I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 865 The gathering place of survivors in the sewer

Judging from the little girl's reaction just now, she didn't scream when she saw a zombie. It seems that the apocalypse has made those children mature in advance. Is this a good thing or a sad thing?

Tang Ye took his head back and stood there quietly. After a while, he heard footsteps coming from below. Although the owner of the sound tried his best to control the movement of his feet when they landed on the ground, the ears of the seventh-level zombies were so sensitive. ?

He could clearly hear the footsteps below.

"Uncle, a zombie just looked at me."

Five or six seconds later, the little girl's voice sounded, as if she was talking to an adult. The voice was very small, but it was empty in Tang Ye's ears, with a faint cry. It was obvious that the sudden scene had frightened her. , now she should have gone to another place where there are other survivors.

After she said this, no one responded, but there was a sound of footsteps, which kept entering Tang Ye's ears.

This scene is very strange. If anyone can see it, there is a group of survivors underground holding weapons and walking cautiously towards the entrance of the small water crossing, followed by a little girl.

But above them, stood quietly a white-haired zombie nearly three meters tall, with a strong and slender figure and wearing a black robe.

Listening to the footsteps below, Tang Ye had an answer in his mind. There were at least five people coming below, including the little girl, a total of six.

Tang Ye didn't know what the survivors below were doing. They didn't make any sound for a long time, but he could guess that they were checking the situation.

Not long after, Tang Ye smelled an extremely pungent smell, which gave him an instinctive feeling of disgust. He knew that this thing was a potion specially used to drive away zombies. It was sold on the black market in the Liantong District. When those bounty hunters went out, I will always keep a copy with me.

In the wasteland, this kind of thing is essential.

He saw the zombies not far away screaming and leaving after smelling the smell, but he endured the smell and stayed here. He didn't know why he did this.

After a while, there was a rustling sound from below. It sounded like the survivors were smearing zombie-repelling medicine on themselves, but they probably didn't expect that the zombie had intelligence that exceeded that of a normal person. of zombies.

They thought he had left, but he hadn't. He was always on top of them!

The sound of people smearing clothes with potion below quickly fell silent, and then, a stick stretched out from the sewer fender and tapped the ground hard.

despair! despair! despair!

The sound of the stick hitting the ground was not very loud, but it was very sudden in a quiet environment. The zombies around heard the sound and roared, turning to look in the direction of the sound, and even endured it, which was extremely pungent to the zombies. He ran over with the smell of potion, but was driven away by Tang Ye.

The scene became quiet again, and the conversation came from below again: "Girl, did you really see a zombie just now and see you?"


A man asked the little girl, and the little girl was a little unsure. To be honest, she was still a little confused. Those eyes were not the eyes that a human should have at all, but they were very different from zombies. Now She couldn't decide whether the monster she saw was a zombie or something else.

But that terrifying appearance definitely couldn’t be human!

"Then why is there no movement outside? Tell me what it looks like."

"You're serious, how can a little girl tell you what else a zombie could look like?" The survivors below quickly started to quarrel.

But the little girl's eyes lit up and she whispered: "Uncle, I know what it looks like. It has long white hair, and its eyes are red, and the whites of its eyes are black. Its eyes are so scary!"


The survivors were stunned, what is this? Zombies' eyes are all white, where do they get the red ones?

"Are you sure what you saw was a zombie?"

"Hmm, he looks terrible. He doesn't look human at all."

"Oh, forget it. The girl just said she didn't scream. We didn't even make a sound. It seems she's gone."

"Okay, okay, it's pointless to continue like this. Little girl, be careful next time and tell us if anything happens."

"Okay!" the little girl replied crisply.

"Hao Tian Tian, ​​​​do you have a good time that day? Don't stay here, go back to your own room quickly, stare outside every day, and don't know what to see outside. What should I do if I attract zombies?"

A man's angry voice sounded. After speaking, he pulled the girl out and dispersed. After they left, Tang Ye heard the conversation between the two people: "No, Lan Yatou can't lie, right?" Did you really see a zombie?”

"If we really saw it, then nothing should have happened, right? After all, it's not like we don't know the virtues of zombies, why should we go crazy when we see people?"

"Could it be the intelligent zombie from a few days ago? Is it here again?"

"It's possible. Go down and ask the brothers to be on guard. This zombie can also hit people with guns. Last time, my brothers cut off one of its hands, but unfortunately they didn't kill it. There's no guarantee that it won't make him hate us. Wanting revenge, he might have appeared just now, peeking at us from the sewer, but he didn't expect to be seen by Lan Yatou, and he might have run away now."

"It should be possible, but..."

The conversation became quieter and quieter. It seemed that the living area of ​​the survivors in the sewer was quite large.

But the episode just now also shocked them, but fortunately it was just a near miss.

"Smart zombies?" Hearing this word, Tang Ye's heart moved. He currently lacks a lot of manpower. If he wants to prevent zombies from attacking humans, only those zombies who are smart and can obey orders can do it, and he only has three of them. .

At this time, Tang Ye had already left, and he didn't know what he was doing. However, an eyeball with four legs appeared at the sewer entrance and climbed in quickly. After a while, there was The door to the room at the sewer entrance is opened, and you can see that the formerly dirty sewer has become a small gathering place for survivors. There are not only a lot of survivors living in it, but also an unusually large number.

Sewers extending in all directions were dug out, and doors woven with evolved plants were installed, forming rooms unique to each survivor.

After the door opened, a little girl walked in. She was the little girl who discovered Tang Ye just now. She couldn't stand the noisy and oppressive world of adults. She spent half of her life facing these gray and black walls. , only by looking at the outside world can she feel a little bit of peace. The colorful world outside attracts her, even though there are countless cannibal zombies.

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