After Tang Ye nodded, Daria took a step back, then turned around and headed towards the innermost part of the store. Her target was very clear, which was the book called "Xipenny's Dream Forest".

Compared to the previous two days, this time Daria came to the store with an extra plastic bag in her hand, which contained some books, but it was not a fairy tale book like "Shipney's Dream Forest", but, Some textbooks?

Only then did Tang Ye notice that the gap that was originally sewn with black cloth on the school bag had opened up. The gap appeared again and became larger, running through the entire bottom of the bag. If some relatively large books had been packed before, then Now, there is nothing to put in, and all the things that should be put in the schoolbag are put in plastic bags.

"Daria." Tang Ye stopped her with a voice. The other party was stunned and turned around to look at him.

"What's the matter, Mr. Pillay?"

Tang Ye left the counter, went to the shelves behind the stairs and searched around, and finally took out a pink schoolbag of similar size.

Now, Tang Ye is glad that he has a grocery store that has everything.

He took the pink schoolbag and walked all the way to Daria. His first move had stunned Daria. Without giving her a chance to recover, Tang Ye snatched it away. The plastic bag in her hand put all the books and various items inside into the new school bag.

"Mr. Pillai..."

"Don't use this schoolbag anymore, use this one."

He handed over the pink schoolbag, but the other party didn't take it.

"But...I don't have the money to buy it..."

"I give this to you, no money required."


"Stop it and do what you want to do."

After forcing the schoolbag into her hand, Tang Ye returned directly to the counter, and Daria stared at him blankly, watched him sit down, watched him pick up the book, and finally lowered his head.

About half a minute later, Tang Ye heard a "thank you" as thin as a mosquito's sound. He did not speak or respond.

Perhaps knowing that Tang Ye would not pay attention to her, Dariya could only turn around and go to the innermost place. She sat on the small bench where she had been sitting for the previous two days, took out "Xipunni's Dream Forest" and continued going down. Look at the content.

The occasional wind blowing outside made the flowers and plants in the small garden tremble. The footsteps of passers-by from time to time matched unexpectedly with the music from the music box. The shop was very quiet. Perhaps because they didn't want to disturb the warmth, no customers came in.

This time, Daria read for a long time. It was not until Tang Ye had finished reading all the contents of the book in his hand that he realized that it was already dark outside. He glanced at the innermost part of the store. Daria was still there. She was too quiet. After a long time, Tang Ye felt like he was the only one in the store.

Oh no, he is the only zombie.

Putting down the book in his hand, Tang Ye came to Daria's side. He found that Daria had finished reading "Xi Penni's Dream Forest" and was staring at the last paragraph in a daze.

Little heroes of the Dream Forest, look, the creamy mushroom roll you want is here, please enjoy it.

Tang Ye stood behind her for about ten seconds before Daria finally reacted and quickly looked back.

"Huh? Mr. Pillai."

"finish watching?"

"After reading it...ah no, Mr. Pillai, please believe me, I will not break my promise, I will definitely buy it, definitely!"

"That's not what I meant." Tang Ye glanced at the night outside. It might be eight or nine o'clock now. He suspected that Dariya's parents were very unreliable. Even at this hour, the child hadn't come home yet, and he didn't even know he was there. Aren't you afraid that something might happen to her when you go out to look for her?

"It's getting late, I think you should go home, otherwise your parents will worry about you." Tang Ye said to Daria kindly, but the other party fell silent. After a while, she put the hand in her hand The book is put back on the shelf.

"Okay, I understand." She said with a look of reluctance on her face as she put the book down.

"Do you want me to take you back?"

"No, Mr. Pillay."

"Oh well."

Daria nodded, hesitated for a while, then put on the pink schoolbag given to her by Tang Ye, stood up from the stool, and bowed to Tang Ye again.

"Mr. Pillai, thank you for what you gave me."

"It's okay...but..." Tang Ye accepted it happily, but the subject changed the next second: "I have a request."

"Huh? What...what request?"

"This is something I gave you, but you have to take good care of it, do you understand?"

"Oh! I will, Mr. Pillay."

"Okay, let's go back and pay attention to safety."

Tang Ye tentatively stretched out his hand, but the other party did not take precautions. Finally, Tang Ye touched her head and took her to the door of the store. She did not avoid his hand, which showed that she had feelings for him. Basic trust, which is not a bad thing.

What he has to do is to win her favor, but Tang Ye doesn't know what to do after winning her favor. Looking at the current situation, there may not be a change in the inner and outer world for a long time, and he won't get it either. Lu Xiaojie’s instructions.

After opening the shop door and walking out, Dariya bowed to Tang Ye again, which made him a little helpless, but he didn't know what to say.

He watched her walk through the small garden in front of the shop and onto the street, but suddenly Dariya stopped and looked back at Tang Ye. She wanted to say something, but in the end she closed her mouth and ran. Disappeared from Tang Ye's sight.

Of course, this detail was caught by Tang Ye, and his eyes narrowed.

"What did she just want to say?"

"Forget it, she will probably say everything she wants to say when the time comes."

Sighing, Tang Ye returned to the shop, and the most torturous stay-up-all-night journey of the day was here again!

He prepared things to stay up late to pass the time, but that night, Tang Ye couldn't calm down. He just stood outside the window and watched the stars on the night sky, and spent the whole night like this.

He did not go out in the morning, but watched the students outside noisily passing by the door of the store. Every morning, his neighbor watered the flowers in the garden in front of his house and greeted the passing students enthusiastically. No one noticed. A zombie on the second floor was watching them.

Suddenly, Tang Ye's eyes raised. On the other side of the street, he saw a man sitting on a chair and drinking coffee. He had noticed him for a long time. It wasn't until his eyes looked at him that he looked towards him. Tang Ye waved his hand to show his courtesy.

Tang Ye just smiled, and at this moment, there was the sound of the door being opened below, and Tang Ye let go of his senses.

It was not a guest, but Daria, but something seemed wrong with her mood.

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