I Am the Swarm

Chapter 808 Oppression

Over the years, with thousands of extraterritorial bases, Rowan has become more closely connected with this universe, coupled with the harvest of the spiritual body of the Star Sea Alliance, the two-pronged approach, the strength has grown rapidly.

Correspondingly, the strength of the Zerg has also been greatly strengthened, and what it possesses is by no means what is shown here in the galaxy of origin.

Therefore, for the energy supply system of the new operation center, Luo Wen has already prepared a plan in his heart, and it will definitely not be delayed by that time.

And the reason why Luo Wen took the effort to gather most of the star gates together is naturally that there are huge benefits in this way. Even if the new operation center with 100,000 star gates has not yet been completed, just by looking at the current operation center with 10,000 star gates, you can discover the benefits of clustering.

I saw the huge energy beam with a diameter comparable to that of a planet coming across the border from afar, traversing the void, and the golden energy looked warm to people. It was the origin of everything and the brilliance of life.

In the center of the cross-domain star gate, which is several times larger than ordinary star gates, the starry sky has become unreal, and Zerg troops continue to fly out of it. Because it is in space, the basic unit here is the Taikoo class. As for those smaller combat units, they are all carried by the ancient class.

The cross-domain star gates are surrounded by ordinary star gates of varying numbers, and the ancient-level ones that came out of the cross-domain star gates did not delay at all, and entered those ordinary star gates in an orderly manner according to the teams that had been assigned long ago.

They will pass through these star gates, lead to the secondary operation center, or go directly to the front line of the battlefield. This is the advantage of stargate clustering. All stargates are here, and troops can be flexibly deployed to various battlefields, saving a lot of transit time.

Every day, hundreds of millions of Taigu class are deployed to various places from here. They either support the main battlefield, or support other border areas, or are sent to encircle and suppress the guerrilla fleet of the Ji clan.

Time passed little by little, and every day that passed, the number of Zerg troops would increase by hundreds of millions, or even billions. In the face of this increasing number, just as everyone had speculated, the Ji clan began the third round of immigration.

At this time, the territory of the Ji clan, which is 20 light-years away from the border, has become empty. From a distance, it looks like there is an extra ring-shaped cavity in the Milky Way, so that the unknown observers who exist in the distance will trigger countless Blind thinking.

But obviously this ring-shaped cavity is not thick enough. The Ji clan's large-scale immigration this time is unprecedented, and the planets in the 50 light-year area near the border have all received migration notices.

After all, although the Ji clan is in a bad situation, they still have the overlord technology of this star field. It is impossible for them not to know about some movements of the Zerg.

The newborn Ji clan on these planets are desperate. They can see the virtues of their original neighbors, their homes, and what they are now.

But the Xinji Clan, who thought they were strong and free, discovered that when "Ying" no longer hid herself and the mechanical soldiers took over everything brazenly, what they were proud of before was so fragile and vulnerable.

Although they hadn't been ordered to enter the small box in the dormant cabin before, they were confined to that one-third of an acre of land, and their degree of freedom was far inferior to that of today's foreigners.

At the very least, apart from having no Stargate available, those foreign races were not subject to any restrictions on their actions, and even the direction of public opinion was never controlled by the Zerg.

However, the Zerg's approach has gained a lot of favor from the foreigners, because what they need is the Zerg's indifference. Because things that you don't care about often mean that the value is not high, and it is easy to be regarded as a fart.

"Master Juggernaut, yesterday we wiped out 50 million enemies on the No. 1 main battlefield, and our side lost 210 million."

"Master Master, yesterday on the second battlefield, 30 million enemies were wiped out, and our side lost 120 million."


"Master Juggernaut, the 31-52 section of the war zone advanced two billion kilometers yesterday, and lost two million."

"Master Juggernaut, in the 41-23 section of the war zone, yesterday engaged in a small-scale engagement with the enemy's troops, annihilating 500,000 enemies, and our side lost 2.7 million."


"My lord, in the area of ​​the Ketuo tribe, yesterday our troops TG41761 and TG41982 jointly intercepted the Ji clan fleet. As of now, we have wiped out 15,000 enemies, and our side has lost 8,000. We are still continuing to pursue."

"Master Juggernaut, according to reports from the Wuqu people, yesterday we encircled and suppressed a gathering place of nano-robots, and seized 3.6 million tons of nano-robot wreckage, and our side lost 23."


This is the information that Rowan receives every day. There are always tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of messages. For an ordinary carbon-based intelligent body, it may take dozens of days or more to read just one day's battle report. Time, and for Luo Wen, these seemed to be received instinctively, without any effort at all.

"Master Master, we only have seven extraterritorial battlefields in the battlefield now, and the Ji Clan can't take it anymore. When the remaining cross-domain star gates are completed, I'm afraid the remaining family property of the Ji Clan won't last long for them to dismantle." Zerg The so-called royal court is just a tool for outsiders to see. Now that the Zerg has blocked the entire line, and there is not much communication with the outside world, Sarah's task is naturally relaxed, and she comes to Rowan when she has nothing to do.

"The Ji family may still have something to hide, so we shouldn't be careless." Luo Wen didn't have much complacency. He was used to fighting wits with the air, and he always tried to think of the enemy as stronger. These are often much easier when he fights against it with the same level of strength.

"What else can the Ji clan hide? Rely on that mother? Humph..." Sarah said indifferently.

Rowan shook his head, but didn't speak. In fact, although Sarah didn't finish her words, Luo Wen understood her thoughts. It's not that Sarah looks down on "Ying", it's because she's professionally wrong.

If the Zerg is a civilization that takes the mechanical route, even if the level of technology is higher than that of the Ji, the "Ying", who exists like a god in the virtual network, still has the possibility of a comeback, or even a big victory.

But the Zerg is a biotechnology-based force, especially with the BUG-level existence of the Zerg Network, which directly abolished nearly 90% of "Ying"'s methods and gave it its advantage in the virtual network. Completely unplayable.

For the Zerg, "Ying" is a general with strong commanding ability, and the Ji clan's mechanical troops are only highly coordinated.

However, coordination is also the advantage of the Zerg, and the Zerg's countless intelligent commanders can even be finely assigned to each battle. Therefore, "Ying" has no advantage in front of the Zerg.

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