I am Vardy

Chapter 555: Winning the Golden Globe Award

After cleaning up Fenerbahce, Vardy finally ushered in the time for the gold list.

"French Football" has already announced the list of candidates for this year's European Ballon d'Or, and Vardy, who performed extremely well last season, leads the list.

Obviously, no one thinks that Vardy can't win this honor, even if he thinks about it with his butt, he knows that the trophy is already in his pocket.

Although the results are kept secret before the awards ceremony, don't forget that according to the practice, before the awards are announced, "French Football" will shoot the magazine cover for the final winners.

Therefore, even though the editor-in-chief of "French Football" was secretive, his whereabouts were photographed at Milan Airport, and then the suspense that was not considered suspense was completely revealed.

Vardy won the 2007 European Golden Globe Award and became a new generation of European Footballer of the Year.

Vardy won the World Player of the Year last year, but missed the European Ballon d'Or. He lost to the World Cup champion Cannavaro.

But today is not a big game year, so the awards are based on the performance of the players in their respective leagues and the Champions League.

Vardy won the Premier League and Champions League doubles at Manchester United, and won the Golden Boot in both events, playing a dominant performance.

If such Vardy can't win the European Ballon d'Or, then I'm afraid it's not just a matter of shady scenes.

Of course, Kaka's performance is also very good. He almost single-handedly brought Milan to the Champions League final, and has performed well in a series of matches of the Brazilian national team. He can even be said to be the best attacking player in world football today. midfield.

However, Milan lost to Manchester United led by Vardy in the direct confrontation of the Champions League final, and Milan was also suppressed by rivals in the same city in Serie A. Only measuring team honors, Kaka has no way to compare with Vardy, let alone individuals Kudos to it.

Therefore, there is no suspense for Vardy to win the European Golden Globe Award, and it is even the least suspenseful one in recent years.

Three days later, Vardy flew to Paris to accept the award.

When receiving the Golden Globe trophy from the editor-in-chief of "French Football", Vardy was really excited, even though he knew that this honor would never be lost, but when this day came, he still had a lot of emotion in his heart.

Compared with the World Footballer, it is obvious that the European Ballon d'Or has a higher gold content, or is more professional.

If you look at it from this perspective, then Vardy has already stood at the pinnacle of world football in terms of honor!

Vardy didn't make any profound speeches, because everyone knows that it's difficult to speak profound words, which doesn't fit his personality, so he just expressed his excitement and thanked Ferguson and Manchester United teammates, and also expressed expectations for the future.

But what surprised him was the distribution of votes.

Vardy actually scored 799 points this time, creating an unprecedented new record. This score has almost doubled from previous years.

Even Kaka's outstanding performance was overshadowed by Vardy's brilliance, and his 100-point score fully demonstrated the huge gap between him and Vardy.

In the previous life, Kaka ranked first, Ronaldo and Messi ranked second and third, which is generally regarded as the beginning of the three superstars' rivalry.

But this time, Ronaldo does not have such a high ranking, and the same is true for Messi.

Cristiano Ronaldo was injured late in the season and missed the semi-finals and finals of the Champions League. At the same time, he also had key battles in the last few rounds of the Premier League. Although he played well before, the judges still lost a lot of points.

Rooney took advantage of the situation and ranked third, surpassing Ronaldo and Messi. He is also a contributor to Manchester United's double crown. At the same time, his number of goals is also very impressive, which is an important reason why he can rank so high.

Messi ranked fourth, and personally showed the level of a superstar last season, perfectly replacing Ronaldinho as the core of Barcelona, ​​but Barcelona lost all four last season, the league was suppressed by Real Madrid, and the Champions League was eliminated early.

Collective honor held him back.

Ronaldo ranks fifth. Of course, if there is no injury, he should be ranked higher.


Soon, the news of the European Ballon d'Or was fermented in world football, and everyone once again lamented Vardy's dominance, which was absolutely impossible for any superstar before.

Sure enough, Vardy's commercial value has been further improved. If Vardy relaxes the restrictions, it will not take much effort to buy Inter Milan with the endorsement fee of that season.

Of course, Vardy's worth is already terrifying, and there is absolutely no need to use this method to make money. The main purpose of accepting endorsements is to increase his influence, nothing more.

As soon as he returned to Milan, Vardy received a call from Ronaldo. This guy was a little jealous that Vardy won the European Ballon d'Or.

"Jamie, if you don't treat me, I will find a peerless thief to steal your Golden Globe trophy!" Ronaldo threatened Vardy like this.

