I Am the Swarm

Chapter 806 Report

Although Ying's nano-robots can't reach the level of the Zerg, they rely on element conversion to achieve some effects similar to being created out of nothing. But as long as he survives this round of crisis, there are countless things like star systems in the universe, and he can find many of them by just taking two steps.

For Ying, it doesn't matter even if this star field is emptied. At most, it is reserved for some emerging civilizations in distant places. When they look at the starry sky, they will have endless doubts and guesses about the cavity area in the star sea.

With this round of replenishment, the strength of the Ji Clan has become abundant again, but this is only temporary, and the Zerg Clan has only used two extraterritorial bases now.

When the new cross-star field star gate is completed, and two extra-territory bases join the battlefield, it will definitely break the balance of the situation again.

In order to ensure that the new troops can be put on the battlefield in time, the Zerg connected the star gate of the inner circle alliance and started a new construction plan. At that time, there will be 5,000 star gates each, completed in the Zerg territory and the front line.

Because of the cooperation with the Zerg, the relationship between the aliens has become friendly with the Zerg, and their ships finally no longer need to be sneaky, and they can sail freely, as long as they are not afraid of encountering the guerrilla fleet of the Ji Clan.

The long-lost free navigation allowed them to go to the front line of the war, observe the battle at close range, and get more accurate first-hand information.

Therefore, the actions of the Ji and Zerg were detected by the outsiders, and some discussions started from this.

"I'm really lucky. I didn't expect that the one who saved us in the end was the Zerg race." A foreigner said with a chuckle. He didn't know what kind of race it was. His face was full of wrinkles and dead skin. Even if he spoke normally, it made people feel full of yin and yang. feeling. Especially every time he speaks, he also needs to be accompanied by a villainous laughter, which makes people really speechless.

"Hmph, if there were no Zerg, the Ji would not be what it is now." Another foreigner expressed a different opinion. Judging by his image, he turned out to be the old friend of the Zerg, the Yuntu. As a commander, they fought a war against insects, but unfortunately the troops were almost wiped out, which made them absent from the war of hundreds of races against insects.

"Hey, this assumption is not valid. Since the Ji clan has prepared these, they will definitely use them sooner or later." This is true, since they have been made, there must be a place for them to be used, otherwise Fei Na What are you doing with your energy? It's like a thermonuclear weapon. If it's useless, it's because you haven't been forced to it. When it really comes to a critical juncture, can the living be suffocated to death by urine?

"Bake, isn't it too early for you to stand in line now?" The representative of the Yuntu clan, who had been in a high position for many years, was refuted by others, frowned, and said with some displeasure.

"Hmph, standing in line late has the benefits of standing in line late, but standing in line early also has the benefits of standing in line early." Barco raised his wrinkled face and said indifferently.

"Be careful of putting your hot face on your cold butt."

"You don't need to worry about it. The Zerg will be everyone's new masters in the future, so please don't fawn on them earlier. I know that some people have offended the Zergs, but don't speak ill of the new masters. I will make small reports~" Barco's race is very far away from the Zerg race. Although he had called for troops to send troops at the beginning, the war against the Zerg was over when the troops walked halfway. With a keen sense of smell, they hastily recalled the troops, and the situation after that made them feel lucky for a long time.

However, Barco's eccentric tone and strange trill made many representatives of foreign races shudder in unison. The same is true for the representatives of the Yuntu clan, who only feel a little itchy throat, as uncomfortable as eating a fly. The scene was a little quiet for a while.

After a long time, a foreign representative broke through the bottleneck.

"The Ji Clan has really gone too far this time. We really want to thank the Zerg Clan. Without them, I'm afraid our end will not be much better."

"I'm afraid it will be even worse~" Barco spoke again. But this time, his words won the approval of many foreigners.

The Ji clan destroyed the star system in their own territory, and they also knew to transfer the population in advance. Although the methods were a bit violent, they did it anyway. But for star systems outside their territory, perhaps the shipping lanes are blocked, and their transport ships cannot get out. So they omitted the step of transferring the population, and the fate of those personnel can be imagined, and I am afraid that they will all become materials for warships in the end.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Ji clan. Although there are still many star systems in their territory, it is clear that the Zerg has an advantage in the protracted war."

"Yes, the Zerg's new star gates have already begun to be built, and the number is astonishing, almost double the original basis. This means that the Zerg still has hidden power."

"It's a pity that although we can enter some places in the Zerg territory, those star gates are controlled and cannot be approached at all."

"Heh, even if there is no control, do you dare to observe and observe? Or dare to go to the opposite side to have a look?"

"Look what's wrong? Is it illegal to look at it? What can the Zerg do to us?" A foreigner said with some forceful disdain.

"If you want to die, don't pull us. Don't think that the Zerg are still being polite to us now, so they have to make an inch. Let me tell you, they are not a good-tempered race. If they get rid of the Ji clan, turn around and leave It won't surprise me at all to kill you."

"Do you think I'll be scared if you say that?" This person is still strong and calm, but the foreigners around him have begun to distance themselves and isolate him. Some words, even if you think so in your heart, you can't say it. This race has never had direct contact with the Zerg. They only feel that the Zerg is civilized and polite now, and they feel that the Zerg is a reasonable race.

In the eyes of some people, reasoning is a derogatory term, which means easy to bully. They can provoke those strong men unscrupulously, but they are afraid of a mouse. Because they knew that mice would not reason with them, even though they were weaker than them, they really dared to bite them.

As a representative of a civilized force, it is unbelievable that he can be so naive. But the world is so big that there are no surprises. Everyone knows that the three views are different, and it is useless to persuade them. If they talk too much, they may become enemies, so they can only choose to stay away.

Ba Ke looked gloomy on the side. He had already said it just now, and he would make a small report if he spoke ill of the new master. The words are so straightforward, this person dares to forcefully hit the muzzle of the gun, which simply does not put him in the eyes of Barco. Did you really think he was just putting on airs?

But in the blink of an eye, he snorted and sneered, Zhengchou didn't submit a certificate, but now he took the initiative to bump into his hands, he began to weigh the strengths of the two clans, thinking whether to make a small report, or prepare some greetings for the new master first. He didn't realize that the foreigners around him were also staying away from him. It seems that everyone doesn't want to provoke these abnormal-minded guys.

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