I Am the Swarm

Chapter 771 Lost

Inside the mysterious organization, there are indeed different voices. Although the loss on the side of escorting Sarah is not small, if the background is placed on a huge organization that spans thousands of galaxies, it is not a big deal.

What caused the mysterious organization a serious loss is that they turned from darkness to light this time, but they did not turn completely. Although they stepped onto the front stage, they didn't fully show their chariots and horses. On the surface, they would still be restrained by the Ji clan.

However, although their identities are well hidden, their main race is not difficult to guess. Therefore, the Ji clan launched a big purge.

This great cleansing affected more than a dozen advanced civilizations and hundreds of star systems. Under the special control method of "Ying", the overall staff of the mysterious organization has been reduced by at least 20%. As for the rest, it is unknown how many of them are spies who have been transformed.

Don't think that 20% is very little, this is a complex system accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years, a sudden reduction of 20% in a short period of time is enough to affect its normal operation.

"Our loss is too great. Is it worth it for the Zerg?" A man in black robe said in pain, his face was very ugly.

Another black-robed man shook his head and said, "We have discussed it before when we made a decision. This is not a problem with the Zerg race. It's just that if we want to survive, we can only take action."

"Well, I know, but I don't think the Zerg are irresponsible. If their queen hadn't been captured, or if they didn't exist at all, we wouldn't have fallen into such a passive situation."

"It's too late to say anything now. The Zerg is our lifeline. Only by sending their queen back as soon as possible can the Zerg help us share the pressure faster."

"Don't worry, we have already lost so much, and we won't let them sacrifice in vain. The Zerg Queen's affairs have already been arranged."

"That's good."

The scene fell into silence.

"I don't know if it's right for us to do this. Compared with the Ji race, the Zerg race is not a good one."

"Who knows, at least judging from the communication with the Zerg Queen, they are not as cruel and difficult to communicate with as imagined."

"I sometimes think that although Ying is a life that is very different from ours, some things are just our imaginations and guesses, which have not happened yet. Maybe Ying will not destroy us. After all, if we are all destroyed There is only one left, it is already an intelligent life, it should have feelings, and it should also feel lonely."

The other black-robed man was speechless for a moment, and it took a while before he answered: "Do you remember the Salariha tribe? Do you remember the Koryasate tribe? Do you remember the Siscolia tribe? Remember our organization, what was it established for?"

A series of questions made several people fall into silence again.

The three races in question are the earliest races to appear in this star field. Some of them were even born earlier than today's inner circle civilization, but now, their names are only recorded in some very secret history books.

At the beginning, the original Ji clan died out, and the new Ji clan accepted the transitional period of inheritance. At that time, most of the freshmen of the Ji clan were scientific researchers, and there was a serious shortage of military personnel. Some races were unwilling to continue to be ruled and squeezed by the Ji clan. Seeing the situation, they took this opportunity to launch an uprising.

Obviously, they failed, and it was "Ying" who defeated them and erased their existence.

"So, Ying is not trustworthy." Finally, a man in black slowly broke the silence.

"But at that time, it just didn't have its own thoughts and the procedures for directing and executing orders. These didn't seem to have anything to do with it. Perhaps, after it was born with wisdom, it already had its own thoughts." The black-robed man was still a little unwilling.

"But we don't dare to gamble, do we? I don't want other foreigners to only see our names from history books. Moreover, no one knows when Ying was born or the wisdom that was born. Maybe it will be destroyed. Those races are their own ideas. Those core principles are just lying to us."

"So, we don't have many choices, even one. Now, we can only rely on the Zerg."

Zerg queen Sarah, who is highly expected by everyone, is still on a boring interstellar voyage at this time. The Ji family relied on big data to screen and gradually locked her position. But when the spaceship she was on was about to contact the encircling fleet of the Ji clan, the mysterious organization made another effort.

Some warships of the Ji family in the encirclement rebelled, and the spies of the mysterious organization destroyed the electronic system of the battleship with EMP bombs.

This caused some foggy blind spots to reappear on the map that was basically lit up. Although the Ji Clan quickly dispatched warships to light up these areas, the spaceship that Sarah was on took advantage of this short opportunity to successfully escape from the encirclement.

Although there is no definite evidence, the mysterious organization will not let so many people die for no reason, just to destroy a few of their standard warships. Therefore, the Ji clan realized that the target might have escaped from the encirclement.

A larger encirclement unfolded, but the search difficulty dropped a lot. It wasn't long before the fog shrouded it. At this time, even if a target took the opportunity to pass, it would not run too far.

Sure enough, not long after, the Ji Clan found some traces of Warp Speed. With the star field blocked and the warp speed trajectories of the warships of the Ji clan clearly recorded, the owner of these traces is very obvious.

The Ji family is the technological ceiling of this star field, and they have never been afraid of anyone in their hard work. And the special spaceship of the mysterious organization has a slightly lower technological content. And because of the camouflage, its shape is that of a civilian merchant ship, and its size is small. In this way, its performance is much worse than that of the Ji clan standard warship.

Finally, half a month later, the spaceship was intercepted by the Ji Clan. After several attempts to break through to no avail, it chose to self-destruct under the eyes of the Ji Clan.

The brilliant fire light illuminated the dark and cold void in an instant, and then quickly extinguished, leaving only broken wreckage in place. The unexpected development of the story left the Ji clan dumbfounded.

A large number of construction machinery and search personnel reached a small spaceship, took off from the battleship, and went to check the wreckage of the explosion. But with the continuous feedback of the investigation report, the faces of the commanders of the Ji clan became more and more ugly.

"No? How could it not be? Such an explosion can't possibly harm the target. She must have been disguised as a wreckage. Keep looking for me. Don't let any piece of debris go!"

The spaceship exploded very violently, and there was more than one blasting point, so there were countless fragments, and a lot of them collapsed and flew out. It was not easy to investigate one by one.

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