I Am the Swarm

Chapter 807 Operation Center

The development of the situation was indeed as expected before. In the absence of any special talents from the Ji clan, although relying on the method of killing chickens and taking eggs, the situation was slightly stabilized. However, when the construction of the Zerg's new star gate was completed and a large number of additional personnel arrived at the front line, this fragile balance was instantly broken.

In fact, in the past few years, the Ji clan has transformed from a small superior to a small inferior. After all, the Ji clan's reinforcements are one-off, while the Zerg is continuous. This is because the Zerg adopts the life-changing style of play, and the battle loss rate is relatively high, otherwise the advantage in the number gap will be further expanded.

When new sources of soldiers joined the battlefield, this numerical advantage was pulled away without any suspense. In order to deal with these sudden extra reinforcements, the Ji clan could only find a way to create another force to check and balance.

In fact, there is no need to think about this method, and the Ji family has no more choices, so a new big immigration has begun.

The combat power of the two sides has reached a balance again, and even the Ji clan has a small advantage. Everything seems to be history repeating itself.

But just like before, the Ji clan's reinforcements were rootless duckweed, while the Zerg's reinforcements were slow and steady. As time went by, the Zerg's strength once again gained the upper hand, and the advantage changed.

However, there are also differences. That is, the four extraterritorial bases have a steady stream of reinforcements. According to estimates, the Zerg doesn't need to add more extraterritorial bases. After only twenty years of this, the Ji tribe will have to carry out a third round of immigration.

How long this war lasts doesn't really matter to a long-lived species like Luo Wen. After all, judging from the current situation, the Zerg has already gained the upper hand. As long as they continue step by step, the Ji Clan will one day be unable to retreat.

However, in the territory of the Ji clan, there are quite a few newborn Ji clans. Although many of them have entered the dormancy of the super transport ship, they are not on the planet after all. Although the spaceship is large, bumps and bumps are inevitable. And these new Ji clan, in Luo Wen's view, are also a fortune.

Although it is not worth taking risks for them, but on the premise of safety, if you can fight for it, you should try your best to fight for it.

Thus, the construction of the Zerg's new inter-star field stargate began. This time, Rowan added sixteen extraterritorial bases at one time, plus the previous four, a total of twenty extraterritorial bases were supported, which was enough to give the Ji clan a big boost. surprise.

Origin Starfield

In the off-center area of ​​the Zerg territory, there is an endless void, where a huge number of star gate giant structures are built. The mysterious biological light on the star gate, like stars, connected into one piece, embellishing the originally dark starry sky with brilliance.

This is the most important operation center of the Zerg. All the cross-domain star gates are built here. At the same time, there are a larger number of ordinary star gates, which are also settled here.

Among them, as many as tens of thousands have been built, and even more are under construction, and the total number may be close to 100,000. After all, the original cross-domain stargate here is only connected to four extraterritorial bases, but in the future, the stargate here will provide transfers for twenty extraterritorial bases, and the number will definitely double.

In addition to their own energy furnaces, the star gates are powered by nearby star systems.

The reason why this location was chosen as the operation center at the beginning was not decided by Luo Wen by simply swiping on the map. That was determined after systematic measurement and comparison.

After spending so much effort, this place naturally has its advantages.

Surrounding this location, there are actually six star systems, the closest one is only 1.5 light-years away, and the farthest one is only 2.6 light-years away.

Surrounded by such a dense star system, even in this entire star field, it is rare. After all, according to calculations, this place is only in the middle of the second cantilever of the entire disc galaxy, and it is not very close to the center of the galaxy.

A large number of star systems means more energy sources, in order to make full use of their energy. Zerg went to great lengths to wrap them all in a biological version of a Dyson sphere.

Then a long-range energy transmission system was developed, and a large amount of energy was directly emitted in a cylindrical shape, and then there were a number of transit planets in the middle. To be several times larger. After all, they have to carry the energy of the entire star.

In the operation center, there are also specialized insect bodies that receive these energies and then distribute them. Although this kind of void transmission will lose some energy in the middle, the six stars make up for this shortcoming by virtue of their number. The tens of thousands of star gates in the operation center have always been in an environment with abundant energy, and even the energy furnace of the star gate itself is in a shutdown state.

However, with the gradual completion of new star gates, in the future, the total number of operation centers with more than 100,000 star gates may not be able to support the energy output of six star systems.

And if the energy is not sufficient, it will inevitably affect the transmission speed of the star gate, making it difficult for this operation center to operate at full capacity and unable to demonstrate their value.

But in addition to these six star systems, the star system closest to the center of operation is also seven light years away. If the energy transmission system is connected, the loss may be very large and the efficiency is very low.

Moreover, the energy shortage of the operation center is far from being solved by one or two star systems. According to the loss ratio of energy transmission, to maintain the full load of the new operation center, I am afraid that all the star systems with a radius of 50 light-years must participate Just come in.

The reason why so much is needed is because of the problem of energy loss. A star ten light years away will lose 20% to 30% of the energy transmitted in the middle, while a star at 30 light years away can soar to 70% energy loss. Not to mention the stars forty or fifty light-years away, the energy that can reach the destination is probably only about 10%.

At the same time, in order to maintain this transmission channel, a large number of supporting insects are needed. Those ordinary planetary war insects consume a huge amount of resources, let alone these mutants. And to receive the energy of all the stars within a radius of 50 light-years, the number of mutants needs to be at least five or six hundred.

Just thinking about this kind of number makes my scalp tingle. In fifty light-years, the total number of planets in all star systems may not be five or six hundred, and the size of the planets varies greatly. And the size of those mutants is enough to crush ninety-five percent of the planets, that is to say, even if all the planets with a radius of 50 light years are smashed, so many mutants cannot be created.

Although the Zerg's territory is far more than fifty light-years in radius, it is not difficult to create these planetary variants based on the territory of the origin star field alone.

But resources are not so wasteful, spending so many resources to build some wooden piles, Rowan might as well split the operation center.

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