With a roar, Tang Ye seemed to have used up all the power he had in his life, but with this roar, Tang Ye's body, which was divided into countless parts, exploded with countless "pop, pop, pop, pop" sounds! The flesh and blood molecules in Tang Ye's body completely lost their adhesion and disintegrated. Visible to the naked eye, the mud that Tang Ye's body turned into turned into several balls of sand in an instant and fell from the air.

A sense of drowsiness with a strong aura of death came over, and Tang Ye's eyes went dark. He couldn't feel himself or everything around him, but his consciousness was still there, like a leaf floating in the sea. Flat boats are generally uncontrolled and can only move aimlessly with the rolling waves.

"Am I... dead?" Tang Ye was a little confused. He couldn't see or feel anything in his consciousness, only boundless darkness. It was darkness, but he was sure that his consciousness was still there. This feeling seemed to be similar to lying on the bed and closing his eyes, but in comparison, it seemed that Tang Ye felt less free at this time.

he! I want to open my eyes and see the world, but I have no eyes! Only consciousness floats in this endless darkness.

"I can't, I still have a lot of things... I still have... I still have a lot of things to do, I still have a lot of things!"

Suddenly, memories of this life emerged in my mind. These memories appeared in several desperate moments, and each time they appeared, it seemed that they were accompanied by desperate hope.

But this time, something seemed different. Countless memories forced their way into Tang Ye's mind.

In the darkness, a strange figure broke through the seemingly empty but heavily obstructed void barrier. In the darkness, a similarly strange light emitted, dispersing all the darkness. But for some reason, although this light dispelled the darkness, it was not. The light itself carried an aura of destruction that was more terrifying than the darkness. Immediately under this light, the figure walked towards him, from far to near, his small body also expanded step by step, but soon, Tang Ye I discovered that this was an illusion, that everything was filled with a sense of illusion, that it was all fake, just like the scene I saw in a dream, where the surroundings seemed to be filled with blurry and unclear white mist.

But the strange thing is that this figure does not get bigger from far to near. He just gives people the illusion of getting closer and closer.

The weirdest thing is that Tang Ye's perspective at this time seems to be visible in all four directions, as if countless pairs of eyes are densely distributed around it.

All this is said very slowly, but in fact, in the flash of lightning, the figure he saw in his consciousness gradually disappeared. In the second before it disappeared, Tang Ye saw what he seemed to be holding in his hand. , but there seemed to be nothing there, and it didn't seem to be a human shape, but an irregular shape, like a viscous liquid, with no fixed shape when walking.

As this figure disappeared, the shadows following him disappeared at the same time. After these shadows disappeared, the light behind it covered everything Tang Ye could see. His life was like a movie he had watched over and over again. Read it again.

His life, the people he saw, the things he saw, every familiar or unfamiliar face, every item he used or just looked at, his past likes and dislikes, and the grown up likes and dislikes, are all Replaying it in his mind.

Everyone's words, either to him or to others, rang in Tang Ye's ears one by one, filled with a strange sense of blankness.

At the same time, Li Henian's memory began to overlap with Tang Ye's memory, making Tang Ye unable to tell who was who. In the lives of one person and two people, they had both experienced beautiful scenery, but they had never experienced it. .

Those beautiful scenery, those little-known corners of the city, the blue sky reflecting the city streets where the years flow quietly below, Ning Yuer, who said goodbye to herself at the moment of departure, but with eyes full of reluctance, the smile on her face is like a spring day As warm as Li Qingtian, these scenes suppressed all negative memories and seemed to be trying desperately to tell Tang Ye.

Can't die! There are still too many beautiful things in this world, and you can’t die yet! There are many things that have not been done, many scenery that has not been seen, and there are many people that have not been met. No matter how difficult it is, we must work hard to live for that little bit of beauty!

The word death will never happen to you.


Tang Ye let out a silent roar in his consciousness. With his roar, he contained endless unwillingness and unyielding to death. He would not die! Never die! At least until you finish what you want to do!

It seemed as if this roar unleashed all the potential in Tang Yeye's heart. At the bottom of the deep pit, the slowly settling sand seemed to be lifted up by an invisible force and floated one by one.

If you don't observe carefully, you won't be able to notice that every grain of sand among the many sands is trembling slightly, as if there is something wrapped in these sand grains that are only a few tens or a few microns!

At any time, he will break through the shackles of the outer wall of the sand and come out!

A very strange change occurred in Tang Ye's consciousness at that moment. Under his control, these sand grains slowly floated in the air, and then found other sand grains and joined together, never to separate again!

But after a while, the sand seemed to break free from the shackles of the invisible force, and all dispersed with a "pop".

The particleized flesh and blood failed to gather together, and Tang Ye's consciousness fell into silence again.

In his consciousness, the destructive light that drove away the darkness suddenly disappeared, and the darkness returned again, leaving Tang Ye unaware of the movement.

He seemed to have fallen asleep and there was no more movement.

I don’t know how long it has passed, just like before, it could be a minute, or it could be several years, or tens of thousands of years.

It was at this time in perception that a picture began to emerge in his consciousness. Only then did he realize that this was not a conscious space, but an illusion in his own mind.

A ray of white light appeared, occupying part of the black world in front of him, but this light did not seem to drive away the darkness. It was not light at all, but a piece of paper that could be clearly seen in the darkness as white!

This feeling is very strange, but this is what I see, the white is so obvious, in sharp contrast with the surrounding black!

Time passed slowly, and he didn't know how long it was. Gradually, Tang Ye saw that several people appeared in the pure white area. Oh no, it should be countless figures, but it didn't seem right. I don't know how many people there were. People, but they can’t be counted at all.

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