I Am the Swarm

Chapter 741 Falling

The instructions of the commanders of the Ji clan conflicted with the previous ones. This is because they wanted to capture the Zerg Queen as quickly as possible. Avoid the generation of other variables.

And when the J-Z-901 solution came out, they suddenly found a better choice. If the area is reinforced with a colloidal solution and then fixed, even if the area below it is triggered to collapse, the area will still stay in place. In this way, the Zerg's long-planned plan will fail.

But the encirclement has shrunk to a very small extent, and the J-Z-901 solution is still on the way. In order to avoid excessive stimulation to Sarah and force the Zerg to trigger the ground subsidence in advance, the commanders decided to suspend the attack for only ten minutes , they can complete the preliminary soil reinforcement.

But the new script was released too late. Even if all the soldiers of the Ji Clan were film kings, they didn't know how to do it without any trace when the encirclement had shrunk to such an extent. It was very natural to delay for ten minutes.

So there were some ridiculous situations on the battlefield. For example, the soldiers of the Ji clan ran away during the battle for the first time. For example, before they saw Sarah, they took the initiative to seal the passage with colloidal solution.

These performances were too poor, Sarah was keenly aware of this abnormality, and knew that there must be new variables, which caused these seemingly ridiculous situations.

Although the fleet of the Ji clan has an advantage in the low-earth orbit of the planet, the Zerg fleet has not been completely eliminated. In addition, there are still many hidden investigation units in the planet that have been deployed all the time, so the actions of the Ji clan have almost always been Under the surveillance of the Zerg.

The various airdrop packages launched by the Ji clan from orbit are the key surveillance objects. The Ji clan also responded to this. They knew the characteristics of the Zerg race. Any inconspicuous insect might be the eyeliner of the Zerg race.

Based on the principle of killing mistakes rather than letting them go, the Ji clan dispatched countless pocket drones to destroy all visible non-own living creatures in the target area.

These thumb-sized pocket drones can enter more complex terrain to search for any possible targets. At the same time, they were equipped with a ray cannon with a length of only three centimeters to carry out the first round of cleaning work.

And when they face targets that cannot be cleared, they will mark the target, and soon there will be corresponding force machines, under Serena's command, to clear the threat.

However, due to their size, this kind of pocket drone cannot be loaded with very sophisticated large instruments, so their detection capabilities are really limited. Facing those real native native creatures is naturally crushing, but when facing Zerg reconnaissance units with two abilities of invisibility and mimicry, they are somewhat powerless.

In order to reduce the hidden environment of the Zerg as much as possible, the Ji Clan even set fire to clean up all the grass and trees in a radius of 300 kilometers. While this did allow them to find and clear a lot of Zerg units, there are still a large number of survivors still performing their duties.

Therefore, when the package containing the J-Z-901 solution was air-dropped to the ground, this item that needs a special container to hold it immediately attracted the attention of the Zerg.

Combined with the information obtained, and based on the comparison, the Zerg immediately figured out what these packages were, and from this they could easily guess what the Ji clan wanted to do.

"Sir, the Zerg has moved, and their tunnel worms have begun to move."

"Oops, our plan has been discovered! There is still eyeliner that hasn't been cleaned up!"

"It's normal. The Zerg have been operating on that planet for such a long time, and we simply can't clean up all their arrangements in a short time."

"What should we do now?"

"According to the original plan, now we will see who moves faster. Let the front team implement plan B."

"No problem, hope it works."

The J-Z-901 solution in the vat was hugged by the transport robot, and then galloped along the passage towards the battlefield below. This kind of transportation robot is equipped with an anti-gravity system, and its appearance is like a flying carpet with mechanical arms. It is very suitable for carrying out transportation tasks in certain environments.

However, although the transportation efficiency of the Ji clan is very fast, the battlefield below has already begun to shake. A large number of tunnel worms serving as foundations left, and the gradually suspended battlefield, under the influence of its own gravity, clods of soil continued to disintegrate and fall downward.

With such a large area of ​​activity, every tremor of it will cause a huge disaster. Those passages like capillaries around the battlefield were the first to suffer, and many passages collapsed one after another.

And the transportation channel connecting the surface is also among them. The convoy that was transporting the J-Z-901 solution was lucky enough to be blocked by the collapsed soil layer, and the unlucky ones were directly buried.

In the end, only 30% of the transport convoy arrived at the specified location within the specified time. But at this time, it was like a natural disaster, and there was no time to deploy soldiers, let alone strengthen the soil structure.

But the Ji Clan was facing more than just this bad news. The tunnel worms below the battlefield did not leave after changing their positions, but rushed towards the battlefield above without hesitation.

"They want to detonate high-explosive mines! Accelerate the collapse of the battlefield!"

These huge auxiliary units couldn't effectively rush through the radiation layer around the battlefield, but they still did so. The abnormal behavior made the commanders of the Ji clan immediately guess their intentions.

The weapons used to defend against the tunnel worms became an accomplice of the Zerg plan in a blink of an eye. This kind of decision-making mistake made the commanders and staff who made this suggestion a little embarrassed.

"Let the soldiers speed up, Serena, and get ready to pull the chains!"

Continuous roars sounded from the ground, and the powerful high-explosive bombs not only killed and injured the tunnel worms, but also collapsed the last solid layer of soil that carried the battlefield.

The large ones were more than ten meters in diameter and weighed tens of tons, while the small ones were only the size of a fingernail. A large number of gravel and soil clods fell downward, sinking into the dark abyss.

The unstable foundation made the tremors on the battlefield even worse. Cracks had already appeared on the ground, and the soldiers of the Ji clan in the passage had already turned on the flight mode. But this is of no use. The soil layer that fell off as a whole will engulf them and fall below. Unless they can break away from the soil block in the middle of the fall, they can only go down to meet the Zerg troops.

Some soldiers took out a high-explosive grenade and held it in their hands. The impact of this kind of grenade would be cut in half by the protective clothing. Even if it exploded at close range, it would not hurt their lives. But this grenade can blast a gap for the soldiers to escape when the surrounding soil layer falls off. Although they were always avoiding the mud, stone and soil that continued to fall from above even if they were engulfed by the clods that escaped, it was much better than facing the siege of the Zerg.

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