I Am the Swarm

Chapter 772

After careful calculation, many key support positions of the spaceship were arranged with multiple explosion points, so they were completely blown apart, and the largest wreckage fragments were only about five square meters.

This made the number of fragments of the spaceship very large, and the sudden explosion was beyond the expectations of the Ji clan. Although many scattered fragments were blocked by the battleship, there were still many fragments that passed through the siege of the Ji clan and shot outwards and go.

However, the Ji clan, who reacted, quickly sent boats to catch up with these fragments, collected them one by one, and then sent a large number of people to inspect them.

Although this was a big project, the fragments were quickly retrieved thanks to the input of the Ji Clan regardless of the cost.

"What? Or not? Impossible! According to Serena's calculations, the probability of the target is more than ninety-nine percent. How could there be no target on this ship?" In the command room, a Ji clan officer roared loudly.

"Yeah, I've been very sure that the target is on the boat before. The reason Serena gave a 99% probability is because they won't give 100% advice at any time."

"Could it be that the target knew that there was no hope of escape, disarmed the biological armor, and then blew himself up?"

"Impossible, even if it is killed, an explosion of this level cannot change its molecular formula. Even if the target is blown to pieces, we can still find some clues. Unfortunately, at the scene, we did find many creatures Tissues, but after testing, none of them belonged to the target."

"That's why she escaped."

"It's not very likely. Although the target can use negative energy shields and weapons, it is impossible to rely on an individual to travel at warp speed. In this case, even if she disembarks midway and floats in space, it will be dead. What's the difference? Besides, her spaceship is traveling at a warp speed all the way. If it jumps out of space halfway, we can detect it. Even if they leave no traces through some unknown method, we have thrown out an unknown number of detectors along the way. , even if she is invisible, it is unlikely to hide from this level of detection. But to be on the safe side, I still order some warships to search the entire channel again along the trajectory of warp speed."

"There must be something we didn't notice, maybe there was another stealth spaceship that picked up the target halfway."

"This is even more impossible. It is said that the star field has been blocked, and all strange flight traces will be investigated."

"This is strange, the target has never escaped our vision."

"No, yes, have you forgotten? There was a short fog stage before."

"You mean, the target shifted at that point?"

"That's right, the target was indeed picked up by an invisible spaceship, but this invisibility is not an invisibility in the physical sense, but an invisibility in our minds."

Several Ji Clan commanders were taken aback for a moment, and then showed stunned expressions one after another. They thought that since the mysterious organization could initiate turmoil on the battleship of the Ji clan, it would be possible to create a battleship that was all their own people, and then use this battleship to pick up the Zerg Queen.

"Immediately investigate all warships that have been close to the target spacecraft within 0.1 light years without any abnormalities!"

"If that battleship is full of the opponent's people, it will be difficult to find anything by self-examination. Even if Serena controls the inspection of the mechanical unit, if there is no personnel to cooperate, it will be easy to be deceived by the opponent's means."

"Then what do you say?"

"The most urgent task is to gather them into a controllable area first, and then the follow-up troops will help them check."

"No, the warships in that area were originally dispatched to pursue the target, and they basically meet this condition. Once they are all restricted from moving, our control over that area will be greatly reduced. Is this true? They did this on purpose, in order to let us abolish our martial arts."

"That possibility cannot be ruled out."

"What should I do? This won't work, and that won't work either?"

"It's better to let them stop their actions, find a place to gather, let them check themselves first, let Serena check all the monitoring of those warships, and see if they can find any abnormalities, it is best to apply for Ying to personally Take action. At the same time, send more warships there, anyway, it is not far from the star gate, and with a little time, we can regain sufficient manpower."

"It seems that this is the only way for the time being."

Sarah, whom they were looking for at this time, was indeed transferred to a battleship of the Ji clan by taking advantage of the short foggy time before.

At that time, the electronic system of the warship was disturbed due to the electronic pulses from the surrounding warships, but it recovered by itself soon after, so it was not towed away for inspection.

When a crew member of this battleship secretly came to Sarah and reported that she had received an order to assemble at the designated location, Sarah knew that the Ji clan had discovered the plot of the mysterious organization.

Of course, this is not difficult to guess, because there are only a few options in total.

In this regard, Sarah has no pressure on her side. He knows that the mysterious organization has sacrificed so much and has increased the size several times, so it will definitely not give up now.

Sure enough, after learning that Sarah can survive in the space environment for a period of time. On the way to the assembly point, the battleship threw Sarah halfway. Because at the rendezvous point, with too many eyes and mouths and too many surveillances, it would be almost impossible for Sarah to transfer.

If there is no other spaceship to respond, Sarah may really be a decoration in the endless void as the Ji Clan Commander said. However, this situation did not happen.

Time passed day by day, because all the warships of the Ji clan in this star field were recalled, so even Sarah, who had a slight energy fluctuation due to the extremely low temperature, was not found.

Half a month later, an invisible and camouflaged merchant ship passed by, picked up Sarah, and then flew off into the distance. Taking advantage of the huge opening in the encirclement of the Ji clan, they ran as far as they wanted.

A month later, reinforcements from the Ji clan arrived and pulled up the encirclement again. A few days later, they discovered the warp speed traces left by the camouflaged merchant ships.

But at this time, Sarah had already changed five times, and as she moved away from the encirclement, more and more spaceships appeared, and Sarah's chances of escaping greatly increased.

In the next year, although the Ji Clan continued to expand the scope of the blockade, with the investment of the mysterious organization regardless of the cost, Sarah's journey was safe and sound.

After knowing that the target was far away, the blockade of the original area was also relaxed a lot, but what they didn't know was that after another transfer, Sarah shot back and took the initiative to enter the blockade.

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