I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 506 If you don’t have food, you can’t “work”

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore..." Bai Xinran coaxed her while patting her back, glancing at Tang Ye from time to time, for fear that her crying would make this cruel guy angry and violently attack them both. All of them were chopped down.

As if he couldn't stand her daughter's crying, Qiong Li had just parked the car, opened the car door and walked into the darkness. The survivors next to him raised a bonfire in front of the gas station convenience store, and the light above was shining like this. It looked faint in the dark.

People looked at Tang Ye. In the night of the apocalypse, darkness is what people fear the most. No one would say something like "I belong to the darkness, I am used to the darkness" as a primary school student's black quotation.

The darkness of the apocalypse is even scarier, because you never know what monsters are hidden in the darkness. There are no loners in the apocalypse. Human beings are social animals. In times of crisis, they will only join forces. If a person is alone, loneliness can swallow him up. Gotta be clean!

Tang Ye, who was not afraid of harm, went into the darkness. People looked at his back with strange eyes, but then he thought about it, how could his unpredictable strength hurt him?

"Brother, where are you going?" Bai Xinran saw Tang Ye leaving and asked quickly.

Tang Ye paused for a while, tilted his head slightly and said, "You just stay here, I will be back in a while."

As he spoke, his figure completely disappeared into the darkness. When Qiong Li and the others could not be seen, Tang Ye floated into the air like a ghost, looking for the breath of the corpse dragon and flew over.

"It should be here."

Muttering in his heart, Tang Ye flew for a while and then landed under the billboard. At this time, the ground made a "dong dong dong" sound, and after a while, the corpse dragon's huge body emerged from the ground.


With a low roar, the corpse dragon spit out a mouthful of dirt residue, and then spat it out again, spitting out a large package with its disgusting saliva on it.

Pulling off an iron rod at random, Tang Ye opened the outer plastic film and took out the contents. Just like last time, it was a plastic bag with a bunch of food inside.

But the difference is that the food last time was spicy, but this time it was some milk powder bread and small ham sausages for babies.

The last time he asked Xu Haihai to "send" food, he forgot about his daughter. It was only today when his daughter was crying because of hunger that he remembered that he hadn't prepared any food for the little one.

Just as he was about to let the corpse dragon retreat, Tang Ye suddenly saw a zombie passing by. He had a flash of inspiration. He could assimilate infected creatures, but could he infect zombies?

Thinking about it, he looked at the corpse dragon with a very strange look. The zombies infected by him that provided a perspective in his mind were basically evolved zombies, with the lowest level one and the highest level two.

Maybe it's because my level is very high. Anyone I infect will be an evolved zombie. If I catch an unevolved zombie, will it evolve?

The defense of the third-level silver-armored zombie that was infected but killed by me today basically exceeds that of zombies of the same level, and its strength is about twice that of other zombies. If the corpse dragon is assimilated, it should have the same abilities as myself. The silver-white skin greatly indicates the defense power.

As soon as he thought of it, Tang Ye immediately hooked his fingers at the corpse dragon. After its head came closer, one of Tang Ye's hands turned silver-white, and his nails turned into sharp claws. He grabbed it hard on the forehead and broke it open. defense.

Since it couldn't feel the pain, the corpse dragon didn't have any overreaction. Tang Ye scratched its wound, feeling unsafe, and then with a thought, he transferred some of the flesh and blood molecules from his body into it, and then looked at the flesh and blood attentively. molecular reactions.

But after a while, Tang Ye discovered that something was wrong. These flesh and blood molecules did not do anything after entering the corpse dragon's body. He originally thought that his mutated anti-life matter would go back to devour and assimilate the unmutated anti-life matter, but now, these mutated anti-life matter Matter is like a child that cannot find a home, wandering around in the corpse dragon's body.

Tang Ye couldn't stand it anymore, so he focused all his attention on these mutated anti-life substances and controlled them to devour the non-mutated anti-life substances.

After trying it like this, yo, his anti-life matter can really swallow up the assimilated and unmutated anti-life matter, and it is also rapidly dividing. Tang Ye worked on it with great interest for a long time, but after a while, he gave up with a look of displeasure. Open your hand.

There is no other reason. The mutated anti-life material he transferred will only be swallowed when he deliberately does it, and will not take the initiative. There is so much anti-life material in the corpse dragon, how long will he get it?

Simply, Tang Ye gave up. His consciousness could appear everywhere on the ground and control every inch of flesh and blood on his body, but he only had one focus, unless there were countless more consciousnesses, which would also create countless more attentions.

Anti-life substances will only devour cells and substances that are not anti-life substances. These things are food to anti-life substances. They will eat them themselves without anyone having to say anything.

No matter what kind of creatures in the world, no matter how big or small, be it humans or microorganisms, creatures with intelligence, low intelligence, or even no intelligence at all, they will never do anything, but eating this kind of thing is a must for every living thing. , so there is no need for others to tell it that it is time to eat.

For example, a person starts a business and opens a company, and recruits some part-time workers under him. These people will never work during non-working hours, and may even be late. But when it comes to eating, alas, they will definitely run faster than anyone else. Quick and proactive.

In this way, the people he infected before were because they did not have anti-life substances in their bodies, and Tang Ye's mutated anti-life substances had food after entering their bodies, so they would actively eat them and then infect them. .

But there was no anti-life substance food on the Corpse King, so Tang Ye could only let them "work" one by one.

After a while, Tang Ye was able to turn the corpse dragon into a silver-armored zombie like himself, but it took too much energy. Tang Ye himself didn't have much endurance, so let him do this job? Don’t even think about it!

In the end, Tang Ye only turned a small part of the flesh and blood on the corpse dragon's forehead into silvery white and then moved his hand away.

Perhaps only by evolving to level seven can you be infected with zombies...

"Go, go, come out if I tell you to, damn, you're wasting your time!"

The corpse dragon didn't know why Tang Ye was angry, but it sensed his unhappiness, so it wisely got back into the soil, and then followed Tang Ye secretly.

Tang Ye flew into the sky and took two or three minutes to return to the gas station where Qiong Li and the others spent the night. At this time, Bai Xinran and Qiong Li finally found some sweets from others and were feeding them to Nannan's mouth when he suddenly appeared. Throwing a bag of food into their arms.

"There are plenty of them here."

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