Of course, Ronaldo also knows that it is almost unrealistic for Vardy to treat guests now, because neither of them has time to get together at any time as before.

"To be honest, you are actually the first among the three of us to win the Golden Globe Award. It's a shame that Wayne and I are older than you!"

Ronaldo's emotion is not unreasonable. Among the former Manchester United tridents, Ronaldo was born in 1985, the oldest, followed by Rooney, who was born in 1986, and Vardy was the youngest, born in 1987.

Now, there is no doubt that the tridents have already stood at the pinnacle of world football, and the superstars have added glory, and they have all reached this step.

But there is only one European Golden Globe winner, and Vardy performed better than them, so Vardy won this honor first.

If you say you're not jealous, it's definitely a lie!

"Just wait, next time, I must be on the highest podium, and I will definitely beat you in the Champions League!"

Ronaldo vowed, as if he had really defeated Vardy.

It is no wonder that Ronaldo is confident. The current situation of Manchester United is good. The points in the league are ahead of their biggest rival Chelsea. Not a small improvement, currently leading the Premier League scorer list with 11 goals.

After a full discussion with Ferguson, Queiroz established Ronaldo as the core of the offense and transformed into an all-around shooter, and Ronaldo did not live up to his expectations. Although it was impossible to completely fill the vacancy left by Vardy, he still joined hands with Rooney. Raised the banner of Manchester United's offense.

And according to the development of the previous life, this season is indeed a season for Manchester United to break out, winning both the league and the Champions League. It is no wonder that Ronaldo has the confidence to challenge Vardy.

With a smile, Vardy hit Ronaldo mercilessly: "I know you scored 11 goals to lead the scorer list, but I have scored 14 goals. What do you think?"

Ronaldo on the other end of the phone quickly became speechless.

But before Vardy continued to pierce his heart, there was a quarrel on the other end of the phone, and then a rough voice sounded, "Where is the promised Monica Bellucci? Did you forget?"

No need to guess, this voice belongs to Rooney, only this guy is thinking about the milf all the time.

After chatting with two good friends for a long time, Vardy is in a very good mood. He has a hunch that they will definitely meet in the Champions League this season.

Time to catch up on the old days!


Back in Serie A, Inter Milan welcomes Lazio's challenge at home.

Before the start of the game, Vardy entered the stadium with the European Golden Globe trophy and accepted the congratulations and cheers of the fans.

Vardy is the third European Golden Globe winner in the history of Inter Milan, the first two being Matthaus and Ronaldo.

However, when Ronaldo won the Golden Globe, he had already transferred to Real Madrid, so strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as the Golden Globe he won at Inter Milan.

Finally, Inter Milan has the real No. 1 player in football again.

The excited fans cheered passionately throughout the game, creating great pressure on Lazio.

Vardy showed off the style of the Golden Globe winner in the game. He scored a goal in each half, and the opening goal was actually a rare header. Even if it was a trick, it still opened up for the team. door to victory.

In the end, Inter Milan beat Lazio with three goals at home, maintaining their strong posture.

This time the Italian media did not stand on the opposite side of Vardy, and Vardy won the Golden Globe is simply indisputable, without any black spots.

On the contrary, the English media complained a bit about Ronaldo and Rooney. In their view, Vardy occupied a lot of ball rights when he was at Manchester United, so that Ronaldo and Rooney did not get full play.

No, as soon as Vardy left, Ronaldo and Rooney seemed to have stepped up to a higher level.

Vardy will not pay attention to the media's remarks, because after the contest with the Italian media, he has fully understood the essence of the media and argued with them. In the end, only their sales will increase, so just ignore them.

Speaking of it, Vardy feels that the days in Milan are really leisurely, no matter the game or daily life.

Serie A and the Premier League are completely different styles of leagues, especially after their own personal experience, they have the right to speak.

In the Premier League, even the vice-president of the league is also capable of fighting against the league leaders. Maybe the scene is passive, but the result is really hard to say.

But it is completely different in Serie A. When the middle and lower reaches of the league face the rich teams, they are really powerless to fight back. Even if they counterattack, they will not be able to fight back. the result of.

Therefore, the relatively loose schedule, coupled with many not-so-intense games, made Vardy feel a bit like coming to Serie A to retire.

At least only when facing Milan or Rome can Vardy find a little passion.

Inter Milan's dominance in Serie A has been immeasurable. Obviously, their real battlefield is in the Champions League, but the Champions League knockout round will not start until February next year.

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