I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1485 The Blackness of Blind Eyes

"Shut up!"

A bloody cold light appeared in mid-air again. This time, only the upper half of the opponent's body was cut open and blown away by the wind pressure.

At this moment, another Tang Ye stretched out a tentacle and grabbed the leg of the original Tang Ye. He realized something, stretched out a hand to hold the tentacle, and then grabbed it and pulled it back, trying to pull his clone away. pull out!

Exploding his power to the extreme, the other Tang Ye was pulled, but at the same time, the monster that had lost its body and completely turned into a spider was also pulled by Tang Ye's body. The two were thrown into the air on the spot, a 360-degree Scrape out a deep ravine in the surrounding wall!

Boom boom!

In the entire hall, the corner facing Tang Ye's front and right suddenly collapsed, covering everything! But Tang Ye's body did not succeed. He didn't know what the other person was doing. He hugged the other self tightly, and the spider threads drilled out from it quickly covered the other body bit by bit. After the white gaze completely covered the upper body of the other Tang Ye, the tentacles in the hands of the original Tang Ye were cut off by the spider silk!

Tang Ye's burst of power seemed to contain him. He grabbed the broken tentacle and stepped back several steps. He looked at the broken tentacle in his hand. The next second, the tentacle turned into liquid and flowed into the palm of his hand. middle.

"Damn it!"

He rushed over again, grabbed the mutilated spider monster, and slammed it against the wall. At the same time, the flesh flap at the back cut open the spider silk wrapped around the other Tang Ye, revealing himself inside. He was also struggling. However, because he was trapped, he could not effectively display his power, which resulted in his failure to succeed for a long time.


The sound coming from the spider monster turned into a cold laughter at this moment, and something strange suddenly appeared in front of Tang Ye's eyes.

A machine part whose name he couldn't pronounce seemed to float above him. The gravel in the deep pit not far away twisted by himself and turned into a bloody hand emerging from the ground. There was also something further ahead. In the darkness, the sporadic candlelight light could no longer illuminate the entire hall. He vaguely saw a person appearing out of thin air in the darkness, then walking towards him step by step, and finally stopped twenty meters away from him, stretching out. He took out one of his hands.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The voice was familiar but unfamiliar, full of a sense of time. Tang Ye felt that this person was familiar to him, but he had disappeared.

Shaking his head, the looming figure in the darkness disappeared, but a few skulls seemed to appear in the rubble on the side, with their mouths opening and closing, letting out a cold laughter, which overlapped with the laughter of the spider monster. .

After another flash, the skulls that appeared out of nowhere turned into normal people, and the pile of rubble turned into a table. They seemed to be a family, gathered around the table, two adults, three children, adults. We are busy, children are playing, it seems very noisy, but in fact it is all silent.

The figure of the family of five slowly became blurred as time passed. As the girl picked up her dinner plate, it completely disappeared. Then, the window sill appeared in front of him. Tang Ye glanced at it casually. I only saw a tall figure doing something among a pile of corpses downstairs. He seemed to be cleaning up the long-rotted corpses and setting them up one by one.

Just seeing this, Tang Ye quickly shook his head, and the hallucination in his eyes lessened a little. He saw again the spider monster that was wrapping its other self step by step with spider silk.

He picked up the big knife in his hand again and slashed at the opponent's huge abdomen, crushing the skin and flesh. The viscous body fluid inside was squeezed by Tang Ye's power, making a "puff, puff" sound, and kept sputtering from the spider monster. come out.

After this blow, the opponent continued to cut off, and the limbs hugging the other one were also very strong. Then, Tang Ye struck down with the second knife, black liquid exploded, and some white liquid stuck to the blade. Watching, as soon as the big sword was raised, the third sword fell immediately. For a moment, Tang Ye's head was covered with a bloody cold shadow!

The entire hall was hit with a "rumbling" sound as the door panel was so wide that the sword kept lifting and falling! The ground was covered with rubble that had fallen from the ceiling, almost submerging the original ground. Some of the rubble was even torn into tiny powders by the storm erupted by Tang Ye's strength, floating freely in the air, causing The scene was foggy, and only a few faint candlelights could be seen in the distance.

Just like this, I don't know how long it lasted. The body of this spider monster has been smashed to pieces, and most of the ground has turned into meat patties. However, it is still not dead. It seems that it has no evolutionary crystallization. Regardless of Tang Ye's No matter where the knife hit, the evolutionary crystal in the opponent's body was not found.

It looked extremely miserable at this time, but those few joints and limbs were still tightly wrapped around the other Tang Ye, and the weird smile of "Jie Jie Jie Haha" continued, as its body went crazy in Tang Ye's place It became increasingly blurry under the attack, and the strange laughter became even more unclear as to where it came from.

At this time, the ground where Tang Ye was sitting had been cut several meters deep by the knife in his hand, and the spider monster's body was completely embedded in it. Another knife fell, cutting the rest of the guy's body into the ground. Karma's movements suddenly stopped, as if he was tired?

"This is……"

He made a sound of doubt and frowned tightly. He lowered his head and looked at the spider monster below, but nothing happened where he looked that deserved his attention or surprised him. All this was because he I found that the area around my perspective was getting dark!

He didn't know when this started. This feeling was a bit familiar. He had experienced it once!

The strange laughter around them became more and more rampant, hoarse and ugly, making it difficult to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"Damn it!"

The black surrounding the field of vision is spreading toward the center point, and nothing can be seen in the area occupied by black.

Tang Ye suddenly felt bad. He didn't know whether it was because the next morning was coming or because something unknown was going to happen.

He waved the big knife in his hand even more violently, one after another, until the spider monster no longer had any bodily fluids to shoot out, but he still couldn't stop the spread of black around his vision. As the last knife fell, before Tang Ye's eyes , there is nothing but endless darkness!

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