I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1282 The underside of zombie life

Hearing these words, the eyes of Su Sigui and others suddenly lit up, but worry soon followed. But what if an invitation letter only allows one person to have permission? Apart from Su Sigui, they We still have to follow the crowd and move forward little by little.

Who can bear this?

The crowd was separated, and a vacuum appeared. A man in military uniform held a loudspeaker and repeated what he had said before.

"Everyone with invitations, come here quickly."

The words from the loudspeaker had a unique electronic hoarse sound. For a moment, many people raised the silver notebooks in their hands and shouted from all over the crowd: "I have an invitation!"

"I have it too."


Su Sigui scanned the circle and found that those who were holding invitations and shouting in the crowd were also surrounded by others. There was excitement on their faces, as if the person holding the invitations could lead them into the special passage. , but this is not the main thing. Some people took out irregularly shaped Yajin and crowded next to the person holding the invitation letter, asking them to take them with them.

This has already explained one thing. An invitation letter can bring multiple people into the special passage and go to the "Sacred Peak" in advance.

Does that mean that an invitation letter can also allow them and their group to enter the palace together?

Following the shouts of the man in military uniform, Su Sigui led the people to the designated gathering point.

"As usual, if you are carrying heavy items or need to drive a vehicle, go this way, and if you don't have the above conditions, go over there."

After hearing this, Su Sigui thought for a while and asked Yanxing to drive over. He might have an invitation letter. When Yanxing got in the car, the people around him quickly got out of the way. Several of them took out Yajin and asked them to bring him and others. We went up together. After Su Sigui considered it, we decided to bring a pair of sisters. After all, they were the first to contact the inner city on the "Holy Peak" and were not familiar with it. It would be more convenient to have two locals to lead the way.

"Those who drive vehicles need to pay two Yajin."

Compared with those who traveled lightly, Su Sigui and the others were held aside. It seemed that it was more troublesome to drive a vehicle into the "Holy Peak", and they needed to pay some fees accordingly. For them, two gold medals were very reasonable. Of course, for ordinary people, this may be half a month's hard work.

"Sister, how about we pay the money?" The elder sister of the pair of sisters who was allowed by Su Sigui to bring the "Sacred Peak" together said hesitantly. When she said this, her face looked a little unnatural. Obviously, they were very reluctant to spend two Yajin, but how could Su Sigui ask them to pay this fee? Two Yajin, Yanxing and the others could earn just by wandering around outside the Yunxia base. He has more than fifty pieces of Yajin. He is powerful and willful!

"No, we don't lack the money, don't worry." Su Sigui said with a smile. From what I just learned, the elder sister of the pair of sisters is called Flora, and the younger sister is Jinna. They are from Tsarist Russia, and their names are Of course, it's not these three characters. The real name is very long, almost a few lines of an ancient Chinese poem, but Chinese culture seems to dominate the royal court.

If the people living here are Chinese, this does not need to be so troublesome, because names are short and easy to remember, but people from other countries and regions need to simplify their names to make it easier to address them. According to them, their parents were born in the seventh century. Years ago, the zombies attacked the city of Kortriton and died in the battle. They were adopted by their uncle. However, not long after, the uncle also became a zombie due to being infected with the zombie virus. They were adopted by the Yegenyari couple. The Yegenyari couple were simply powerful. The two sisters lived well under the care of the powerful new humans.

Of course, this is good and cannot be compared with before the apocalypse, but it is much better than the wandering life before. Even with Ye Genyari and his wife, they still live a life of fleeing from place to place. There are zombies everywhere. Dangerous, almost being overtaken by death several times.

It wasn't until the royal court was established three years ago that they entered the royal court life under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Yegenyari and lived the stable life they had dreamed of.

After listening to their stories, Xu Tianyu in the car still lamented the tragic fate of the two sisters, but soon became curious.

"Hey, do you know there are many zombies in the royal court?"

"Zombie?" Flora thought for a few seconds, and seemed to understand what Xu Tianyu meant by zombie, and then asked these two words again.


"Yes, but you don't have to worry. He and we don't live in the same place. They are below and we are above. Only after he regains his senses and is recognized by the Khan of Heaven can he live with us."

Flora's Chinese was a little lame, but overall it was very fluent, and it would not be difficult for Su Sigui and the others to understand.

The moment Flora finished speaking, several people in the car looked thoughtful, but Su Sigui thought more about the narrow path that led all the way down yesterday. What Flora said below should refer to That's right there.

She became more and more certain that this sacred pinnacle was the zombie brood, but this was the first time she had seen a zombie brood so big. Of course, this first meeting was the first time she had seen a zombie brood, including her in the past. I have never seen the brood nest in my previous life, I have only heard about it.

Despite this, she still has some understanding of the zombie brood. Most of the zombie broods occupy a radius of five or six kilometers. A few zombie broods can occupy a radius of about eight kilometers. Moreover, the zombie brood is a It is a very rare zombie creature. From her previous life to the present, she has heard only a handful of examples of zombie broods.

The zombie mother nest is not aggressive. It will not attack any living creature, whether it is a zombie or a living creature. However, the place where it is located will absorb a large amount of nutrients from the surrounding living creatures, just like those plants. Once the mother nest appears, the original plants will be destroyed. It will quickly wither and shrink, the nutrients in the soil will be absorbed, and it will become loose and black.

If a mother nest has begun to appear around a survivor base, the first thing that the base or sanctuary city should do is to clear and destroy the mother nest as quickly as possible, because the longer the mother nest exists, the more likely it is that the survivor will The base or sanctuary city will be frequently attacked by zombie tides. If you are afraid of trouble or unable to resist the zombie tide inside the nest, the second way is to move to other places.

If you want to destroy the mother nest, the biggest danger and difficulty does not come from the mother nest itself, but the large number of zombies produced inside it. Once the zombie tide inside is clear, unless there are special circumstances, the mother nest will not resist and will be attacked. The creature disassembles bit by bit, or breaks away from its life pit and chooses to escape.

ps: I feel very bad these days. I'm stuck in writing. Every time I code, I have a clear sense of blockage. My mind is in chaos, especially when I'm going through this plot. I don't know what kind of writing method to use. and rhetoric pave the way for the subsequent plot.

So I feel very bad these days, and there will be some problems in the language group. Please forgive me, readers.

(Maybe it’s due to being too excited these days...)

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