I Am the Swarm

Chapter 805 Evacuation

Zerg's planetary war worms, like Ji clan's battle stars, are equipped with more powerful energy supply systems and weapon systems, and at the same time, they also have new abilities.

Although the planetary war worms are assembled from the ancient level, the underlying structure adopts a new gene system, which is a gene mutated from the Rowan body. This unit, which could only be used as the anchor point coordinates, burst into new brilliance under unexpected circumstances.

The new genetic system has extremely high hardness, allowing them to support a larger body, so that they will not be crushed by their own gravity.

At the same time, like creep, it also has a strong resilience. Moreover, they can also absorb various substances, such as Zerg units, damaged battleship wreckage, and even asteroids, etc., to speed up their own recovery, which makes them more difficult to destroy than Ji clan battle stars.

Although the current number of Zerg planetary war worms is smaller than that of Ji clan battle stars, as long as the support from afar continues, this number can catch up sooner or later.

Besides, the Zerg also has a Huang-class mothership as a supplement, and the Huang-class mothership is more mobile, and tactics such as support and pursuit will be more flexible.

"Master Master, all the internal agents we placed in the Ji Clan Presbyterian Council have been pulled into the virtual world." On Sarah's dark purple outer bone armor, purple brilliance lit up from time to time, looking luxurious and mysterious. Being in a high position for a long time gave him an aura of coercion, and ordinary people dare not even look at him.

It's a pity that these are nothing in front of the more mysterious and stalwart Lord Master. Sarah also enjoyed this special time very much.

"However, the feedback from the Inner Circle Alliance shows that the elders on their side are still delivering messages normally." After thinking about it, Sarah added.

"The lurking methods of the inner circle alliance can't be compared with ours at all. Their eyeliner may have been instigated by Ying long ago. The inner circle alliance also knows this. They have long since stopped reading the news sent back by the elders. "

"It seems that Ying has completely controlled the Presbyterian Church, what will it do next?"

"The Council of Elders is no longer the key. Even if the Council of Presbyterians still exists, they have no way to shake Ying. This is a big hole, which has been dug since the original Ji clan."

Indeed, the original Ji family seems to have left a lot of things to the latecomers, but in fact, when you look closely, you always feel that you have found a nanny for "Ying". "Ying" seems to be serving the new season family, but it is not subject to any restrictions. The revision bills issued by the Ji Clan Elders' Association before may have been self-directed and performed by it.

From this point of view, "Ying" reached the level of intelligent life earlier than expected.

"Master Master, what should we do next?"

"Just go according to the established plan. No matter what the Ji clan is doing, we will choose to run over it from the front." After so many years of fighting, Luo Wen has become tough for a while, and directly chooses to be tough.

The Zergs on the front line uphold Luo Wen's will and continue to increase the intensity of the war. The new ultra-long-range cross-star field star gates in the rear have also begun to be established. The troops of the two extraterritorial bases are ready to go into the battlefield.

However, due to the loss of all overseas factories, the Ji Clan has slowly begun to widen the gap with the Zerg Clan in terms of force reserves. Once there is a defeat in a certain battlefield, I am afraid it will fall into a vicious circle.

"Master Master, the Ji Clan has made another move."

Hearing Sarah's report, Rowan nodded. Different from Sarah's single-core processor, Rowan is a multi-core and multi-threaded super processor, which can overview the overall situation, listen to news reports, and more of a certain formalism.

He already knew about the changes in the Ji family, and he had more comprehensive information than Sarah.

In the star system close to the battlefields of both sides, the Ji clan has begun to evacuate the civilian population there. It was normal for the Zerg to evacuate the frontier residents ahead of time, but the way the Ji clan chose to evacuate was unusual.

The Ji clan has now directly entered the military control mode, requiring all the people to evacuate as required, and they are not allowed to carry extra items. Everyone was forcibly picked up and directly entered the dormant cabin.

What transports the people is a super-large transport mothership, and a spaceship can carry 50 million people under normal conditions. But if all the crew members enter the dormant cabin, and then the other functional areas are remodeled, then the number of people it can carry can be increased by ten times, reaching the scale of 500 million people.

The planets on the border of the Ji clan, because they are close to the outer circle alliance, have a very large resident population due to exchanges and trade in peacetime. In addition, after the war, the floating population of those caravans was also restricted, which made the population of these planets increase by several tenths.

But even so, in front of the super large transport mothership of the Ji clan, only a few dozen ships are needed to transport them all away.

Although the Ji clan has many star systems in the border area, they also have a large number of transport motherships, and it seems that they are still well prepared, although some people can hardly give up their wealth and try to make something. However, the senior members of the Ji Clan have long been controlled by artificial intelligence, and their behavior is undoubtedly causing great death.

After killing several chickens mercilessly, the remaining monkeys became much more honest, so that the rest of the time, there will be no more disturbances.

After the people were evacuated, missiles containing super nanobots were thrown into these star systems. As a result, a metal storm blew up in the galaxy, and the black wind raged on all the planets. Every time it blew, the ground would sink a little bit, and the black wind would get thicker.

Under the ebb and flow, the planet gradually becomes thinner and deformed. At this time, the Ji Clan will inject a special coagulant into the center of the planet to prevent the restless planet from self-destructing due to pressure changes.

Until the end, the planet was completely cleared, and in the dark clouds that covered the sky, battleships gradually took shape.

"The Ji family is desperate." The star system in their own territory is the capital for survival and development. At this time, the operation of killing chickens and eggs is tantamount to digging their own foundation. Seeing these situations, Sarah sighed.

"The current situation of the Ji clan, they have no other choice."

"This is what they did, isn't it self-destructive?"

"Actually, it's nothing. Those minerals are difficult to regenerate in a short time. As long as they are used to the fullest, there is no such thing as self-destruction of the foundation. Furthermore, for a virtual life like Ying, the understanding of the foundation may be different from that of carbon-based creatures. We are completely different." Luo Wen said lightly.

In fact, not only the Ji clan, but also the Zerg clan. Those planets, meteorites and other things are secondary. As long as there is a sun, the Zerg can develop.

Although Ying could not reach the level of Zerg, it was not much different.

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