I am Vardy

Chapter 554 Strikes the opponent in all directions

Just as the outside world was agitated by the shooting incident, the Fenerbahçe players were all cats in the hotel room, relieving the shock and supplementing sleep.

Originally, the time difference between Turkey and Italy was only one hour, but this night, the time difference was artificially made at least 8 hours.

But the accident was an accident. The shooting had nothing to do with Vardy, but Vardy didn't want to just let them go.

So, just as Fenerbahce fell asleep, the hotel began a fire drill in the morning.

This is not a fire alarm that the fans deliberately pressed, but a fire drill that has already been formulated.

The ear-piercing siren instantly made the Fenerbahçe players' hairs stand on end. The fear of the shooting had not yet passed, but the fire alarm here plunged them into a panic again, and the timid ones really pissed.

After a lot of tossing, everyone was refreshed and no sleepiness at all.

There is no way, even if they want to sleep, they can't fall asleep. During the day, no matter how quiet the hotel is, there are all kinds of noises, which can wake them up when they just fall asleep.

At night, the Fenerbahçe players finally had a good night's sleep and barely recovered their physical fitness.

But the problem is, this day has passed, and they haven't had any training at all.

The next day, when the Fenerbahce bus shooting fermented and intensified, Fenerbahce finally got the opportunity to step on the field for training.

However, all this is still not smooth.

Before the re-rented bus drove into the stadium, I was told that the bathroom was under maintenance and there was no way to take a bath.

Well, Fenerbahce endured it, changed his clothes and started training.

But as soon as they entered the venue, they were furious.

The Meazza Stadium has just been sprinkled with water. Although it is not like flooding the Seventh Army, the slippery level of the field is almost like skating.

After a few minutes of warm-up, Fenerbahce simply stepped aside, because in this short period of time, the players had fallen countless times, and two players were injured due to this.

Fenerbahçe was extremely angry. At the press conference before the game, the Fenerbahce coach lashed out at Inter Milan for this off-the-box move, and complained to all the media. What happened to Fenerbahce these days was too much It's miserable, and they even counted the shooting on the head of the Inter Club.

However, Mancini has always behaved calmly, saying lightly that all this has nothing to do with Inter Milan. If Fenerbahce can't produce evidence, then please shut up.

Indeed, Fenerbahce can't come up with evidence, just like what happened to Inter Milan in Turkey, and they can't say that Fenerbahce did it.

But everyone knows all this well, maybe the shooting was an accident, because Inter Milan can't be so bold, but other things, Inter Milan can't get rid of it.

Of course, everyone will not think that Inter Milan did something wrong. After all, Fenerbahce made the first move, and Inter Milan is just retaliation.

If you do something bad, you must be prepared to be punished.

Since you have done something to Inter Milan, don't blame Inter Milan for being rude to you today.

At that time UEFA did not punish Fenerbahce, now you can count on Inter Milan to punish Inter Milan?

Obviously whimsical!

In the end, Fenerbahce's preparations were so messed up that they could only do some simple activities on the hotel lawn.

On the day of the game, Vardy really released a ruthless move.

The day before the game, when the Fenerbahçe players returned to the hotel by bus, the hotel's parking space was already full, so the bus had to be parked outside.

At that time, they didn't think there was any problem, but when they wanted to drive to San Siro this afternoon, they suddenly found that the bus was gone...

Where did the bus go?

Obviously, this is Vardy's hands and feet again, including parking all the hotel's parking spaces.

Since the bus is parked on the road, don't blame the traffic police for towing it away for you......

This time Fenerbahçe was dumbfounded. Although there were still three hours before the start of the game, they did not have a bus.

How to get to the stadium?

I quickly contacted the car rental company, only to be told that the car rental company had no vacant buses.

Several car rental companies in a row have said this.

What to do?

Should the players be allowed to take their own taxis to the stadium?

God knows if Inter Milan will have a plan for the next step. The taxis outside the hotel are all arranged by them, and they will take the players directly to the urban-rural fringe...

In desperation, Fenerbahce can only turn to UEFA for help, hoping that UEFA can help them solve the problem.

Anyway, Vardy's idea is very simple, and he can procrastinate as long as he can. If Fenerbahce can't even come to the stadium, then Inter Milan will definitely be sentenced to victory directly.

UEFA hurriedly discussed with Inter Milan and tried to persuade them, implying that Inter Milan should not go too far, at least leave a way for them to survive.

After some communication, Inter Milan sent a bus. Under the expectant eyes of the Fenerbahçe players, it arrived slowly and took them to the stadium. It's been an hour and a half.

The driver of Inter Milan is slow, no matter what the road conditions are, when the speed of the car does not exceed 40 mph, the Fenerbahce coach is so anxious that he is about to have a heart attack.

