Ignoring the man drinking coffee on the second floor of the opposite building, Tang Ye went straight downstairs and came to the shop. The first thing he saw was Daria, who was lowering her head. This sight made him frown. , his intuition told him that something definitely happened to Daria.

"Is there a problem?"

Tang Ye quickly asked without being in a stalemate with Daria for too long.


Daria didn't answer for a long time. She was struggling in her heart, and finally she looked up at Tang Ye, but she looked much more haggard than yesterday.

"Mr. Pillai..." She called Tang Ye softly, but it was just this word that she called Tang Ye, and she paused.

She seemed to have something to say but couldn't say it. Tang Ye saw this and said, "If you have anything, just tell me. If you run into trouble, I can help you solve it."


"Huh?" Daria's sudden reaction made Tang Ye even more confused, but he just paused and quickly continued: "Then... just tell me, no matter what the request is, I will use my best Trying to help you.”

"I...I have a question and I need your answer."

"Problem...what question?" Tang Ye suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He was worried that the other party would ask him some math questions...

But fortunately, she didn't look like the kind of child who would ask others for answers just because of a problem. Daria was silent for a while, lowering her head, looking at the ground or closing her eyes. Tang Ye waited patiently. , finally, she raised her head, seemed to muster up the courage, and finally asked the question she wanted to ask.

"Mr. Pillai...is there...a dream forest in the world?"


Tang Ye let out a breath. After the other party just said the words "Dream Forest", he knew that Daria was obsessed with reading.

However, every child has some unrealistic fantasies. Tang Ye remembers that he was fascinated by novels when he was about 13 or 14 years old. He often fantasized about whether cultivating immortals really existed in this world, and even went to Baidu to These were things he had never said to anyone else.

He looked at Daria and originally wanted to tell her that the contents in the book were all made up and did not exist at all, but after seeing the expectation in Daria's eyes, he hesitated.

There was a glimmer of light in her eyes, which was the hope that the unknown answer was what she wanted. She was escaping from something, unwilling to accept the things that existed around her in reality, and wanted to come to the place like Shipney in the book. A world that is perfect with only good things left.

Tang Ye didn't know if he would see her dimmed gaze after he said "There is no Dream Forest in this world". He didn't want to cruelly break Daria's fantasy, or in other words, this fantasy was not You should break it yourself.

Various thoughts flashed through his mind. Finally, Tang Ye breathed out, smiled at Daria, and then said: "Daria."


"I don't think it's time to answer this question for you yet."

"Then..." Daria's expression became disappointed. Although Tang Ye's answer did not give an accurate answer, she was not stupid and seemed to have guessed something. Similarly, Tang Ye's answer did not completely reject it.

Amid the disappointment, there is a glimmer of hope.

"Does the dreamy forest in the book not exist?"

"Not necessarily, okay, I will tell you one day." Tang Ye comforted, and his words made the light in Daria's eyes that should have dimmed regain a bit.

"Thank you~"

Although she failed to get an accurate answer, Daria was not prepared to stay in the store for too long. She lowered her head and bowed to thank Tang Ye. But with this action, Tang Ye saw the bright red mark on her neck!

Are those... scars?

Dariya was about to leave, but was pulled over by Tang Ye.


He opened her collar, and the red marks wrapped around her body like small snakes, which were extremely dazzling.

"What's going on?" Tang Ye asked, but Daria didn't answer. Panic flashed in her eyes. She broke away from Tang Ye's hand and ran toward the store door as if running away. She slammed the door open, but Tang Ye didn't stop her. , but watched her run out of the small garden at the door and disappeared before his eyes.

He now somewhat understands why Daria is obsessed with "Shipney's Dream Forest". The friendship described in it is exactly what Daria does not have, so she yearns for the world that does not exist, and longs for the birth of Shipney. The friendship in Ni.

"Could it be..." Tang Ye thought of something, his eyes flashed, and he expanded the coverage of the surrounding perceptions. Soon, he walked up to the second floor, picked up the store key, went downstairs, and left the store. He locked the door and walked to the side of the street.

He passed through an alley, passed through a park, and then came to a tree-lined path.

In front, the little fat man was chatting with his friends. He was walking on the way to school. Suddenly, he saw someone blocking his face. He looked up, and the next second he saw Tang Ye's gloomy face. Face, the coldness made him shiver!

His friends were also shocked when they saw Tang Ye, and they abandoned Xiaopang and scattered away.

"Mr. Pillai? What are you doing?"

The little fat man took a step back involuntarily. He could feel Tang Ye's strong malice toward him! It was as if I was standing in front of a hungry tiger, who would be torn into pieces and eaten into his mouth at any time in the next moment!

"follow me."

Tang Ye didn't give Xiaopang a chance to refuse, and directly pulled him towards the building complex on the side, but a child couldn't resist him. Even though he struggled in every possible way, he was still pulled into a deserted alley.

"Mr. Pillai, what are you doing! Murder is illegal!...I...I have money! You can use it...to buy things! Don't kill me!"

The little fat man was crying and fussing, and suddenly Tang Ye shouted: "Shut up!"

This roar immediately made the other party shut his mouth.

"What...are you going to do? If you want revenge, you have to go to Salomon and the others. It's none of my business!"

Tang Ye took a breath and waited for this guy to finish speaking before he said, "What's the end?"

"Uh... I'm done Mr. Pillai."

"It's my turn to finish speaking?"

"Huh? Oh! Say it."

"Did you bully Daria yesterday?" Tang Ye asked the fat man directly. After hearing his question, the fat man was stunned, with question marks written all over his face?


"Well, isn't it?"

"I didn't even see her yesterday, why did I bully her!"

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