He didn't know why this kind of thing would happen to him. From time to time, he heard people talking about him, only pity and misery.

Why would such a thing happen?

Why are they doing this.

Listening to the innocent and worry-free laughter of his companions, he seemed to have lost his soul. He sat blankly on the bare stone. Another gust of wind blew by, shaking the flowers and plants, and touching his trouser legs, as if to comfort him. , and it seems to be a disguised form of ridicule, just like those adults who pretend to be compassionate on the surface, but in their hearts, misfortune has not happened to them. Painful and yearning for his future.

That night, he lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep. He didn't know what time it was. At that time, he didn't even know the word "early morning". Half asleep and half awake, he heard the sound of his father smashing things and his mother's scream. The screams were filled with anger and unwillingness. He could also hear his father's mad roar. He and his mother seemed to be sworn enemies.

There seemed to be others in the house who couldn't sleep just like him.

Grandma shakily walked out of the room with a lantern, and the "bang bang" sound of the crutches hitting the ground was very clear in the middle of the night.

When his door was opened, a faint light illuminated his room. Young Lin Jie seemed to see hope. He seemed to have foreseen tomorrow. Everything became the same as usual, and his parents no longer quarreled. , his family is still so harmonious.

That day, he learned a word called court from his grandma. Tomorrow, he seemed to be going to that place with his parents and grandma. Grandma told himself that if someone asked him who he wanted to go with tomorrow, he would cry hard and make trouble. , saying that if mom and dad are not separated, mom and dad will not get divorced.

Grandma kept emphasizing, and Lin Jie nodded happily. He was excited, but he didn't see grandma's almost gray eyes.

Eyes are the windows to people's souls, but in this old man's heart, there seems to be only deathly silence.

It seemed that his grandma's words calmed his restless heart. That night, he had a sweet dream.

The same summer, just experienced one night, no change, the sky is still the same as yesterday, blue and beautiful.

He finally came to the place called the courtroom that his grandma said. He had rehearsed the scene in his mind countless times. This day was the most serious scene he had ever seen. Before that, this was the place that frightened him. , but don’t know why.

He kept looking forward to someone asking him that question, and then he did what grandma said.

However, there was no such process. As the man in the black coat struck the brass base with a French hammer, the clear sound seemed to have decided everything. That man did not ask himself anything. A problem is just that, simple and unacceptable.

As a result, he was sentenced to his father. At that moment, he was dumbfounded. He wanted to rush up and ask the man, why not ask himself, but how could he know what he should do next at that time? The young man cried at that time, and his cries filled the small court. Many people looked at him, but no one paid him any attention.

His existence is like redundancy, it can disappear or it can exist, but no one will be willing to pay attention to him or worry about him.

He was lifted up by his grandma and followed the crowd out of the courtroom, which he would never forget. In front of the crowd, he saw his father and mother far away, as if they were strangers to each other. Grandma opened her mouth several times to stop him. My father seemed to want to say something, but he didn't even pay attention to him.

Occasionally he turned his head, with a look in his eyes that Lin Jie couldn't understand. After many years, he realized that it was hatred!

The once-loving couple parted ways after walking out of the court, and his mother got into a car. In his day, cars were a very novel thing. Every time they appeared in the village, they would attract a large crowd of people to watch, and he did not. Exception, once, he heard his father say that he would buy one when he was rich, and take his mother and himself to see the never-before-seen scenery around the world.

But now, when Lin Jie saw the car, he seemed to see a symbol of something. He chased after him. He didn't know what to do, so he could only climb into the car desperately, but there was someone in the car that he didn't recognize at all. He grabbed the strange man and threw him to the side of the road. With disgust in his eyes, he fiercely closed the car door and got into the driver's seat before driving away.

He saw that his mother wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

Dad broke away from the crowd and disappeared alone at the other end of the street.

Since then, he has never seen his mother again, and his father is missing. People say that his mother went to a far away city and lived a happy life there. People said that Dad also went to a far away place to work there, but never came back once.

He thought everything was over like this, and life seemed to be the same as before. It was just that from time to time he heard words from the adults that the children in this family were really pitiful, and the fact that he only had one relative left.

But the funny thing is that this kind of life lasted only three days. Only three days. The night before, grandma didn't come back. Lin Jie thought that grandma would appear in his sight the next morning, but she didn't come back before dawn. Liang, he was woken up from his sleep.

He didn't know what happened, and was dragged to the mountain stream in the back mountain in a daze. In the flowing ditch, he saw his grandma, and there was an ending that he couldn't accept at all.

His grandmother, the only remaining relative, committed suicide in this mountain stream, and her body was soaked in the water for a day and a night!

The village committee held a fundraiser and held a simple funeral for grandma. Someone also contacted my father. However, on the day of the burial, my father never appeared. It seemed that his father disappeared completely after disappearing at the other end of the street three days ago. Disappeared in this world.

However, subsequent issues stumped everyone, such as Lin Jie's support issue. No one was willing to accept this obligation. The scene was ironic, everyone pitied him and despised him.

That day, he stood on his grandma's newly-erected grave, and he only had three words in his heart. Why?

In addition, he should have cried hard, but he did not cry that day, not because the death of his close relative made him so sad that he could not even cry, but because there was no trace in his heart. The only emotion seemed to be disbelief at the beginning, and that sadness completely disappeared in less than two days.

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