When Xu Haihai came back, it was already evening. Due to Tang Ye's arrival, there were no moth zombies flying in the sky at the gathering place. People would also come out to chat at night, but they were all talking about how to spend tomorrow.

After seeing Xu Haihai driving a truck in, people looked over one after another. Seeing countless zombies locked behind the truck, their faces instantly became ugly.

What's going on? Are you still here?

This was a question in everyone's mind, but no one could answer them. Xu Haihai drove all the way into a factory greenhouse. The door of the greenhouse was opened by a survivor, revealing a large pit inside.

Xu Haihai ordered people to dig this out five days ago. Tang Ye didn't know what he was going to do. But now, Tang Ye was on the other side of the pit, waiting for him with his hands behind his back.

The truck stopped at the door. Xu Haihai got out of the car and walked into the greenhouse. The few survivors closed the door wisely and left. Only two zombies, Tang Ye and Xu Haihai, were left.

"What are you doing?"

"Hehe, actually, punishing people is very simple, and there is no need to throw them into the white cave, right? Boss said? They are all zombies, it is better to take advantage of our kind. I am here to give you some advice."

With that said, Xu Haihai opened the cage and ordered the zombies inside to enter the pit, and then said: "From now on, if anyone is disobedient, just throw them in. Isn't this very trouble-free?"

Tang Ye also knew this was the case, but he didn't want to hear Xu Haihai talk about this.

"That special guy you mentioned should have been brought here, right? Let me take a look."

If he had known that Tang Ye would say this, Xu Haihai was not surprised. He opened the passenger door of the truck without saying anything.

Tang Ye looked inside and saw a dark thing coming out, standing honestly next to Xu Haihai.

That thing stood upright, about 1.8 meters tall, and its muscles were streamlined. It couldn't be said to be muscles at all, but it looked like someone had installed a shell on it. It could be said that the shell had become a spirit!

The hair on its head is messy, and occasionally the black face can be seen inside.

Tang Ye frowned and asked, "Is this the guy?"

Xu Haihai nodded.

"Well, don't underestimate it, it's a combination of an electric eel, a snail and a human that I fished out of the water!"

Tang Ye glanced at the thread-like muscles on its body, his eyes full of inquiry.

"Boss, do you know its ability? Control current! Don't underestimate this guy's ability. I'll let you show it."

Xu Haihai's face was full of excitement, and he gave the guy an order in his mind.

He raised his hands slightly, and a trace of electricity flashed through the thread-like muscle gaps. Tang Ye was slightly stunned when he saw it.


The greenhouse fell into darkness instantly, and the lights went out at this time. Tang Ye knew immediately that it was the zombie who made the movement.

He glanced at Xu Haihai and thought to himself: "This guy is quite good at finding his younger brother."

Xu Haihai continued: "This is a big treasure. I have already given it a name. It is called Electric Snail!"

"Electronic mule?"

Tang Ye repeated, glanced at the electric conch, ignored it, and left the greenhouse.

As if seeing that Tang Ye was not very interested, Xu Haihai just curled his lips and studied the electric snail with great joy, being very curious about its abilities.

"I've fed you so much, why haven't you evolved yet... ugh, tsk tsk."

After muttering to himself for a while, Xu Haihai felt bored and kicked the electric snail into the pit before leaving the greenhouse.

In the days to come, since zombies were no longer under the influence of Tang Ye, they appeared again outside the gathering place. Although the number was small, people who went out to look for supplies also suffered casualties one after another, and the number of people was also reduced immediately. More than 1,300 people have become about 900 people today.

Standing at the highest point, Tang Ye frowned as he looked at the busy survivors below. He found that continuing like this was not an option. The number of people was constantly decreasing. He began to doubt himself. Was he killing people or letting this place develop?

Xu Haihai stood next to him for a while and then lost interest. He looked left and right and then walked towards Dapeng who was raising zombies. During this period, he passed by Xuchangchi. People who hang out with zombies don't think it's strange either.

Xu Changchi and others even thought that Tang Ye's ability to drive away zombie terror was the method developed by this guy.

Who asked Xu Haihai to go back and raise zombies?

Such behavior is really difficult to understand.

Xu Changchi put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, stood respectfully behind Tang Ye, and called Brother Nian.

Tang Ye turned his head and glanced at him. Hearing that the Qi and blood on his body were thick and strong, it was obvious that he had evolved to the second level. He didn't feel strange at all and said, "What's the matter?"

Xu Changchi scratched his head, organized some words in his mind, and then said: "Brothers have been out looking for supplies these days, and the bullets in their hands have been used up quickly. Now they have bottomed out. I discussed it with several other brothers. I just came with the boss to ask about the solution."

"Oh?" Tang Ye frowned. He lived very comfortably in the gathering place these days. Apart from going to Zhiyang Lake regularly to look for pseudo-dragons, he never paid attention to other things here.

The men under him had guns, and he had not thought about the amount of ammunition. But now, the ammunition was gone, which made him a little surprised, but he didn't take it to heart.

When the ammunition is gone, just go and get it. As for where to get it, it's not difficult for Tang Ye.

"Where was the ammunition taken before?"

"We used to get the ammunition from the police station on Gongbei Avenue, but we have taken all the ammunition there. Now we can only get the ammunition further away."

"Then go!" Tang Ye went back directly.

"But..." Xu Changchi was troubled.

"But what?" Tang Ye sounded unhappy.

"It might be dangerous to go further. Our people can't go that far."

This sentence awakened Tang Ye, and he suddenly thought that he was a zombie, so of course he had nothing to fear, but the people under his command were humans, and going out for a long walk was just a disguised way to feed the zombies.

After all, in the apocalypse, mankind is full of dangers, and trying to blaze a trail is like ascending to heaven!

Tang Ye began to think deeply. After thinking for a while, he realized that he seemed to have the only one to do this. Just when he was about to speak, Xu Changchi suddenly spoke up.

"Boss, I have an idea. I wonder if the boss can listen to it?"

Tang Ye's eyes flickered for a moment, and he became somewhat interested.

"Oh, tell me."

Xu Changchi was shocked. He slightly bent over to face Tang Ye, with a hint of cruelty flashing in his eyes.

"Since we are short of ammunition and the resources in the nearby police station have been taken away by us, we don't know whether other survivor groups will rob them if we search far away. We might as well rob those survivor groups!"

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