I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 898 Maybe I’m overthinking

Jin Ye's behavior was not because of his disdain for Tang Ye, but because after he evolved to the sixth level, his perception of the surroundings became stronger and he could even sense that others were looking at him.

He wasn't sure if anyone else had such an ability, but Li Henian, the overlord of the United Unified District, was also a sixth-level new human being. In order not to attract his attention, Jin Ye could only do this.

The bounty hunter who came next to him looked towards the street after finishing his report, but was quickly pushed away by Jin Ye.

"Don't look around."

"Huh? Oh~"

The hunter was a little confused, but he was still obedient and didn't look. He glanced at him, withdrew his gaze, and continued: "Boss tonight, Yilong can't be saved. What will we do next?"

Jin Ye closed the window, looked at the door, and sat down.

"Have everyone here been driven away?"

"They were all driven out, and now they are all our people here."

"Okay." Jin Ye nodded and continued: "Be careful in the future. Now the Peace Society has offered a bounty of 400,000 gold for us. From now on, no matter where we are, we will drive away those who are not talking about us. thing."

"Yes, I will tell the people below later."

"Okay, I can rest assured that you can do this. Yilong really can't be saved. As for what to do next, I have an idea in my mind, but it's very reckless. I have to think about it first. What are your thoughts now? You can tell me Talk about it."

The bounty hunter was stunned for a moment, and then he began to think deeply. After about five or six minutes, he raised his head and said, "Boss Tonight, Tang Fu from the Peace Conference has gone to the 709 Mine in the past few days. We started from Jiuge There is news over there that Arkham is also bringing his cousin to fight."

"Cousin Arkham? That sixth-level new human being."

"Well, it's the one I saw the day before yesterday. He looked silly."

"Even a fool can evolve to the sixth level..." Tonight was a bit speechless.

"This is the way the world is. Maybe some idiots have something that we normal people can't compare to."

"That's right."

"But that's okay. Jiuge has also sent a new sixth-level human being. It will take some time for Tang Fu to win the 709 Mine."

"But there is not much time. It has been so many days since Tang Fu. If we wait any longer, we may come back one day and our chances of success will be reduced. Now that Yilong has been captured by Li Henian, I am afraid that after tonight, the peace meeting will be over. We know that we are the ones attacking them during this period. At that time, there will be no time to do anything. It is too easy to torture and extract confessions. If you ask me, we can’t wait any longer. It doesn’t matter if it happens sooner or later. This money can If we can’t get it, we have to kill Li Henian and the others.”

"This will all happen sooner or later, why not take advantage of now..."

"Then what do you think is the best move?" Tonight interrupted him and asked.


The other party almost said these two words tonight.

Tonight's eyes twinkled.

"It seems that there is only tomorrow. If it is later, it will be too late. You are right, we will start tomorrow and rush into the Peace Conference! Li Henian, I have wanted to meet him for a long time."

"Okay, then I'll go down and inform you."

The bounty hunter next to him was overjoyed and said quickly, then turned and walked downstairs.

But looking at his back tonight, my brows were frowning more and more.

"It's the same as what I thought, but there seems to be no other way. But why, I always feel like something is wrong..."

I fell silent tonight, thinking carefully about what peace would have in store.

But now there are 187 fourth-level new humans and nine fifth-level new humans in the mercenary guild ready, which is much more than before. With so many strong men, the overall strength is stronger than that of the entire Peace Association. Times, the only drawback is that there is only one new sixth-level human being, but with the hunter suit and so many strong men, even if Tang Fu comes to fight alongside Li Henian, who is hated by the Peace Society, he will not be able to escape!

Now, he really didn't know what else the Peace Society could use against them.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Tonight, I was half-convinced, and held the air with one hand, feeling the air that had escaped due to the change in pressure in my palm.

On Tang Ye's side, the armored vehicle carrying Yilong drove smoothly into the central ruling area. No one dared to stop him during the process!

"You guys come here."


"Pull him out and hand him over to Huang Quanjiu. I'll ask the Sound Department to torture him. Any method will do, until he is willing to tell."


The rear door of the armored vehicle was opened, and with the sound of deflation, Tang Ye saw Yilong, whose strength had been restricted by the injection of medicine, sitting there limply.

His eyes flashed coldly, and he added: "I'll tell you again that any method can be used. Until he says it, please be careful and don't let him succeed in committing suicide."

"Marshal, don't worry."

The soldier nodded, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes. He knew that the originally powerful fifth-level new human Yilong was dragged out by several second-level new humans, and walked towards a building in the shadow in front of him. go.

Seeing several soldiers escorting Yilong away, Tang Ye didn't wait any longer and turned towards the Peace Association building. However, in the middle of the way, hatred came to him.

"Marshal, a lot of things happened in your absence these days. Did anyone tell you?"

"Those people reported to me when I arrived at the zombie wall. Isn't it just a zombie attack? By the way, what's going on with those zombies? There's nothing I can do about it. I want to hear your thoughts."

Hatred was silent for a while, and it was obvious that he was also very confused about the zombie wave that had recently gathered to attack the joint area.

"I don't know how to put it, but those zombies should be controlled by a more advanced spiritual system, at least...at the same level as Lao Xu."

"Then why did you suddenly retreat?" Tang Ye asked in confusion. This is the most doubtful aspect of the zombie attack. If Xu Haihai said that, the zombie tide should be caused by an intelligent zombie of at least level six. They have all gathered and headed towards the United District, which has millions of entrances, so why did they retreat halfway through?

An intelligent zombie, perhaps the same as Tang Ye, retains the memory and consciousness of being a human being, and the brilliance of humanity is still shining deep in the heart, but with so many zombies gathered, and the goal is clear, it is the United District. This already shows that the intelligent zombie has lost its humanity and only has an instinctive desire for flesh and blood.

Moreover, even if he changes his decision midway, it is not that easy to get all the zombies to retreat directly. According to the sergeant on the zombie wall, there are already more than a million zombies in this zombie wave. It is difficult to drive such a large number of zombies. Chao, only by using high-level will.

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