Seeing that there was still half an hour before the start of the game, the Fenerbahce players arrived at Meazza.

After some communication, UEFA decided to postpone the start of the game by half an hour, leaving Fenerbahce time to warm up.

Then, the Fenerbahce players began to warm up under the scolding all over the sky, feeling that their legs were going to be weak.

If the experience of the past few days is written into a book, it must be a thriller plus a tragedy theme. At this time, I am afraid that all Fenerbahçe players will cry in their hearts.

Had they known that they would be retaliated so wildly, they would not have made it difficult for Inter Milan at home.

But it's too late to say anything now, so I can only finish the game and return home in a panic. In comparison, it's safer at home.

It is conceivable what kind of results Fenerbahce can achieve in such a state. Even if Inter Milan does not have all the main players on the field, they can still wash out their opponents with a big score and win another victory.

Vardy scored twice in the first half, which did not disgrace his title of two goals. However, Mancini was afraid that Vardy would be injured by an angry opponent, so he replaced Vardy shortly after the start of the second half. At this time , The score on the field is already 4:0.

Ibrahimovic scored a goal, Figo also kicked, even Balotelli, who came off the bench, continued his Super Mario journey, coupled with Stankovic's direct free kick at the last moment, Inter Milan scored 6 goals Killed Fenerbahce.

A move outside the market is revenge, and this big victory is even more revenge.

Preventing Fenerbahce from reaching the top 16 of the Champions League is actually the most fatal blow to them.

At present, it seems that Fenerbahçe wants to reach the top 16 of the Champions League, and there is basically only a theoretical possibility left.

3 points behind Eindhoven, even if Eindhoven lost to Inter Milan in the last round of the group match, they won CSKA Moscow, but the disadvantage of goal difference still makes it difficult for them to compete with Eindhoven.

Inter Milan poured 11 shots into Fenerbahce in two rounds. What will Fenerbahce do to fill this hole?

Even if they tried their best to fill this hole in the last round, if Inter Milan deliberately did not win Eindhoven, they would still have to go home in despair.

Therefore, it is already foreseeable that there will be nothing wrong with Fenerbahce in the top 16 of the Champions League.

If I knew today, why bother at the beginning!

Of course, the result of this game is nothing, but Inter Milan's off-the-market draw has attracted a lot of controversy, and the entire European football world is hotly discussing this matter.

From a neutral point of view, off-the-ball tricks are definitely not appropriate. If everyone does this, then whoever plays football seriously in the future will simply play off-court tricks.

Therefore, many fans uphold this view and criticize Inter Milan's behavior.

But more fans are supporting Inter Milan, because Inter Milan is really just retaliation, not on purpose.

It's like promising not to use nuclear weapons first. If you don't touch me, then I won't touch you, but if you throw a warhead over, I'll blow up the whole island for you!

Everyone knows what Fenerbahce has done to Inter Milan. Are you still counting on Inter Milan to repay their grievances with virtue?

Sorry, there is no such idiom in the funny dictionary!

Fenerbahce will definitely not accept it after the game. While criticizing Inter Milan for sympathy, he did not forget to appeal to UEFA, hoping that UEFA can give them justice.

On the other hand, Inter Milan doesn't let you in. It's like hob meat. If you have the ability to show evidence, I will accept the punishment, but if you don't have evidence, then don't BB.

UEFA is too lazy to care about this matter. Fenerbahce broke the rules first. They didn't take action at the time. Now that Inter Milan has revenge, can they still double standards?

What's more, this matter should be turned into a minor matter, and xenophobia should not become a mainstream topic. If someone learns from it and adopts it on a large scale in the future, it will not be a mess!

Therefore, UEFA only made some extremely official remarks symbolically, but the content did not have any practical significance, which almost made Fenerbahce vomit three liters of blood.

Regardless of UEFA, they can only smash their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs, and it is too late to regret.

On Inter Milan's side, after the funeral for Fenerbahce, a large-scale party was held. All those who participated in the attack against Fenerbahce were invited to participate, and everyone had a lot of fun.

This time the media have also learned to be good, and in line with the principle of conforming to public opinion, they all sided with Inter Milan.

What outside trick?


It was all invented by Fenerbahce, a persecuted paranoid himself, and Inter Milan made them feel at home.

We are so hospitable, but you still treat your master like this, have your consciences been eaten by dogs?

This time, the incident almost caused problems in the relationship between the two countries.

Of course, Inter Milan is not afraid of Fenerbahce fans coming to make trouble. Although there are not many hooligans in Italian football, don't forget that there are many mafia gangsters in Italy. Other fans use their fists to make trouble, and they really dare to use their guns.

You know, the person who shot the Fenerbahce bus has not been caught yet...

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