She was holding a bag of toys in her hand. There were Barbie dolls, Ultraman dolls, and baby toys. There were all kinds of toys for boys and girls. She had collected all these with great difficulty. Among them, for The most precious toy to her is the blue toy car, which was given to her by her mother when she starved to death, and she has always kept it.

Looking at the toy car, she can recall her mother's appearance. She is afraid of forgetting her, but her soul seems to live in the car.

She placed all the toys in front of the small window that served as the sewer baffle. As usual, she was careful not to make any noise.

There is an egg clutch in her toy car. As long as the rear wheels are rotated clockwise, or the car is pulled back for a while, it will run forward on its own, but it can only run for a while.

As before, she turned the rear wheel all the way clockwise, then held the car and stretched her hand out, making sure that she could reach the car even after an accident, and then she let go suddenly.

The wheels of the car touched the ground, and Gululu turned and drove the entire toy car towards the sewer entrance.

A girl who was twelve or thirteen years old and had gone to junior high school before the end of the world was still playing such childish things. For this reason, she was also told by many adults, but she didn't care, because in the end of the world, it could relieve her boredom. The things are just these things that are nothing in the eyes of adults.

Watching the toy car bumping towards her, the girl had a happy smile on her face. In her eyes, the toy car running towards her was like running towards her after falling to the ground as a child. 's mother.

She opened her hands, as if she wanted to hug her, but soon, the car hit a pebble while driving, made a sharp turn, and turned around in the other direction.

"not good!"

She secretly thought something bad, and quickly reached out to get it. This toy car was very important to her and she couldn't lose it. However, her hand only touched the butt of the toy car. Not only did she not get it, she pushed the car down. Turned over and flew some distance.

This distance directly made her despair. Unless her hands were tens of centimeters longer, she would not be able to reach it at all.

Feeling anxious, but not daring to make too much noise for fear of attracting the attention of the zombies, she stood up and tried to stretch her hand a little further, but she was still far away from the toy car.

Helpless, she walked out of the room and ran back with a man after a while.

"Dad, my car fell outside and I want to get it back."

The man was strong and carried a laser weapon with a white belt on his back. After hearing his daughter's so-called big story, his face suddenly darkened.

"It's just a toy. I play with it every day. Now it's fallen outside. Go get it yourself. Do you know how dangerous it is outside?"

He could suppress the scolding sound, and later, the girl's crying voice also followed.

"But... that was given to me by my mother..."


The man was very unhappy, glared at the girl, and then walked out, leaving her alone looking helplessly at the car. Her mother died at the beginning of the apocalypse. After so many years, the man's love for her has been wiped out. A lot of time passed by.

After her father left, the girl moved the table. She was very careful and continued to reach for the toy car, but failed every time. She had no choice but to give up and stand blankly behind the sewer fender. , looking at the toy car.

She hopes that her car will always stay in that place and will never be picked up. One day, she will definitely get it back.

A gust of wind blew by, blowing her toy car to the side by less than a centimeter. The distance was not long, but it made her heart twist.

If a gust of wind can blow your car, doesn't it mean that if you sleep, you may not see it the next day?

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. Finally, she reached out again and wanted to get it back, even if she was afraid that a zombie would bite her.

But this attempt failed without a doubt, and she withdrew her hand. She looked at the car lying on the ground with its wheels upside down and cried silently, tears constantly falling from the corners of her eyes.

"No... want... woo woo, mom..."


She didn't know how long it had passed, but she was crying when she heard something moving next to her. She turned around and almost startled her. She saw an eyeball crawling on the wall under her feet!

This eyeball is blood red, and the black vertical pupil is creepy. It is about the same size as a human eye, but it has four legs underneath, which look somewhat similar to human fingers.

Since water always comes in from the sewer outlet on rainy days, the stone wall under the outlet is polished very smooth. This eyeball tried for a long time but failed to climb up, so it could only work at her feet.

Realizing that he was noticed, he rolled his eyes and looked at her, then quickly jumped down from the table that the girl's feet were on.

She seemed to be frightened, but the girl was even more frightened and fell off the table.

With a "bang", her mind went blank and she made a sound. Zombies are very sensitive to sounds and they will rush over!

But after waiting for a long time, the zombies outside seemed to be deafened, and none of them came close, which made her sigh in relief.

She looked back at the eyeball with four little legs and found that she had not attacked her. After she fell, she found that it returned to the corner of the table and tried to crawl towards the sewer fender.

It seems to be going out?

The girl knew that it had no malicious intent, but its appearance was too scary. It had four-legged eyes and it didn't look like a creature, but more like a zombie. After all, only zombies could have this kind of full-blooded Csu. Lu Feng's creature.

However, even though it looks very scary, looking at the way it can't climb up the wall no matter how hard it tries, I suddenly feel that it is a little cute.


She shouted, but ignored it and continued to climb up.

"Hey, hey."

She shouted a few more times, but the eyeball still ignored her. As a last resort, she reached out her hand and carefully poked the eyeball, and a line of disgusting mucus came out from her finger.

But she didn't pay attention, and with this poke, her eyes stopped climbing on the wall and turned to look at her.

"Hey, do you want to climb up?"

The vertical pupils in its eyeballs swayed back and forth, not knowing what it was thinking. Finally, it nodded its eyeballs, which took up a large part of its body, and it seemed like it was nodding. When the girl saw it like this, she suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

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