I Am the Swarm

Chapter 742 Struggling

Sarah, who was surrounded, naturally sensed the changes on the battlefield, and understood that the plan to rescue her had already started. In order to increase the chance of escaping, she had to be more active.

There are troops below, as long as they reach the bottom, it means temporary safety. The energy used has been saved before, and what is waiting is this moment of explosion.

The five energy storage organs began to output energy, and the negative energy stance shield suddenly appeared under Sarah's feet, and the soil in contact with it suddenly turned into nothingness.

And without any support, Sarah's body continued to fall, and the negative energy shield under her feet kept touching the new mud and rocky ground, constantly erasing them, as if she was riding an invisible elevator. At several times faster speed, it fell towards the bottom.

At the same time, her energy reserves were consumed like a balloon with a big hole. In fact, the most ideal state is that Sarah continues to delay for a while, and then waits for the lower layer of soil under her feet to fall off, reducing the distance between her and the open underground area.

In this way, she can have more abundant energy to deal with possible emergencies. But the Ji family had already taken precautions against this. Although all kinds of poor acting skills just surrounded her but did not attack her, they sneakily reinforced the land under her feet.

There were hundreds of Ji clan teams surrounding Sarah. Although the J-Z-901 colloidal solution they carried could not reinforce the entire battlefield, it was more than enough to reinforce the area around Sarah and under her feet alone.

The Ji clan knew from the very beginning that their attempt to fortify the entire battlefield would not succeed, so under this plan, other plans were hidden.

They don't need to strengthen the entire battlefield, they only need to strengthen the position where Sarah is. What I did before was just to deceive people, and to have a biased thinking of the Zerg.

"Stop her!" Although plan B has basically been successfully completed. However, compared with Plan A, the reinforcement area of ​​Plan B is too small, which also means that the error tolerance rate is lower.

They must confine the Zerg Queen to this area before her energy is exhausted, otherwise everything they have done before will be in vain.

Sarah also understood this, so she took the fastest way to get out of here. But obviously the Ji Clan will not let her go easily. During the fight before, the Ji Clan had already secretly reinforced the area nearly 100 meters below her feet. This seems to be a short distance. Normally, at the speed that Sarah can run out of a sonic boom, it doesn't even take a second to pass through it. time. But at this moment, it was like a moat in front of her.

J-Z-901 colloidal solution has a very disgusting property, that is, when it is attached to an object, the side that touches the object will solidify rapidly. Its sturdiness can even reach the hardness of some medium civilization battleship alloys.

This kind of hardness is already able to take a few tricks in front of the polymer blade. Don't underestimate this slight difference. The difference between one cut and two cuts or two or three cuts sometimes represents several times the consumption of physical strength and energy.

However, the side of J-Z-901 that is not in contact with other attachments can still maintain a high-viscosity colloidal state. Every time the polymer sharp blade is cut, a part of J-Z-901 will be stuck to it. The weight will also make the weapon no longer sharp, making it very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, when the ground under her feet was full of mud and rocks combined with J-Z-901, Sarah had to enlarge the negative energy shield under her feet so that her body would have enough space to avoid contact with the surrounding mud and gelatinous mixture.

Don't underestimate the loss of this extra circle of negative energy shields. According to calculations, Sarah's descent distance should be reduced by at least 30%. This made her, who was full of confidence, a little worried. She still doesn't know how thick the soil layer under her feet is. If it exceeds a hundred meters, she may really be trapped here.

And at this moment, another backhand of the Ji clan also used it. A kind of ammunition that is completely opposite to blunt bullets. This kind of ammunition has a sharp bullet and a very slender body. It has extremely powerful penetrating power. It can even pass through hundreds of meters of soil when fired from a firearm supported by special components. Layers, even the colloidal soil layer in front of them, they can pass through hundreds of meters. And within 50 meters, it still has good lethality.

According to the amount of advance calculated by Serena, the soldiers of the Ji clan began to fire violently at Sarah, who was invisible. Although each team still only carried a small amount of this special physical ammunition, it was used to stop Sarah. But it is more than enough.

Ammunition pierced the soil from all directions and hit Sarah, who was falling, with precision. Sarah, who has no room to dodge at all, can only choose to resist.

Although most of the power of these special armor-piercing bullets has been consumed by the colloidal soil layer, the remaining power can no longer break through her biological armor. However, the kinetic energy it carried would still deflect her body.

In this case, she must exert more strength to maintain her balance.

However, there were too many bullets fired, and she had no focus, so even though she tried her best, her body would still rub against the surrounding walls from time to time. After a few strokes, her body has been stained with a lot of J-Z-901 gelatinous mud.

In addition, when the armor-piercing bullet passes through the colloidal soil layer, it will inevitably be contaminated with some J-Z-901 colloidal solution. When it touches her body, there is a certain probability that it will stick to her body, increasing her contact area.

After going back and forth, Sarah was covered with a thick layer of J-Z-901 colloidal soil, her body was stuck by the pipe, and she couldn't move. As a last resort, she could only start the negative energy shield at full power, and circled around her body to erase these burdens.

But when she continued to fall not far away, the same situation reappeared, and she could only repeat the actions just now. In this way, not only the speed of her fall was greatly slowed down, more importantly, the energy was doubled, and she no longer had enough energy to support her to pass through this special colloidal cage.

"That's it, her energy is definitely not enough to support this path!"

"Is the fixation of the glue cage done?"

"It has been done a long time ago. Even if the land where this battlefield is located is completely subsided, this area will remain in its original position."

"That's good, now we are going to close the Internet cafe, we have been delayed here for too long."

"What about our fallen soldiers?"

"After capturing the target, try to rescue it as much as possible, but we will leave within a day at most. Once there is a sign of a fierce battle, we must immediately abandon them and evacuate."

"It seems that this is the only way."

At this time, Sarah seemed to have been sentenced to the end, and became a saury on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered. But she thinks she can still struggle.

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