I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 505 It turns out I still have this ability

"What kind of zombie is this?"

"Why aren't its eyes white? And the speedsters are new humans, so how could they turn into zombies?"

"It looks like the defense is so strong..."

People exclaimed and moved back. Several survivors picked up several guns when Tang Ye killed the speeders. When they saw the zombie, they picked up their guns and fired continuously.

"Get out of the way!"

Bang bang bang!

A series of bullets went down, and the bullets that could have left marks on the body of ordinary third-level zombies were directly bounced off the silver-white skin of this zombie, making the sound of metal collision.

Dang, Dang, Dang...~

"Damn! It's useless!"

Roar! ! !

After being attacked by people, the zombie roared and flashed, turning into a silver shadow and pulling out an afterimage to attack the nearest survivor.

"No!" The survivor screamed and ran towards Bai Xinran. Qiong Li also ran over in a hurry.

"Xinran, let's go!"

Bai Xinran was so frightened that she didn't even know when this zombie appeared. Seeing the survivor running toward her, the panic in her heart caused her nerves to go crazy. She wanted to move away but couldn't. Unable to move my heavy feet.

"Get away!"

Qiong Li's speed was almost as fast as the zombie's. When it was about to touch the survivor, she knocked it aside. At the same time, her shoulder became numb from the impact, as if it had been hit by a collision. Got a piece of steel!

Before she had time to worry about whether she was okay, Qiong Li saw the zombie looking at her with its terrifying eyes.


With a shout, she swung the spear and stabbed the zombie on the head. However, the zombie didn't even try to dodge. She clenched her fist and attacked directly with the simplest method.




After a few crisp sounds, Qiong Li was stunned, and everyone was also stunned. The seemingly extremely strong military spur suddenly broke off when it collided with the silver zombie's head. Qiong Li's arm was numb, not to mention, He was also punched in the stomach by this zombie, and his body was hit by a train and flew backwards for more than ten meters.

When she got up, she looked at the broken military thorn in her hand and had only two questions in her mind.

What level of zombie is this? At first, this zombie gave her the impression that it was a third-level zombie, but after the fight, its amazing defense made her feel that it was no more than a fourth-level zombie, and its power was not comparable to that of a third-level zombie. It seemed to be twice as high. !

She has also competed with other third-level zombies, and she also knows some of the data of third-level zombies, but she can never compare with the zombie in front of her!


After roaring twice, Wang You turned into a zombie and rushed towards Qiong Li, obviously trying to kill her!

"don't want!"

Bai Xinran screamed, fearing that Qiong Li would die in the hands of this zombie, but it was faster, and Tang Ye was even faster, almost teleporting and blocking the zombie's path.


It collided with Tang Ye and took a few steps back. When it saw that it was Tang Ye, its aura suddenly calmed down and it bowed slightly, as if it had seen some big shot and had to lower its head.

Tang Ye also felt strange. After discovering the zombie he had infected, he felt that there were many more directions in his mind. It seemed that there were many zombies he had infected on the way here. He could vaguely see many of them. Blurred perspective.

None of these perspectives are my own, there are dozens of them, and many of them are from the places where I fought against the speedsters before.

There is another perspective from which you can actually see yourself, which is obviously the perspective of the zombie in front of you!

Therefore, the perspectives I see are all given by the zombies I infected.

"It turns out I still have this ability!"

In addition, there is also a feeling, which is the same as when Tang Ye faced Ah Fu. If the other person has any thoughts of betrayal, he can kill him or torture him to death at the thought of him.

The zombies in front of him kept sending him the meaning of "respect", but Tang Ye didn't buy his account at all. A second-level new human suddenly turned into a zombie, and it was also a zombie with black eyes and red pupils that was different from other white-eyed zombies. Qiong Li and the others may doubt themselves.

For no reason, he wanted to keep it a secret just for Nannan. He just wanted to settle Nannan in a stable survivor base and be taken care of by Qiong Li. Only then could he truly feel at ease.

In an instant, the vast blood energy of a sixth-level new human burst out from Tang Ye's body. He struck quickly and accurately, raised his knife and cut off the head of the alienated zombie in front of him.


Seeing the zombie's head rolling around on the ground, Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the body that was still standing, he turned around and left. However, he found that the expressions on people's faces were wrong.

There was a thump in his heart, but soon, Qiong Li shouted: "Be careful, it's not dead!"


"So it's this..." Tang Ye thought they were doubting him, but when he noticed what Qiong Li said, he was confused.

"Not dead? How is that possible? This... Oh, let me go!"

It suddenly occurred to me that I would not die even if my head was gone, so the zombies infected by me would also inherit my characteristics, right?

Turning around and looking, he saw that the head of the zombie in front of him was growing out little by little, but the growth rate was very slow, but at least it showed that the zombie infected by Tang Ye really had no weakness in the head.

Qiong Li and the others were stunned.

Is this really a zombie? Can you still live without your head? Involuntarily, they felt uneasy. If such zombies appeared on a large scale, how could humans still play in the apocalypse?

How could Tang Ye watch him recover? Immediately, he flicked his hand and pinched its neck with the other hand. Then with a thought, all the mutated anti-life substances on its body gathered into small snakes and entered his body.

After all the anti-life substances on its body were gone, Tang Ye clearly felt that the hardness of its skin began to decrease, and finally became soft. With his hand again, Tang Ye extracted a blood-red evolution from its spine. crystallization.

This was the first time he had seen this kind of evolutionary crystal. Everyone was stunned and looked at it carefully, but they couldn't see anything.

"Let's go."

After saying something lightly, Tang Ye sat back in the car. Qiong Li glanced at him with complicated eyes. The group of people just waited until Bai Xinran came back after solving the problem before starting to set off.

Because the long-haired young man Wang You turned into a zombie and was killed by Tang Ye, there was no way to go to the residence they mentioned. Nannan seemed to be hungry and had been crying since three o'clock. No matter what Bai Xinran and Qiong Li did Coaxing is not good.

The streets were as dark as ink at night. People parked their cars near a gas station. Many people entered the convenience store just after the car stopped, trying their luck to see if they could find something to eat.

But unfortunately, like the previous gas station, all the supplies were confiscated by the speedsters.

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