difficult situation, it is better to damage the battleship than to die.

A Z-series robot tactical team is fully equipped with all-round three-dimensional strikes from far and near. Their operation mode is mainly based on the remote control of the driver, and the independent thinking mode can flexibly switch tactics and play according to the actual situation. Assisted by artificial intelligence and powerful computing power, it provides data retrieval and analysis services for drivers. This combination, with complementary advantages, is sufficient to deal with most intrusion events.

As for a Zerg combat unit whose arms and legs are only more than two meters in size, sending such a well-organized tactical team, in the view of the battleship commander, although it feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, but the opponent is a Zerg, he feels it is safer good.

The full Z series tactical team arrived at the B5 floor area invaded by Zerg soon after receiving the order to activate.

"Tell the team to proceed with caution, I don't want to see any damage to them." Captain Jesse enjoined.

"Understood, Captain, instructions have been sent to all team members."

"Very good, access their first-person view, Gwendolyn, pay attention to identifying abnormal areas, I want to find out how these reptiles got to my ship!"

"Follow your orders, Your Excellency."

Soon, dozens of small grids were displayed on the big screen in front of the captain. This is the real-time camera screen configured on the Z series team.

Since the entire Z series team is remotely controlled by the driver through the immersive virtual module, some of these video images are from the first perspective, which looks very immersive.

"Access the team's audio information." Just looking at the screen is like a silent movie, and it feels like something is missing. After Jesse gave the order, the video sound came out immediately.

"Gwendolyn, mark the location where the B-3 was attacked before." The leader of the tactical team found that after approaching the target location, but did not find the wreckage of the repair robot, he ordered decisively.

As soon as he finished speaking, on the holographic screen in front of him, a conspicuous red was marked on the green background. It's a pity that the place is now empty, and the wreckage of the B-3 has disappeared.

"Elson, go in and take a look, be careful. Others pay attention to cover!"

"Received!" Elson is a Z-1-16 pilot. He controls the disc-shaped aircraft and slowly moves towards the red marked area. At the same time, all kinds of detection instruments are fully activated, capturing all subtle anomalies.

"Pay attention to cover!" The captain emphasized again as he saw the aircraft controlled by Elson slowly approaching the B-3 attack site.

But there is no need for him to remind, we are veterans who have served together for many years and cooperated tacitly, so we naturally know what to do at this moment. When Elson just stepped forward, the others had already turned on the weapon system, ready to attack at any time. Even the energy leakage caused by the preheating of the high-combustion flamethrower raised the temperature nearby a lot. Fortunately, everyone is remotely controlling mechanical operations, so they don't care too much about it.

Under the nervous gaze of all the team members and the captain, the aircraft slowly arrived at the location where the B-3 was attacked before, and circled around twice, but was not attacked.

"What happened? It ran away?"

"The opponent is not a beast, but an intelligent race, don't underestimate them."

"That's right! Be careful, I don't want to use my big gun."

"Shut up! Keep quiet! Elson, you keep moving forward. Tully, Cary, keep up, fan search! Gail, find a position by yourself, I need the perspective of the whole field! Others stay in formation, Always ready to support!"

"Received!" The three people named were also the pilots of Z-1-16. After they received the order, the two disc-shaped aircraft left the team, flew forward, and then merged with Elson. The three aircraft kept their distance and started a carpet search.

As for the last aircraft, because the electromagnetic pulse erupted here before, all the monitoring probes nearby were defeated, so it can only be relied on to provide the team with a high-altitude overlooking view.

"Be careful, check the pulse protection device, I don't want to see you burn the machine because of negligence."


Five minutes passed slowly.

"Captain, I didn't find it here!"

"Captain, I don't have one here either."

"Captain, I am the same~"

"Z2 stepped forward and searched the ground, and Z1 paid attention to the field of view!" After the three Z1s scanned in a circle, they found nothing, and for safety reasons, they were not allowed to look close to the ground. But this job was not theirs.

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