In the end, he was sent to the orphanage in the town, and he became an orphan in the true sense. At that time, he was terrified and at a loss, not knowing who he would meet next, and how he would go again in the new environment. adapt.

There, he met a girl who was five years older than him. Many people called her "Innocent". The area he was in was a very poor place, and the orphanage usually did not have many volunteers. Normally, many children were called "Innocent" by this name. Innocent girl to take care of.

Although she was only five years older than him, this girl seemed to understand everyone, what they had gone through, and how to comfort each other. He still remembered that she was like an angel that day, holding a small red flower in her hand. , and what she said.

"Little brother, please don't use this expression, okay? In fact, what each of us has experienced is destined. It is arranged by God for us, because we are all unique in this world, and He is testing us. , as long as you still have expectations in your heart, the future will definitely get better slowly, come on, I’ll give this to you.”

"Huh? Flowers? What is this used for?"

"Because, a child with flowers doesn't need gods."

She pointed with one hand at the cluster of red flowers on the roadside. The flowers in her hand were picked from that place. Her words made Lin Jie confused, but her words seemed to have the magic power to soothe people's soul, making his nervous heart unconscious. She calmed down, and at that moment, Lin Jie had a different emotion towards her, and felt that she was very kind.

After the teacher who received him completed some procedures, his home officially turned into the unknown welfare home. Along the way, he looked at the pictures formed by the surrounding buildings, and always felt that there was something hidden that made his Fear arose in my heart and I couldn't help but get closer to her.

He talked about what he had experienced. Teacher Zhang, who seemed to be in his twenties, stretched out his hand to touch his head with pity. However, he seemed to be deeply guarded against this female teacher. Every time the teacher stretched out her hand to his When his head fell, Lin Jie would subconsciously hide away and run to the innocent side.

He didn't know why, why he had a strange feeling in his heart. At that time, he couldn't describe it. He just felt that this world should not be the world he lived in. It was like a dream, but it was a very lucid dream. , in this dream, Lin Jie knew that this was not the real world.

Teacher Zhang seemed to know that there was something abnormal about this child. From then on, he never extended his hand again. He told everything about what he had encountered, which made her shake her head in pity from time to time.

In fact, what he told was mostly for innocent listeners. She was always very patient. Every time she responded to comfort, she would do so at the right time and with a gentle tone, repairing his injured heart bit by bit. But every time she spoke, When he was talking, he found that his innocent hands would keep moving along with the words.

He found it very interesting and imitated her making gestures with her hands while talking. Her random and funny movements made the two of them laugh, and he laughed too.

Qingbai also told him that the bad luck in people will always disappear, and it will always disappear when people are most unlucky, because they look down on people who are too unlucky, and the bad luck in him has disappeared, and his life will become better and better in the future. of.

He deeply believed this and felt that he would no longer be tortured by God.

Perhaps because of his innocence, he no longer worried about what he would encounter or who he would meet after entering the orphanage. On the contrary, he had a glimmer of expectation in his heart. This gentle girl who was five years older than him satisfied the expectations he had when he was young. Some fantasy in his mind.

However, his mind was not healed, and he became a monster who could not live in the darkness, but the girl named Innocence became a light.

He didn't know that the images of him from the children around him, the unnecessary relationship between his parents, and his grandmother's suicide had become the roots deeply buried in his heart. He didn't dare to look up to the sky, didn't like summer, and didn't dare to interact with others. When talking, he just likes to watch others playing, with no expression on his face, just like a sculpture. Only when Qingbai is by his side will he act like a normal person and have a lot to say.

Time passed day by day, and he had seen many things. Children in the orphanage fought over a toy. Couples who were preparing to adopt children came here. The children dressed themselves up carefully so that they could have a pair of parents. He had seen cold In the sky, he had seen the cold roofs and the cold murals with blue as the main color. The image that the orphanage gave him was a piece of pure music with a slow rhythm and a piano as the melody, and the air was filled with A hint of coldness.

When he saw Qingbai show the same tenderness when taking care of other children, it would make him feel sour from time to time. He thought that the eldest sister should be unique to him, but he didn't dare to say it. He was afraid that it would make Qingbai feel selfish.

There are also a small number of children here who are born deaf and mute, and it is difficult to communicate, and he also understands why his hands make different gestures when speaking. This is subconscious. This is also a language, called sign language.

That day, he saw Qingbai passing by him, which seemed to come from his soul's desire for light. He hurriedly walked towards her, but she ignored him. She seemed to be busy with something, even though she fell down because of her hurry. The palm of her hand was scratched by a stone, and she just looked back, but did not come over.

Her figure trotted and disappeared in front of his eyes. Her back coincided with the day when his parents left him. The fear, uneasiness, and coldness seemed to bring him back to that hillside, blowing the sweetest wind of summer. icy wind.

The flame on the wick was shaky and seemed to be extinguished at any time. He didn't know what to do. It was as if he was in the great plains, surrounded by white mist. He wanted to leave here, but where was the right direction?

He returned to the corner where he often stayed. At that moment, he seemed to understand why his grandma committed suicide.

He sat there, not wanting to move, watching the ants on the ground carrying small white lumps in and out of the narrow holes. Unknowingly, he fell asleep, and he woke up because of the expectation in his heart. Nothing has changed since I arrived, but I don’t know if it will be successful.

He didn't know how long had passed. When he woke up, it was already dusk. He seemed to be shaken awake by someone. When he opened his eyes, he saw her face. There was reproach on her face, and there was a red sign next to her. A small box with a cross, and the hand that was scratched by the stone has been wrapped in white gauze and is bulging.

"Why are you so careless? I thought you would go to the infirmary. Why don't you go? You will get infected!"

"Forget it, are you okay?"

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