Seeing the zombie rushing towards him, the young man held the knife tightly. When the zombie came closer, his heart skipped a beat. Regardless of fear, he closed his eyes and raised the knife to chop at it!


The knife slashed out and hit the zombie's chest. The young man opened his eyes and saw that he didn't kill him with one blow. He turned around and ran away. The knife in his hand was swung back randomly, which looked very funny.

Some people in the crowd wanted to laugh, but thinking that it might be their turn next, they couldn't laugh anymore.

However, after saying this, many people in the crowd couldn't help but roll their eyes.

Is this how to fight zombies?

The young men look the same. They may be alive to this day, but of course they also have some skills, which is to escape!

I saw him running very fast, pulling the zombie far behind him, looking back from time to time, but he was also very anxious in his heart, trying hard to think of a way to deal with this zombie.

The young man ran around the field for a long time, and people wanted to do this. The longer the time went on, the longer they would not have to fight zombies, at least not now.

However, there are always some people who are nosy. Seeing how hard the young man was working, he couldn't help but urge: "Hurry up, you are so slow. Can you kill it by running?"

"It's just a waste of time!"

"hurry up!"

Hearing these provocative words, the young man looked ugly. After running for so long, he felt that his strength was exhausted. He thought that if he died, he would die, so he gritted his teeth and turned around, gestured with the knife, and took a few steps back.


The zombie roared a bloodthirsty voice and rushed over with its claws raised. The young man also thought of breaking the jar and slashed at the neck of the zombie that rushed towards him.


The blade entered the zombie's shriveled skin, but the force was not strong enough to cut it off at once, and the young man panicked, not knowing what to do next.

"Shabi, kick me with your feet. I don't know how I survive until now."

I don’t know who said this, whether it was a mockery or a reminder, but no matter what, this sentence awakened the young man, and he immediately realized that the two people before had also kicked the zombies!

Two pictures flashed through my mind and were deeply imprinted on me!

He raised his feet and used the greatest strength in his life!


One foot touched the zombie's thigh and kicked it to the ground. Taking advantage of the victory, he raised the knife and stomped it down!


He stabbed the zombie's skull open and inserted it fiercely. Holding the handle of the knife, the young man pulled out the knife. Looking at the motionless zombie, he staggered back a few steps as if he had used all his strength.


After laughing a few times, the young man's face was full of joy. Looking at the zombies on the ground, he felt for the first time that zombies are not that scary. They can die too, but people are too timid!

Bang bang!

Tang Ye clapped his hands twice and shouted: "Very good! Get down."

"Thank you, thank you boss!"

The young man stepped aside and sat on a chair with a proud look on his face, looking at the other people standing from time to time.

Then, Xu Haihai picked up the fourth zombie. This time, someone took the initiative and pierced the zombie's head with a crude spear, declaring his victory!

Then, the fifth and sixth ones, none of the people who came out succeeded in the challenge!

It seems that he was influenced by these people. The seventh one also took the initiative, but his luck was not as good as that of the previous ones. During the battle, his arm was scratched by a zombie, and he was shot to death by Ruan Chaoen in fear.

The death of the first person suddenly broke people's interest. The courage they had previously raised to challenge the zombies was brought back to reality by the death of this person.

They discovered that the reason why these people succeeded in the challenge was because they had fought zombies before and were skilled in fighting them. But they fought easily. Being able to defeat zombies does not mean that zombies are easy to bully!

Xu Haihai was responsible for collecting the corpse and pulled the corpse beside him, waiting for the next appearance.

After more than ten people succeeded in the challenge, all the zombies in the truck were killed. People breathed a sigh of relief, but when they saw Xu Haihaii, they all gasped.

At this time, there were more than ten corpses beside Xu Haihai, piled up into a hill, and their blood almost formed a stream.

After all the zombies were killed, the challenge was over, and people returned to their residences with different moods.

They still can't forget what Tang Ye said before. Those driven zombies will return here, which means that their lives will become what they were before!

However, fate is not up to them. The boss here is no longer Zhang Han. He can tolerate people waiting to die here, but Tang Ye does not allow it. According to his nature, waiting to starve to death here may be killed by Tang Ye before he dies. Kill first!

But when they go out to look for supplies, those hordes of zombies can easily kill them, making it much more difficult to find supplies.

But what can be done? They can't change all this. Maybe Tang Ye is doing it for their own good, so that they can survive, but is anyone willing to face it?

In the final analysis, they are still too weak to change their own destiny and can only let others dominate.

Thinking about it, many people looked at Bai Huipeng's new humans with complicated expressions.

the next day.

Xu Haihai pulled another truck of zombies in and drove in. It was still the same as yesterday, challenging them one by one, but it seemed a waste of time later, so they started to get on with five people together, and the truck went in and out again and again.

Except for the dozens of people who succeeded in the challenge at the beginning, the rest were forcibly pulled out by Xu Haihaii. Of course, they ended up being scratched by zombies, but those people were used by Xu Haihaii before they turned into zombies. Shoot him to death and place the body next to him.

He only accepted human corpses, but had no interest in zombie corpses at all. People didn't know what he was doing, but they didn't ask much.

The activity didn't stop until four days later, when the zombies had spread throughout the area.

On this day, Xu Haihai collected the corpses alone and threw them one by one in the car. There were constant cries next to them, all mourning the deceased.

No one knows what they are thinking, whether they hate Tang Ye or not.

However, Xu Haihai didn't bother to care. After throwing the body in his hand into the car, Tang Ye unexpectedly walked over from behind.

"What are you doing?"

Xu Haihai poked the shrugged head of a corpse and said, "You might as well give it to me instead of giving it to those cannibals."

"What, you know how to eat?" Tang Ye raised his eyebrows.

"I raise zombies, these things don't interest me."

"Raising zombies?"

Xu Haihai nodded and straightened his body slightly.

"I finally found a rather special guy and I placed it in the villa.


After chatting for a while, Tang Ye heard a cry, turned around and saw his daughter running over with her short legs.

Xu Haihai also drove a truck out of the gathering place.

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