I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1281 Priority entry

The atmosphere here was silent for a while. The short man suddenly smiled and said in a hoarse and cold voice: "Outsiders? They look unfamiliar, don't they?" After saying that, a slender claw stretched out from his shoulder. , reaching towards Yan Xing.

The malicious flames on his body were immediately felt. When the claw was about to touch his face, there was a flash of silver light, and a silver curve cut the claw into two pieces.

"Oh? Near heaven level? Not bad."

The short man smiled "hehe" and stretched out six slender claws from his shoulders again, attacking Yan Xing with a "swish" sound.

"Oh, wait."

At the critical moment, Ha Zhen suddenly spoke up. The short man quickly retracted his attacking organ and looked at Ha Zhen in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Lao Hong, can you please stop being so impulsive?" Ha Zhen said. The short man named Lao Hong just smiled and did not respond.

Ha Zhen looked at Yan Xing the next second and asked, "Where is that woman? Are you the only one coming here?"

Yan Xing nodded, and considering that there were still three eighth-level strong men, he said sheepishly: "Well, I am going to attend some long-term banquet tomorrow. The person our mayor is looking for should be in that palace. Inside, without an invitation, it seems we can’t get in.”

Ha Zhen nodded, turned around and walked into a small room on the right. After a while, he took out a small silver book with Ha Zhen's name written on it in Chinese. Yan Xing could see it at a glance. The pen and ink reflected light under the light, as if Ha Zhen had already prepared it.

When he came to the big man, Ha Zhen threw the small silver book in his hand over. Yan Xing reached out and caught the small book.

"Get out of here quickly." Ha Zhen said.

Yan Xing nodded. The short winter melon whom Ha Zhen called Lao Hong was very malicious to him, but his senses were not good for him. If he only faced the short winter melon alone, Yan Xing was not afraid, but the other two He couldn't guarantee it.

After getting the invitation, Yan Xing left directly and his figure quickly disappeared in front of him. The ugly man watched Yan Xing leave and asked the big man next to him: "Mayor, their mayor ?”

"Well, I should be here to see the boss."

"The boss seemed to have mentioned it, but he never showed up. Could that mayor be a fake?"

"Whether he is a fake or not, we will find out tomorrow. Then all the brothers below us will come up, hundreds of them near heaven level. If the mayor is fake, I am also very much looking forward to it."

"It's not Lao Hong, can't you come up? There are a lot of crazy people down there. Look at how much Hazhen has taken in recently."

"Hehe, you are wrong about this. When you get back, you will communicate with the mother nest and let it stop tomorrow. If there are so many, there will only be a few in the end. There are too many. I'm afraid that boy A Beng won't be able to bear it. "

"Hahaha, I think Lao Hong has been spoiled by staying with Brother Hu for too long during this period."

"By the way, what's the deal with the mayor meeting the boss?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure I'll be busy again during this time."

Time passed bit by bit, both fast and slow, as if in the blink of an eye, and as if a long time had passed. The next day came quickly as usual. Su Sigui and the others walked out of their temporary residence very early. Heading towards the "sacred peak".

The place where Su Sigui and others lived was actually not a hotel, but a house somewhere. Wangting was a closed city. Few people would enter here. There was a lack of outsiders, so there were very few hotels here. Maybe there was, but the royal court was so big that Su Sigui didn't want to spend precious time looking for it, so he used a few gold coins to live in a family's home.

A group of five people got into the car one after another, with the unlucky Yan Xing driving the car, and headed towards the conspicuous and majestic huge boulder.

"Mayor, do you think this invitation can allow a few of us to go in together?"

"Maybe not, but as long as I go in."

"How can this be done? If there is danger inside, then you are alone..."

"Don't worry." Su Sigui shook his head carelessly. It might be dangerous to enter the palace alone, but it might be easier if he died because of it. It was life anyway.

However, Su Sigui didn't think that he would be so "unlucky". From what he saw when he went to the royal court, he had already proved a lot about that person's identity.

In about ten minutes, their car had reached the "sacred peak".

Compared to yesterday, this place is much livelier. There are crowds of people outside the entrance. There are the sounds of children playing, young people complaining dissatisfiedly because they have been waiting here for too long, and there are some nagging adults asking themselves to enter. Children, please pay attention.

There were too many people, and Su Sigui and the others were blocked outside. They watched the people in front enter the entrance in large numbers and slowly advance.

However, this noisy environment is really annoying. Looking at the "Holy Peak", you can see that there are many people on the edge looking at the people below.

Most people choose to take the elevator, because it can take them to the "Holy Peak" within two minutes, but few people choose the dozen or so stairs around them. Except for some new humans, they can quickly climb up the stairs. Climbing all the way to the "sacred peak" takes an hour for ordinary people!

It's tiring and no one wants to do it.

Among the dark crowd, if you didn't pay attention, you would think you were in a wave of corpses. After all, this kind of scene is difficult to see in the apocalypse. Su Sigui took a look and guessed the people living in the royal court.

Maybe less than the Yunxia Base, but definitely more than the United Unified District. In this life, because of Ning Tianlang's death, there is no aura of the ninth-level new humans, so the Yunxia Base is not the first choice target of many people like in the previous life. After all, the Nine Can the new human beings be powerful enough to compete with the Corpse King?

There are no ninth-level powerhouses. No matter how huge the Yunxia base is or how many new eighth-level humans it has, once it encounters a powerful presence at the level of the Corpse King, it is actually no different from other survivor bases and sanctuary cities.

There were too many people outside the entrance. When I looked up, I didn't know how many zombies were disguised as humans. Su Sigui had already seen a few zombies that were not very intelligent, but could already disguise themselves as humans. Led by some people, the sixth- and seventh-level zombies kept moving forward with the crowd. Although this was not the first time I saw them, every time I saw them, I felt a very strange feeling in my heart.

As for the entrances, there are only a few. Even if each entrance can swallow a lot of people at once, it can't handle the large number of people. The opening of each entrance can only allow Su Sigui to walk forward for a short distance.

But after a while, someone suddenly shouted: "Everyone with an invitation letter, come here, the special channel is opened, and those with an invitation letter have priority to enter!"

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