These figures were swaying back and forth in the pure white area in Tang Ye's consciousness, as if they were walking, and they seemed to be talking to each other. As for what they were talking about, Tang Ye didn't know, because He couldn't hear what those strange figures were saying.

After a while, Tang Ye gradually heard some sounds, as if there were many people surrounding him, chattering, different voices, different intonations, different dialects, and even different languages.

There are many people, so many people that Tang Ye can't tell how many people are "surrounding" him. No, they are not surrounding him, but they are in his mind. There are many, many people standing in my mind!

They are saying words with different meanings in their minds, but each person and every word has a strong accent. Usually a sentence will be repeated dozens of times, and as the number of repetitions increases, , the voices of each of these people will become increasingly unclear under the influence of the accent, and so many people speaking these words at the same time make Tang Ye's mind extremely noisy.

"Hey, are you there? Are you still...there?"

"Maybe...he's gone?"

"I don't know who I am. I often have some weird and dirty thoughts in my mind. I don't know what's wrong with me. Really, can you save me?"

"Then...who is that? I...who am I?"

"Where did I come from?"

"Go and stop him!"

"It's been stopped... This matter will never happen again, but this doesn't seem to be what I want!"

"Kill them!"

"They don't deserve to be alive here! They deserve to go to hell!"

"We are from hell! Hehehe~"

"Human? Hahahahaha! Human? We were all so-called human beings..."

"What are you talking about? Are you... still here?"

"We can't find it, we'll never find it."

"First of all, you have to understand one thing. It's not black. Think about it carefully."

"The last hope, let's die together!"

"Hahahaha... Yes, let's die together! We shouldn't live here anyway. Some people always think they are right."

"Haha, someone once said that there is no good or bad in this world, it's all a matter of standpoint. The so-called justice and evil are just some people who have different ideas. Their standpoints will destroy most people's opinions. interests, and the majority of people call themselves righteous, while the small number of people who are contrary to their position become evil."

"But there is also pure evil."

"Really? From the perspective of all mankind, calling other non-human beings pure evil? It's like a group of non-human creatures want to kill all humans for the survival of their own race. You, because of the lives of your own race Physical death, do you think people who kill innocent people indiscriminately are pure evil? Different stances between people will destroy the interests of life forms of the same race, and different stances between humans and other intelligent creatures will damage the interests of their own race. Those who are addicted to The murderer is called evil by you, why? Just because his approach is different from yours, why do you hate them? It's just that they hate you who are evil. This hatred also destroys your interests. The so-called Even if you are evil, you are also evil, but we are the righteous..."

"Here he comes, he comes."

"Li Henian, stop, do you still remember your promise? Don't say anything. Even if you don't admit it now, this promise will follow you for a lifetime. It will be like an indestructible thorn, stuck in your heart! Let You can never forget!"

"Dad, where are you going? Don't go! Don't go! You are my father! Don't go! I saw you..."

"Year of the Crane..."

"Bye now……"

"I just want to live."

"I just want to be a person, you promised me."

"I will...will always be with you..."

"Little sir, I know you are not Li Henian. Your real name... although I don't know, but I will always remember that your surname is Tang. I will not forget it. I will never forget it. Even if you forget it, I will never forget it." will not forget."

"This is your last chance!"

"Hahaha, perish!"

"Actually, you can leave. This is not your business. You can completely avoid it."

"Li Henian, are you sure you don't want to care? Although you are no longer a human, you were at least one of us before! Your emotions and everything come from humans! Do you just don't care?"

"Think about all the people you know. They are all your emotions. You can just let them go, but don't regret it in the future!"

"Also, you promised me, I have put all my hopes on you, and you are like this? This is not to kidnap you... I'm sorry... For the future of mankind, I can only do this..."

"Go to sleep, this is none of your business."

"Li Henian, how should you choose?"

"Boss, don't worry, we will always follow you!"

, the white area in the darkness became larger and larger, and the speed of time passed faster and faster in Tang Ye's perception. Gradually, Tang Ye saw it!

He saw who the figures in the pure white area were, and they were all familiar to him!

Ah Fu, Xu Haihai, Bai Huipeng, Jiang Chentong, Gong Xiao, Song Muyuan, Xuchangchi, Su Sigui, and everyone he met in the apocalypse, there are too many to count, including some he has not seen for a long time. Ning Yu'er, these people's eyes were looking at him. Their eyes made Tang Ye feel that he had to do something. With Ah Fu's words, the darkness in Tang Ye's consciousness began to fade away, towards the light color, everything It started to shrink, and everything around it suddenly turned red!

The silent anti-life substances woke up, spread their ferocious fangs, and began to hear Tang Ye's orders!

"I can't die!"

In the huge pit, there was a "buzzing" sound, and all the sand that Tang Ye's body had transformed into floated again under the control of his consciousness, but this time, the momentum was several times stronger than before. Times! All the sand grains gathered together at this moment when they floated!

All the sand grains formed into a long strip of sand that was as thick as an adult's arm and 100 meters high. After two or three seconds, the strip of sand rolled up, raging like a tornado in the deep pit! Although the tornado at this time only occupies a small area in the deep pit, as the tornado rotates more and more fiercely, the tornado becomes more and more shaped, and the sand grains are splitting infinitely!

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