I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1486 Double the effort, useless busyness

Tang Ye seemed to turn into a vegetative state in an instant, not only because of the blindness caused by covering his entire field of vision, but also after his field of vision was completely filled with darkness, all his perceptions also disappeared at this moment, and he could not smell He couldn't hear the smell in the air here, couldn't hear the sounds here, couldn't feel his body, couldn't feel his limbs, and couldn't feel the flesh and blood molecules in his body that could be mobilized at will. He and his other self could no longer feel it. Each other's presence!

Same as yesterday...no, it should be said the day before yesterday, just like that night at the zoo. As the darkness blocked everything he could see, after a while, he saw a bit of light. The moment the light appeared, it quickly stretched into a line, and then widened...

The disappeared physical sensation returned, and Tang Ye immediately heard the noisy honking sound, as if thousands of cars were blocked on the road. The drivers kept pressing their horns to urge the car in front to move.

Tang Ye, who was extremely sensitive to sounds, was quickly awakened. Then, he saw soft light shining in from the window, and then saw the ceiling of the hotel room.


Standing up from the bed, he glanced at the window sill that was covered by curtains. Both windows seemed to be closed, but they still couldn't block the sound of car horns coming from outside.

Tang Ye was a little confused, as if there was something he hadn't done? But he couldn't remember it. After sitting on the bed and thinking for a while, he couldn't help but give up and picked up his cell phone from the bedside table. The screen was not lit. In the upper right corner, he could see a piece of flesh and blood that he had put down yesterday. Remember, this is done to prevent the phone from being unable to be opened due to the screen being frozen.

The sound of the whistle outside continued, seemingly penetrating all obstacles, causing Tang Ye's ears to be filled with such sounds. He glanced at the window sill irritably, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Something seems wrong?

Putting the mobile phone in his hand on the table, Tang Ye took out the mobile phone he brought and opened it. The current time was just seven minutes after eight o'clock in the morning. He woke up earlier yesterday than today. , I thought there were so many cars outside constantly honking their horns to urge them. Tang Ye thought at first it was office workers in a hurry, but after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be no such situation yesterday?

Tang Ye, who put his cell phone down and sat beside the bed, fell silent, as if he was thinking about something. The memory of last night slowly emerged.

I went out after the ban time to see what would happen to those graffiti after the ban time. Not long after I went out, I didn't find anything unusual so I returned to the hotel room and went to bed. Sleep until you wake up just now.

"Did I do anything like this yesterday?"

After muttering to himself, Tang Ye suddenly remembered a person's name, Lu Xiaojie!

Violating the regulations here seems to be undesirable. He doesn't know if Lu Xiaojie has explained what will happen if he violates the regulations. He may have said it, or most likely not. He can't remember it, but in his case Among the effects, it seems that there will be a heavy price to pay for violating the regulations.


After these two words came out of Tang Ye's mouth, other memories began to appear in his mind. He went out after the forbidden time came last night, but unlike his original memory, he did not come back after going out. , but met Lu Xiaojie and experienced some things with her at the recycling bin.

This memory has become extremely vague for Tang Ye at this time, full of unreality. If he was not in a hazy state like a dream, he would have asked more questions, such as why Lu Xiaojie can always have him here. Will his memory become an ordinary person? Will the status quo be maintained by always abiding by the regulations? Do the paintings in the corridor below the recycling bin contain any secrets? Also, what on earth are those recycling messengers? Being fucked by someone one second, and then acting like a normal person the next second?

Is it a time loop?

In addition, Tang Ye has observed ordinary people here, and all the molecules that make up their bodies are no different from people in the outside world.

According to Lu Xiaojie, when someone dies after violating the regulations, the person involved actually goes to a deeper "world" to continue his life, and does not realize that he has actually "died" once. In this case, Tang Ye When you wake up now, have you already "died" once?

And now I am in this deep "world"?

So, compared to the self who entered here on the first day, the self on the second day is not the self who was alive at the beginning? However, no matter whether it was the first day or the second day, the individual quality of those ordinary people did not change. According to Tang Ye's logic, ordinary people seemed to have no use value for Daria, and they were just a bunch of people who had been absorbed. The essence leaves only a little bit of inorganic waste.

In Lu Xiaojie's explanation, she claimed that she just wanted Daria, a hungry ghost, to eat less in this "last meal", but she stole it from these ordinary people who had become waste. , what’s the point? Her jobs don't seem to be any different from those of recycling messengers. If there is a difference, it may be that one side is a public servant, and the other side is a self-employed person who does not care about her father or mother.

To sum up, it is just a reminder. The most puzzling thing is that in some conversations between himself and Lu Xiaojie, he made it clear intentionally or unintentionally that after death, a certain existence will enter the so-called deeper level. The world, but in the place where he died, a figure graffiti appeared, and each figure graffiti represented a similar person of Tang Ye. In this way, doesn't Daria have the same ability to produce zombies as the zombie brood?

Of course, no matter whether these zombies produced by Daria are fake or not, these also prove that everything Lu Xiaojie did is meaningless!

Whether it is true or false, the former means that not only must we deal with the humans here, but we must also deal with the zombies here, which requires redoubled efforts! As for the latter, it is better to do nothing at all than to be busy in vain.

Tang Ye should have asked these questions at the time, but now that he was "sober", he realized how confused he was at that time, just like the confusion he felt when he was dreaming! Looking back, I feel that that experience, and everything I saw at that time, seemed to be surrounded by a layer of white fog, and not many details could be seen. It was absurd but unforgettable for a long time.

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